Another week down as we head into the spookiest weekend of the year and onward into November. This week Nintendo launched its Switch Online Expansion Pack to a mixed response, we got our first look at Pikmin Bloom on mobile, one rather talented mum made her daughter an awesome Samus costume for Halloween, and Mario Party Superstars launched, too.
After all that, it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Tom Whitehead, deputy editor
The long autumnal nights make this sadly middle-aged gamer rather weary after a day of 'work', so I've been getting back into The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. I'm currently on case 5 (the last of the first game) and it is long, but as a chilled out bit of reading and light puzzle-solving the game is really doing the trick.
Elsewhere I plan to play Moonglow Bay this weekend, as it looks utterly charming.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Hello folks! I'm unfortunately not diving into any N64 games just yet, as I've yet to upgrade my Online Membership. However, I'll be doing the next best thing and playing through Super Mario 64 on the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection. That game is like pure comfort food; just absolutely wonderful.
Elsewhere, I'm still making my way through Dying Light on the Series X, and I've also downloaded Dragon Ball FighterZ from Game Pass. I'd not played it until just recently, and it's really surprised me! The visuals are incredible, and unlike most fighting games, I actually don't suck at it. Who knew!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
While I most certainly should attend to my ever-growing legendary backlog I will instead spend this weekend dabbing with Nintendo 64 NSO. Although I would much rather get a Nintendo 64 Mini for Christmas and consider it a personal insult that my very first N64 game (F-Zero X, naturally) is not present in the initial line-up, all the disappointed fan voices in the world can’t deny that Star Fox 64 is an utterly amazing game and is an absolute joy to revisit. I will of course also enjoy ruining adult friendships with the latest Mario Party Superstars.
Game of the Week is Arcade Archives Sky Kid but don’t trust me on that since It is my all-time favourite game from Namco, so I’m clearly quite biased... but where is my Sky Kid 99, Nintendo?
Jon Cartwright, video producer
Nintendo Switch Online's Expansion Pack launched earlier this week and I've slowly been chipping away at Ocarina of Time. I'm about to make my way to the Water Temple, so that will be fun!
There's a lot of valid complaints going around about the service but personally I've only ever played the N64 version of OoT at 50hz and it's been a completely new experience to play at 60... somehow this 20fps game is feeling smooth. I do want those grey borders gone though, pretty please Nintendo.
I also plan on playing through Sin & Punishment again, it's one of the best game to grace Nintendo 64 and ignoring it should be a punishable offence.
Gavin Lane, editor
I played a little Ocarina of Time on Switch last week, but I want to resist playing more until my NSO N64 controller turns up. I've heard great things about its authentic feel from they trusty co-workers, so I'm itching to get my hands around its prongs.
Until then, I'll be spending some more time with Pikmin Bloom and chilling out with the sublime Tetris Effect: Connected when I get five minutes to chill the beans right down. Have a great weekend everyone!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
Comments 144
Originally I was planning to spend the weekend playing through Voice of Cards while playing some Mario Party Superstars on the side but I ended up getting through Voice of Cards in a day or so so now I’ve started up Shadowverse: Champion’s Battle instead after buying a physical copy earlier this week. Pretty fun so far, already sunk 12 hours into it since yesterday.
Goldeneye with my Switch N64 controller 😉 plus some Resident Evil and Deep Fear on Saturn for Halloween
Fingers crossed that Goldeneye news actually leads to something
Still playing Metroid Dread. Love it but I’m very very bad at it so making slow progress.
Super Monkey Ball and Dying Light mostly. I would suck in a zombie apocalypse. I was well proud of myself crafting a bow and took the game's advice. Stood on a van, set off a firecracker to attract some zombies for target practice aaaand it was then I realised it's not very good without arrows...
I'm getting through all the classic RPGs that I really should have already played by now but for whatever reason haven't.
I just finished playing through Final Fantasy 5 for the first time. It was on GBA, not Switch, but that is indeed what I was playing.
The next FF game I try, however, might be one of the ones that are actually on Switch - maybe 7 or 9. I've already beaten 8 on Switch, and that 3x speed-up option was super helpful, so I'm eager to play the other two that have this feature too.
I started playing jedi fallen order on ultimate game pass on the XSX and it’s really fun so far.
