@chiefeagle02 Yeah, Pinball Pulse is my favorite DSiWare title, and one of my favorite pinball games overall! It's made by the same people who made the amazing Pro Pinball series of games. It really does have a great playfield design and rule set. Easily worth 5 bucks.
Well, some of my favorite dsiwares (that I can remember right now) are (do note that they aren't all necessarily considered "good" games, I like them regardless) :
Petit Computer (no longer available).
Puzzler World XL. Over a thousand activities, excellent value.
Fishing Resort. Exceedingly charming and fun arcade fishing.
101 Shark/Dolphin Pets. Presentation so dated it's adorable, multiple mini games.
Glow Artisan. Fun puzzles, level creator, can make puzzles out of photos.
Hello Flowerz. Simple and charming "pet sim".
Plants vs Zombies. Faithful conversion of the pc game.
Uno. Online component is useless now, but it's still uno.
Hot & Cold. Weird and creepy and times, full length hidden object game.
Cat Frenzy. Fun puzzler, rather challenging.
Brain Age, any.
Robot Rescue. Interesting concept, fun.
Orion's Oddysey. Hidden gem, charming and entertaining.
I've only just opened my eyes to the potential gold of DSiWare. Can anyone tell me why, when I go onto the 3DS eshop and open the DSiWare category, only 20 or so games show up, on one page only, but if I search by individual title I can find a load of others that aren't listed in said category?
You guys had me at blood and semen.
What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?
When the 3DS eShop launched, DSiWare was kinda all it had.
The WiiU could just go into Wii mode and you could get all the WiiWare from there.
Not every DSiWare is available on the 3DS, some of them never made the move, and a few have been removed afterwards, like Petit Computer and Fishing Resort. But most of it is there.
Puzzler World XL is basically a must have for DSiWare, it's got tons and tons of content. Same with Petit Computer, but that one was unfortunately removed in favor of the 3DS sequel (which I liked less).
There were some evergreen games that got DSiWares but not 3DS versions, like Plants vs Zombies and Uno. Other recommendations I can give you are Mario vs DK, Brain Age, Bird & Beans, Puzzle League (if you don't have Animal Crossing), Art Academy, Flipper, Dragon Quest Wars, etc.
Some of my guilty pleasures include 101 Shark(/Dolphin) Pets, Hello Flowerz! (removed) and Fishing Resort (also removed, replaced with Hooked on Bass Fishing which is almost identical), G.G. Series Hero Puzzle, My Farm, and Escape Trick (I have the convenience store one).
There were also some ambitious games that were (or were meant to be) full releases but became DSiWare, these are usually more full featured. Some I can come up with are Hot and Cold, Orion's Odyssey, Puzzle Quest, Elemental Masters, etc.
I would recommend Robot Rescue 1 and 2, but those two got combined into a single 3DS download that's actually cheaper than the DSiWares combined.
I remember enjoying Undead Storm, fun shooter that had co-op and a bunch of achievements, however it is gone now.
The DSi had a lot of good games, I remember first hearing about the DSi shop having the game & watch games. I remember first coming to this site to learn more about Clay Fighter DSi (I wanted a fighting game on the DSi)
DSi also had a good version of Tetris and Dr Mario, but sadly DSi ware is old digital games which will most likely soon go all together, even on the 3DS.
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