
Topic: The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for 3DS eshop

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Now that Taiwanese rating boards rated the chronicles for ps4, pc and switch, in reference to the Japanese 3DS the great ace attorney 1 & 2,

Is there a chance of this getting to the 3DS if it so happens that it drops for the aforementioned consoles??? I sure hope so.

I like games and I know computer programming


probably not. It seems that most gaming companies have stopped making stuff for the 3ds


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


@Blooper987 but it’s already getting ported to all the major consoles, and it’s already available for the 3DS in Japan, might as well make it available for the 3DS.

I like games and I know computer programming


@MarcusIsCool Games have been getting pulled from 3ds eshop - Lego City Undercover, for example. Which seems dumb, they're digital, it costs nothing to continue selling them. Their place holder pages may still be up, but you you can no longer purchase. I believe it's unrealistic to expect Ace, or any new games to come to 3ds at this point. Maybe you're aware, but I'll also note 3ds production stopped circa mid 2019.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

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@WoomyNNYes I truly hate to beat a dead horse, and I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I really want this game on the 3DS, isn’t there any hope?? It would be really worth it.

I like games and I know computer programming


@MarcusIsCool I think the number of people who would buy the localised version on 3DS is so small that the effort of releasing it, as little as it may be, wouldn't be worth it to Capcom. Nintendo would probably be against it too as they'd prefer those who would buy it on 3DS to go out and buy a Switch and play it on that instead at this point. I think you might find yourself out of luck.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


@BenAV ok. Worse comes to shove I’ll just get it on the PC.

I like games and I know computer programming

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