Also bits of animal crossing here and there in preparation for the update.
And Finally I started playing ni no kuni 2 on the ps5 recently.
Mario Galaxy. I was bemoaning my lack of Switch time this time last week due to my son’s Pokémon obsession, and then I went a bought myself an OLED. Oops! Kind of regretted it immediately but now I’ve got it I’m very happy with it. Sure I can justify the unnecessary cost somehow
some N64 and Tetris Effect
Metroid Dread on Switch, Severed Steel and BPM: Bullets Per Minute on PC.
Easy...... OoT on the N64 expensive pak, using my new N64 wireless controller (just like Nintendo intended)!! Inbetween walking the staffie and watching England Roses vs New Zealand Ferns up at Sandy Park stadium tomorrow. Happy gaming all!!
Still Witcher 3 on Switch. At the moment plowing though the first DLC - Heart of Stone. I think it’s a suitable game for Halloween.
My plans remain largely Switch-centered, especially as the recent playthroughs like Fuga and Subnautica and the longtime ones (Portia, Skyrim and Saints Row 3, potentially some Rune Factory 4 and Fire Emblem Warriors) are looking to be joined by a sampling table of yet more recruits like The Lost Child, Children of Morta, Torn Tales and another heap of metroidvanias from UnEpic and Spooky Ghosts Dot Com to Touhou Luna Nights and Infernal Radiation.
Fulfilling even a portion of these plans would probably leave little time for the other platforms, but when did such common sense stop me from making bloated plans for those as well? Elder Scrolls Online and Just Cause 2 on PC; GTA LCS, Blue Reflection and Symphony of the Night on Vita; Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem Echoes and Endless Frontier on 3DS... you know how I get.😆
I’ve been a bit stuck not wanting to start something too big with SMT V on the horizon.
So obviously I’ve started playing The Switcher 3, by the logic that it’s so massive I’d struggle to complete it in one push anyway.
It’s been in my backlog since it came out and I’m so glad I’ve finally got around to it. I usually play JRPGs rather than western ones but it deserves all its praise. It’s hard to put down and addictive completing all the quests and investigating the area.
Switch: Metroid Dread. I have developed such a love hate relationsship with this game. I feel so accomplished whenever I mamage to go further but I also havent rage quitted this much in my life I think.
Series S: Im starting Forgotten City this weekend. Really looking forward to it!
PS5: Death Stranding DC. This might be my favourite game of all time which is weird because its also a game I dont recommend to anybody.
Recently finished: The campaign in Back4Blood. A fun game but I dont see myself continue playing it.
Metroid Dread, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and some Mario Kart 64 (via the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack) with my girlfriend.
Crash Bandicoot Trilogy. God damn the last level in Crash 1 I played was hard! (The Road to Nowhere) And still early in the game I think!
@imogenpeach Same here 😃
Still playing Dying Light. I have a solo save file and another file I'm playing through with a friend. I'll also play some Mario Party Superstars with my family when they want to. I've only played about an hour of Metroid Dread sadly because of all the others games I've been playing on my Switch oled, so mabey I'll get back on that. I pre-ordered World War Z today, so I'm looking forward to that on Tuesday...
@charlieonholiday HoS is such a great DLC. Enjoy!!!
Playing some arcade classics on the Capcom Arcade Collection, Ghosts and Goblins is kicking my ass! Also beginning the XBC2 expansion, Torna. Had been quietly craving some JRPG goodness and finally buckled
On the Switch, I just started playing G Darius HD and so far it's brilliant. Will be maining that with a splash of Slay the Spire.
On PC, continuing to muddle through Age of Wonders: Planetfall. I have no idea what I'm doing, I might as well be a monkey banging away on a keyboard. I miss game manuals, and no, in game tutorials are NOT just as good.
@Clyde_Radcliffe I struggled with a lot of the end levels, still need to go back and finish Crash 1! Gave up and beat Crash 2 & 3 XD
My wife bought me Metroid Dread this week, so that’s what I’m playing at every opportunity this weekend. It’s absolutely amazing, so that’s all I’ll be playing. Nothing else!
