
Topic: 3ds Games (New 3ds Owner)

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Hey Guys:

I got my first Nintendo 3ds XL. I'm curious what games people like that I might look to buy. Any good 3d games that use the 3d really neat?

Game genre's I like:

  • Sports
  • Hunting
  • FPS

Thanks guys!



These aren't really FPS, but they are great 'shooters' nonetheless. They also have great 3D and graphics: Kid Icarus Uprising, Resident Evil Revelations & Metal Gear Solid 3D

Please check out my Youtube gaming channel!:



Thanks for the reply, do you know if the Kid Icarus Uprising is more of an RPG style game?




hunting games? wtf? there are people who play that stuff?

sports: pro evolution soccer 2012 or 2013 (2013doesnt have anything new so you should get 2012, cause it's way cheaper)
FPS: yeah no real fps for now but resident evil and metal gear solid are great. two games that really benefit from the 3D

any other genres you are open to?

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB



I'll definitely pick up pro evolution soccer... not sure about 2012 or 2013, but they both look pretty amazing!
I was never into Resident Evil, but I may pick it up just to try out a FPS in 3d. Do you own it?

Hunting games are fun! I guess I like shooting stuff

I also enjoy strategy games.

Thanks for the help guys!



JPac wrote:

Smitherenez,do you know if the Kid Icarus Uprising is more of an RPG style game?

There are some RPG-style elements like getting new weapons and combining them and stuff, but for the most part its a rail/third person shooter. I really recommend it, probably would be the best 3DS game if the ground controls were better, but they're not terrible like some people say.

There are some hunting games coming out later this year I think, but I know nothing about them.

SteamID: bulby1994


We have a thread here where you're welcome to ask recommendations regarding which games to purchase. Enjoy your 3DS! :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!


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