Of all the games featured at a recent preview event held by Konami, Super Crazy Rhythm Castle was admittedly not a game that we were frothing at the mouth to play from first impressions. The game is – to us at least – a little unassuming at first glance, but once we actually had a go with it, our mindset shifted just a bit dramatically.
Developed by Second Impact Games, the premise is simple at first. It’s a rhythm game with multiplayer as a focus, but as soon as you get past the tutorial area, it becomes clear that this game is going to seriously mess with you.
We were handed the PS5 version to play, and our first goal was to fill up a meter by playing a simple rhythm game. Not halfway done, we were accosted by a pair of hands that stopped the meter in place, forcing us to drop everything and press enough buttons to shoo them away. Oh, and the music doesn’t stop, either, so there’s a tremendous sense of urgency at play. Then cushions landed all over the tracks, stopping us from being able to see what notes we were required to play.
In our short time with the game we were presented with dozens of these little unexpected wrinkles, from having to swap places with a dog that was handily collecting treasure for us, to flinging broccoli into a vortex summoned around a bag of weedkiller.
It doesn’t really do justice to simply read these bizarre happenings in brief text form, so we highly encourage you to check out the video above where we actually show the chaos in motion. Needless to say, we feel this has the potential to be something rather special; we just need to wait for that ever-important release date to change from ‘TBC’.
Take a look and let us know what you make of it below.