Came into a bit of money this week and splashed out on a lot of games, now I don't know where to start, I bought
Demon slayer (ps5)
Mario Party superstars
Project zero maiden of Blackwater (ps5)
Animal Crossing
Dying light (switch)
Neptunia x Senran kagura (ps5)
NEO world ends with you (switch)
Scarlet nexus (ps5)
Live stream escape hotel inazami (switch)
A Hat in Time - Third world. I have fourth unlocked as well.
Dr. Mario 64 - Beat easy and normal with both characters. Trying to get through hard mode.
Corpse Party (3DS) - Just started. Replayed through the first hour or so that I'd already played years ago. Now it's time for new stuff.
Karaoke Joysound for Nintendo Switch - Singing some Japanese songs.
@Kintypoo121 I'm doing them in order but hear Crash 4 is even harder than 1!
Metroid dread, super monkey ball and forza horizon 4
Continuing the farm on my Paladin in D2R!
My aunt ruined my vacation. In my city, there were toughenings related to Covid, because of this she does not go to work and stays at home. Oh, well, what I'm played on this week... Beated one Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey, finished Cyberbots, completed Arcade Mode in BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition as Tsubaki Yayoi, and finished Story Mode in Guilty Gear XX ΛCore Plus R as Dizzy on Ending 1.
Will likely bounce between Metroid Dread and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Since today is my birthday, i played PS2 and Switch games. 😃🎂
BEMANI games
1. Dance Dance Revolution MAX 2 USA PS2
2. Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME USA PS2
3. Para Para Paradise PS2
Other games
1. K-1 World MAX 2005 PS2
2. Animal Crossing New Horizons
When i logged in ACNH, three ACNH villagers in my island (Wolfgang, Sherb and Rooney) celebrated my birthday at Wolfgang's house.

For halloween I’ll be playing Metroid dread
Also mario party superstars, really enjoying it already
Will be playing the 3 beautiful games on super mario 3D Allstars too
On ps5 its still full on lost judgement with some Yakuza 0
Age of Calamity DLC on the Switch front and Halo 5 on the Xbox front. Played some of the DLC yesterday and it's been fun though struggling to complete some of the memory quests (the item ones like finding hydromelons and some of the ones which have "???"). As for Halo 5, it seems that Castle Wars is gone completely after November 4th (there's no rotational playlists once Infinite launches) so I'll be enjoying that while it lasts.
Picked up Mario Party Superstars and enjoying it a lot
Doom 2016 and Dicey Dungeons for me. Both are incredibly satisfying for different reasons. Doom is a cathartic power trip and Dicey Dungeons has my mind engaged strategically, despite the luck involved.
Going to see how far I can get in Resident Evil VII before I wuss out. Perfect for this weekend, and I’ve “enjoyed” the first 40 minutes or so, even if I keep feeling like there’s someone behind me…
Mario Party Superstars for sure. Alan Wake Remastered potentially, but I’ve been moving really slow on it. I have Deathloop too, but it’s a joke thinking I’ll be able to fit it into this weekend’s busy schedule.
I still have two routes left in If My Heart Had Wings so I'll be focusing on that when I'm not at work.
@GrailUK LOL
Switch - More Metroid Dread and also dusting off The Outer Worlds!
PC - Gmod with friends!
Have a good weekend everyone.
@MischiefMaker I'll buy it from you next month. I'm dying to get one. I'll even go up to $400 for it.
@UltimateOtaku91 EXPLOSION!!!!
Luigis Mansion 3 of course!! Happy Halloweeeeen
Monster Hunter Rise!
@JustMonika No no no you're doing it wrong, you need to do the long incantation first 😂
I'm a bit busy this weekend, but I might try the Metroid Dread demo, see if I'd like the full game.
I'll be playing Dusk, Dr Mario 64, Musha Aleste, WRC 10, Rocket League, Sin and Punishment, Ocarina of Time, and Mario Party Superstars.
Just finished my Daily Run in Slay the Spire and will play more Tetris Effect in a bit (weekend Ritual/Full Moon starting shortly).
Only this morning did I look up a guide on how to perform the tricky T-Spin manoeuvre, will definitely need to start practicing on that sooner than later.
I'm playing tetris with my furniture and other stuff. (I'm moving)
Metroid Dread
Recently finished skyward sword hd (don’t hate me, but I prefer it to botw) and I’m near the end of dread which is likely to be my favourite metroidvania since hollow knight.
