
Topic: DodoGo! First Impressions

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Anyone take the plunge? I watched the Nintendo Channel video and it somewhat intrigued me. Thoughts?

My backloggery:


Well, looks like another minis march again, and something like a cool puzzle games, but less roaded...

Have anyone played rabbids go home? Something like that of course!!!!

Man's worst enemy is laziness.


I'm reviewing it, and so far it's been fun, albeit the tutorials are rather lengthy. But you'll need them to understand the more intricate tools you'll have to make use of.

Plain old gamer :)


Corbie wrote:

I'm reviewing it, and so far it's been fun, albeit the tutorials are rather lengthy. But you'll need them to understand the more intricate tools you'll have to make use of.

I'm mostly concerned with the game's length. It looks fun but there has been no mention of length or number of levels. You probably haven't played very much yet but does this game seem like it has any legs to it? Anything to come back for in a given level after beating it?

My backloggery:


These tipe of games are some of the greatest ones, talking about puzzle games od cours, if yoou like minis march again you will like these one too (of course)

Man's worst enemy is laziness.


Agh!!!!! I cant wait untill Corbie finishes the review of this game!
I need to play it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this game better not be a dissapointment

  • Hopes *

"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, then it must be a duck"...


I put this one on my "Tentative Buy" list as well. Here's hoping it turns out to be good.


3DS Friend Code: 2449-5643-2899 | Nintendo Network ID: rosemo | Twitter:


Well I finally pulled the trigger due to my very unhealthy need to spend money...Anyway, my impressions are as follows:

Firstly, I thought this game was 500 points, turns out its 800! Thats not really a fault of the game but still, thats sort of expensive.....The good news is, it seems at first glance that it is actually worthy of its premium price point. Right off the bat the production values are very high. The opening cut scene is slick and the game runs very smoothly and I'm just a sucker for lofty production values. Anyway, I'm only about halfway through the lengthy tutorial so I can't give a super in-depth analysis yet but from what I've seen, this game is definitely in the same vain as Mario vs Donkey Kong which is good seeing as how that is one of the strongest DSiware titles to date. SO you control these Dodo eggs and ultimately must lead them to a nest somewhere in the level. You have to make sure they don't break and that nothing happens to them. The egg controls are very similar to those found in MvsDK 2, not Minis March Again because in DodoGo, you can stop and turn eggs around. You also have certain tools at your disposal in limited quantities that you can lay down to help the eggs to the nest not unlike Toki Tori. The graphics are very nice and almost look like a storybook of some kind, it almost has a Paper Mario-ish feel to it. The sound is not out of this world but it surely gets the job done and that damn title tune is gonna be stuck in my head for a while... Also, this game has an undeniable lovability to it. This goes back to the production values but its just the kind of game that is very lighthearted and very easy to get sucked in to. Overall, I've only played this for a short time but I'm already sure I made the right choice in buying it. So lets reiview: If you want a fun puzzle game that is a wierd mix of Mario vs Donkey Kong, Toki Tori, and Paper Mario, you should probably buy this game. I may update this with further impressions after I've sat down with the game longer but probably not If anyone has any specific questions, feel free to ask and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

My backloggery:


@bboy2970 Thanks for the mini first immpresions review!
Thanks to you i'll be getting this game as soon as possible.
Well, here are my questions:
1. ummm... is there any multiplayer mode or online mode of any kind in the game?
2. and is the gameplay repetative? bad questions......

"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, then it must be a duck"...


Does this game have any similarities to lemmings or loco roco? Those were the first games that came to my mind when watching the trailer.

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@Mishichibi: No, there is now sort of multiplayer or online modes. As for the second question, Even though I still have yet to play it much I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they probably keep it pretty fresh going off what I saw in the Nintendo Channel video and what I've seen so far. There are many variations and things to do such as paying attention to the egg's moods and repairing them when they crack. Sorry if I'm not much help right now

@Karakato_001: Unfortunately, I've never played either of those games but I have seen Mario vs Donkey Kong compared to lemmings multiple times on the net so Dodo probably has things in common with it. and from what I've seen of Loco Roco, They seem to be similar in art style, but I'm not really sure of the actual gameplay in that title.

My backloggery:


Here are the main factors that pushed me into the 7. I didn't want to go crazy in the review and trash the game as it's still a good game and one fans of this type of experience will enjoy.

  • I felt like the egg moods felt a bit tacked on and silly at times and took away from the meat of the game too much. I would have rather seen a certain limit on the bandaids you had to use to add a bit more strategy to the package.
  • No multiplayer or competitive modes.
  • The game holds your hand a bit too much, especially at the beginning. Might have been better to figure things out for yourself at times.
  • Music got a bit repetitive playing through entire areas of levels at a time.
  • Seemed like it might have been better to concentrate on one egg and make the levels themselves a bit more intricate for that one egg rather than try to include more eggs, with some routes very easy to maneuver and others quite difficult.
  • 500 Nintendo Points would have been an easier sell for a lesser name game like this one. Sure the game has tons of levels and replay value, but people need an incentive to try it out and 800 Points might end up being a tough sell.

Plain old gamer :)


@Corbie: I agree with your assessment, especially the last point. I am a fan of this type of gameplay but the 800 point price tag has held me back. I am much more likely to take a chance on an unknown 500 point game (i.e. Save the Turtles, Chronos Twins) than I am to pay 800 points to be disappointed. Nintendo should allow more companies to do an "introductory offer" type deal like they are doing with Photo Dojo. Maybe DodoGo! could be offered for 500 points for 1-2 weeks before going to 800 points.


