
Topic: Are you dissapointed or surprised that Majora's Mask 3D wasn't announced?

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I love Majora's Mask but I always prefer new software to remakes. It's a game I already own on the N64 and Wii Virtual Console and have played multiple times, so I'm not particularly fussed. Not to mention the fact that a new Zelda was only released on the 3DS last November. Nintendo had a great E3 and showed a lot of excellent titles including some much needed new IP. I can't say I was disappointed that they didn't reveal a remake of a 14 year old game.
It may well be in development but not everything has to be shown at E3 and not every game has to be released this year.

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There wasn't much of anything for the 3DS, I guess they're going to do a 3DS focused Direct in either late June or July.



I'm not disappointed. I like Majora's Mask, but I also like that Nintendo is at least trying to bring in some new IPs as well. S.T.E.A.M made me think of Valkyria Chronicles a little bit. The game has potential, it just needs quite a bit more polishing and fleshing out.

[Edited by LazyShell]



Gamers are fickle. They say Nintendo just reuses old IPs, and then when the announce something new they rage over how it's not a remake of an old IP.

My SD Card with the game on it is just as physical as your cartridge with the game on it.
I love Nintendo, that's why I criticize them so harshly.


bezerker99 wrote:

Majora's Mask deserves to be remade in 3D. I mean, what the heck else has Grezzo been doing since OoT3D?

Four Swords Anniversary and Flower Town/Streetpass Garden.

So, essentially, we haven't heard from them for a year.

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I honestly didn't expect a MM remake to be announced at E3. It's the type of thing that will blow up a Direct come August when the E3 buzz is dying out and they need something to bridge over a dry spell till the large amount of games coming September through January.

I won't buy either MM or OoT unless they bundle them in a package though. I have 2 copies of both and as much as I love them......I don't need them in 3DS form unless they happen to be on the same cartridge.



I'm neither disappointed or glad.. I'd love a remake of MM.. but I'd prefer them to make some more progress with games for the 3ds instead.. we have ALOT of remakes.. wind waker HD.. OOT 3D.. remakes of third party games.. the list continues. I'd rather see a brand new zelda in progress than a game I already played with different graphics and nothing more.. and in MM's case I think graphics would just be the icing on the cake for most traumatic game in existance.

Like really.. picture this in 3D..

I could honestly wait for MM if I had to, if it is never made I could care less.. if it was made I'd be first to buy it though. For all we know for the statement I just made.. they may be avoiding MM as I noticed not as many unexplained dark things in nintendo games lately.. nothing to really rumor about AS much. I think they may be trying to tone it down a little.

[Edited by Araquanid]

3DS FC: 0774-5098-1425
Pokemon Sun IGN: Joe
My Shinies
(User name changed in November 2016, MegaBeedrill)



If they had announced it, I would buy it. Although I really would like to have a new zelda overall (same applies to Pokemon). It's great to experience an old classic again, but I would rather see and play new games...



Why do people keep saying they rather have a new one. We just got one less then a year ago and they're working on another. Porting this over to the 3ds wouldn't even take any resources from current project as they could just once again Have someone else do it. I see it this way bring it out to bridge the gap between Zelda new game releases and that will make some people happy. Its obvious we all want a new version of Zelda but this remake doesn't slow down that process at all!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

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Spoony_Tech wrote:

Why do people keep saying they rather have a new one. We just got one less then a year ago and they're working on another. Porting this over to the 3ds wouldn't even take any resources from current project as they could just once again Have someone else do it. I see it this way bring it out to bridge the gap between Zelda new game releases and that will make some people happy. Its obvious we all want a new version of Zelda but this remake doesn't slow down that process at all!

Actually a remake takes just about as long because they need to change all the coding so the 3ds can read it, adjust all the new controls, change all the textures and meshes of everything, code each and every thing to be 3d compatible or not.. change the sound files so the 3ds can read and play them.. they basicly ARE making an entire new game from scratch.. difference being that they don't need to plan out the story or anything.. but it's no simple copy and paste either.

oh and then they have to reprogram the whole start menu for the bottom screen etc etc..

3DS FC: 0774-5098-1425
Pokemon Sun IGN: Joe
My Shinies
(User name changed in November 2016, MegaBeedrill)



Not surprised at all. There has been no concrete evidence they have even started working on it. Aonuma has stated that he hears the voices of those who want the remake, but has also stated that he hears the voices of everyone else in the Legend of Zelda fanbase and wants to please everyone as a whole.

Do I think one will come eventually? Sure. I think it is really silly that people say;
"No dude you are wrong! It's coming because.. because the mask in Ravio's shop bro. It's a sign".

[Edited by MuchoMochi]

3DS Friend Code: 2895-6767-5334


Surprised for sure, and a little disappointed, but they never explicitly said anything about a remake, and they're trying to get new I.P.s going. I'd still love to play a MM3D, but it is more important for them to create fresh new video game experiences that aren't rehashes or reliant on childhood nostalgia.

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Ugh. Men.


nah, I can wait. it's actually something good, this way I'll be able to focus on getting brand new games instead of another remake of a game I still never played.

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Whenever it does happen, they better push the 3DS to the limits this time. Not that OoT's remake was bad or anything, but, they could have done better with the visuals and all that.

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i am just a little bit disappointed. i really liked the 3d remake of ocarina of time and it is the only zelda game i was ever able to finish. i never played majoras mask so i would like to see a 3d remake of that aswell.

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I'm not disapoyned by this at all. It gives me more time to pick up 3DS games thats allready released, but I still dont own.



No cause i knew it was going to happen and Nintendo has better things to do

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I was hoping for a Majora's Mask 3DS and also a limited edition 3DS XL. I would have bought both, but not interested in any of these new IP's at all.


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