Don’t know what’s next though. Monster crown, Eastward, Voice of Cards, Fatal Frame, KOTOR (never played) and Shin megami tensei (also never played) are what I’ve got my eyes on for my next switch game.
@GrailUK nothing wrong with that man, certainly getting your money’s worth for sure!
@Anti-Matter Happy Birthday I hope you have a great weekend, you’re one of my favourite people in this community.
Happy Birthday! I’ve read so many of your comments here over the years. I hope you’ve enjoyed your day so far! 🎂
I’ll be a bit busy with the kids sleepover and Halloween prep - must watch the Great Pumpkin and some random classic monster movie tonight - so gaming will be limited.
I’d like to find time to continue on in Darkest Dungeon or Dying Light but more likely will have to stay with more fam-friendly games like Wandersong and ACNH.
We’re looking forward to the huge AC update next week. 😁
Gonna try and get back to 100%ing Metroid Dread. Also, I have Tokyo Mirage Sessions to wrap up before SMTV releases.
I’ve got the Tetris 99 Metroid Dread theme and I’ll probably just play Dread the rest of the weekend, in between Halloween stuff with my children. Speaking of which, my son has been playing Fortnite, Kirby All-Stars, Smash Bros. & he is playing MK8D on my Switch right now with his sister. The running commentary, punctuated with squeals of delight and rage, is just quintessential Mario Kart. Beautiful ❤️ I’m actually hankering for some Street Fighter on Switch and thinking of picking up one the titles available via the Capcom Arcade, gotta be Super Street Fighter II, right?
playing a bunch of games this weekend across all systems.
Ps4 Life is Strange True Colors. And Kena Bridge of Spirits
Xbox 1: Far Cry 6 And Guardians of the Galaxy
Switch: Metroid Dread & Ender lilies
@Teksetter @AmplifyMJ
Thank you, guys. 😀
This week I will be mostly playing
Age of Calamity
Burnout Paradise is insane! I have been playing a couple of weeks and I am still finding new things and being surprised.
Blue Fire, Rocket League, Townscaper and ACNH.
Happy gaming, everyone!
On Switch, I'm playing N64 expansion pass and Mario Party Superstars. On Oculus Quest 2, I'm playing Resident Evil 4 VR. It's amazing being able to play such a classic in VR. At home, I'm playing the original GameCube Animal Crossing and N64 Goldeneye. So many great games!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
@Clyde_Radcliffe Yeah I was watching a Bandicoot player earlier today on YouTube who was saying the same about 4 being brutal! Watched a snippet (as not to spoil that game) and it does look challenging! gulp …but oh-so pretty!
@BenAV Is Voice of the Cards really that short? It's been sitting in my backlog for a while, waiting for the right mood.
Shadowverse is fun, I've been meaning to get back to it.
Beat The Mummy Demastered yesterday. Really solid metroidvania. Going to a wedding today so i'm thinking I'll play Turnip boy commits tax evasion when i'm hungover on sunday
@JasmineDragon I think it took me around 12 hours or so even though I was taking the time to uncover every space on the map, so by JRPG standards it's really short. I'd also say it's probably a little too easy and could have used some difficulty settings but despite all that I still enjoyed it a lot. Fun enough for me to finish a 12 hour game in a day, haha.
Metroid Dread. Was considering Fatal Frame but I won't pay real money for old games that don't run as well as they used to. Might look at the steam sales for spooky games too.
I was originally planning to spend this weekend playing Voice of Cards. But the game was a bit bland to me. So instead I spent most of my time on Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, which is so much better imo.
Finished Metroid Dread 100% as it just had me so hooked it was amazing. Was going to buy an eShop card today but decided on Sonic Colours Ultimate instead because I really enjoyed the original.
Also Sly Cooper 2 Band of Thieves on PS3 and Tetris 99. Happy gaming everyone.
I can't get enough Darksiders 3! I just have so little time to play. Next week I hope to have a different answer though 😳
@Clyde_Radcliffe Wait until you try the new level Stormy Ascent, it took me more than 50 lives to complete that level.
Hades what a game! Bit of gleylancer as well and probably a bit of ori blind forest xxx
Is that a new game, zelda polygon?
@Donutsavant it’s good, cause i saw NL gave them 4. They made any new updates? I loved darksiders 1 and 2 on switch.