3DS Friend Code: 2449-5643-2899 | Nintendo Network ID: rosemo | Twitter:


Well, I'm a little late to the party but I finally got it today. So far, it's really fun. Really good production values, and I've already gotten a few laughs from the cut scenes and silly egg behaviors. Trying not to burn through it too fast, but it's hard to hold back from a marathon play session. 800 pts well spent is my early impression.

UNO FC: 5199-7153-8508


Just got the game a couple nights ago and am having a blast. I'll probably right more once I'm able to get a better night's sleep (damn allergies!), but figured I'd reply anyways.

Corbie wrote:

  • I felt like the egg moods felt a bit tacked on and silly at times and took away from the meat of the game too much. I would have rather seen a certain limit on the bandaids you had to use to add a bit more strategy to the package.

I think the moods become much more critical once you are trying for the various ribbons and trophies. The mood affects which you get, so you have to take more into consideration when planning your moves if you want to get healthy, happy eggs to the end.

I have also played a few levels where the mood isn't dependent on what you do, but becomes part of the strategy as well. For example, there was one level I was having a heck of a time getting a gold egg on because I couldn't figure out how to get one egg's mood up (he started with a low mood). Took me several tries to get the second egg and the first in the same place at the same time, so I could have the one egg make the other happy.

  • The game holds your hand a bit too much, especially at the beginning. Might have been better to figure things out for yourself at times.

The tutorials can definitely be an annoyance, but based on the game's graphics, I imagine this game is trying to attract a younger audience where the hand-holding is more of a necessity. I think when you review these things, you have to take into account that not everyone will have the same level of proficiency as we do.

Of course, I'd also too much help rather than buy something like Elemental Masters and have to figure out a lot of stuff on your own.

  • 500 Nintendo Points would have been an easier sell for a lesser name game like this one. Sure the game has tons of levels and replay value, but people need an incentive to try it out and 800 Points might end up being a tough sell.

A game is always going to sell better at a lower price, so not sure how much of a consideration that should be, especially since the developers themselves don't seem to have any control over what games are priced at.

I do agree it lessens the incentive to try it out though. Speaking personally, I really debated between buying this and buying Link 'n' Launch (500 pts). It may just be a $3 difference, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much spending $5 and not getting what I was expecting. I think NIntendo needs to be more stringent on what gets priced at the 800 point mark, basing it on quality rather than how it mainly seems based on memory size currently. If they could market 800 points to be the best of the best games on DSiWare, it'd be less hit and miss and far less risky of a purchase. Of course, demos would also help.

[Edited by Tattis]

Currently playing:
4 Heroes of Light


@ Tattis

Heh, just noticed you and I are currently neck and neck on the leaderboard.

UNO FC: 5199-7153-8508


Ok, yesterday I was having a fantastic time with the game. Today? I'm fairly disappointed with the game. Why? The official advertisements to the game include false and misleading information, making you believe there is more content in the game than it actually contains.

Take a look at their official trailer. If you go to 1:23, you can see where it shows there are sixteen chapters. A couple seconds later, you can see the map with a trail going in almost a ring around the islands. In truth, there are only eight chapters. The trail actually ends between the two islands at the top. A little more minor, but also worth noting, the trailer also shows several costumes which aren't in the game (at 1:29).

However, the most egregious offense of all is their claim that the game contains "over 100 captivating missions".

When I got to the end of the eighth chapter, I was confused, because the trailer and their website said I'd be getting a lot more. I contacted AlienAfterAll, and was told there are actually 64 levels + 16 bonus levels + 16 tutorial levels. If you include the tutorial levels (which, let's face it, who would?), their claim falls short by at least 5 levels. If you don't include tutorials, their claim is off by 20%.

All of this, plus the final scene in the game lead me to believe we were sold an unfinished product. Case in point, this is what you read at the end (spoilers below):

"Well done! Vinicus has fled Domo Island and it's all thanks to you!"
"But you'll have to track him down and stop his shenanigans once and for all."
<cut scene showing the dodos going to the second island>
"It's not going to be easy--- A hungry caiman is a snap-happy adversary."
"Thank you for playing DodoGo!"
<credits roll>

That's the reason I was left dumbfounded enough to contact the company. Even the game makes you think there is more to the game than there actually is. I tried for several minutes to figure out what I was doing wrong that the game abruptly ended and I couldn't progress any further.

Makes me wonder if they just ran out of time on the game, or if they decided to cut content so they could release a sequel. It also makes me wonder if the pricepoint set by Nintendo was set by their misleading information.

Regardless, all of this makes me think if anything is going to affect the score of the review, this should be it. However, my main reason for posting this is so other people won't be misled as much as I was. The game is good, but it definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you get much less than the company advertises.

Currently playing:
4 Heroes of Light


Huh, so DDG could end up being the first episodic DSiWare release. I was hoping for more from the franchise, so I guees I'm glad to hear that.
Thanks for the heads up though, I too noticed how big the map was in the trailer, but haven't beaten the game yet so your warning saved me a bit of disappointment.

UNO FC: 5199-7153-8508


Well, this was supposed to be a full retail release at some point (kind of like Thorium Wars) so maybe they chopped the game up to release in episodes without telling anyone? If so, that's not cool but I haven't played the game so I really can't pass judgment.


3DS Friend Code: 2449-5643-2899 | Nintendo Network ID: rosemo | Twitter:


That sucks

Glad I bought Save The Turtles instead, I really like that game and it costs less...
big booo for DodoGo!

3DS Friend Code: 5241-2047-4489

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