More harmony of dissonance and maybe mummy demastered. Also some mario tennis with the little one.
@JustMonika Now I have it I can’t let it go! I was lucky to get it - had to drive about 45 mins for it and I think it was a return as there was no sticker seal on the box, but it’s in perfect condition. I’m in the UK but guessing you’re in the US and have similar stock shortages. Good luck getting one, I’m sure you will soon.
@clianvXAi I have two things going for me that makes that score ring a little less true.
1. Darksiders is my favorite series and this is an excellent entry that Ive wanted since it was announced.
2. I don't get bothered by slowdown and there is quite a bit in the game. It's not too bad in many places, but certainly in some places it can be. I think it lands in the "miracle port" tier with Witcher and Doom
Finishing up on Metroid Dread. Had to stop playing while I was busy helping my son out. Also playing Skul the Hero Slayer.
A lot of bouncing around this week! I did manage to get the Metroid Dread theme in Tetris 99 & some Monster Hunter Rise in. I tried my hand with the switch version of Resident Evil 4 and I found the controls off putting…. Will give it another go tonight
Guardians of the Galaxy for Xbox Series X and Metroid Dread, still got to get it done.
Just finished Metroid Dread, game of the year for me! Started Ocarina of Time. Last time i played it was 23 years ago on the original N64 (yes i’m that old). Loving it!
Focusing on some retro-inspired indie games on the Switch this weekend:
Gato Roboto
Way of the Passive Fist
Spectacular Sparky - any fans of Treasure's 16-bit output would be well advised to take a look at this!
Unsighted. So far it's very good.
Unlocked the Dread theme in Tetris 99, will probably be playing the brilliant Cruis'n Blast (so much fun!), I highly recommend it if you're undecided.
Got Deathloop on PS5, Guardians for XSX and Metroid Dread for Switch. Only managed 20 minutes on Guardians so far, but hope to make a start on Deathloop on Sunday.
That said I've also got my hands on an N64 controller and really wouldn't mind yet another playthrough Ocarina, probably for the first time for a good 20 years with an N64 controller
Rocket League 👌👌🌈🌈🌈😊 I'll be the guy rotating & making crucial saves while the other two guys double commit in the corner in platinum III (sometimes diamond I).
.... Still waiting for that Doctor Who Edge of Reality to release. It's been delayed three times now:
Sept 30
Oct 14
Oct 28
This weekend I'm Playing my new PRS 24 on my new micro dark mini. If I play games I need to finish up pumpkin jack.
Planning on finishing up a few different games this weekend!
Have a happy weekend of gaming, everyone!
I think I'm getting pretty close to the end of Final Fantasy IX! This game is so awesome; I actually think this might be my favorite final fantasy so far! If I am close to the end I'm hoping to finish it up this weekend!
Luigi's Mansion 3 - About to start floor 10. Loved the mechanics of the previous area sans the boss fight.
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope - Just beat Mole Knight. Fun yet challenging, though insta death by being knocked into a pit or spikes seems a bit much.
Still playing The Messenger~ the game is fun to play, but why does everyone have to be such a jerk? Maybe for the next game, they can just have the one wisecracking character? Instead of everyone
Last night I tried the Metriod Dread demo. Really nice looking game. I didn't like that the EMMIs made you rush around when trying to think of where to go next. Quite a long demo that I think gave me the feeling that the game wasn't for me. Also seemed like you can't carry over progress which is dumb.
After that I tried The Touryst demo. Very cute and fun game. Think I'll wait for a sale.
Besides those I'll just be shiny breeding in Pokemon Shield. Have a good weekend everyone. Happy Halloween.
Some Streets of rage 2, luigis mansion, shin and punishment
@Divinebovine that game is dope haven’t picked it up in awhile
Messing around with the Genesis and N64 games on the Switch. Ristar and Yoshi Story. As for the regular Switch games-Pokémon Sword, Smash, and I’m thinking about picking up Fatal Frame.
@Aispen I just picked up mummy after waiting years for a sale. It almost never goes on sale. I hear it's kind of a short metroidvania huh? I've also heard some mixed feelings about the game in general.
@Vortexeo it's probably one of the, if not THE best ending of game imo. And I'm not the biggest FF fan out there.
Going to continue my third run on Metroid Dread, my Nightmare file in Doom Eternal, and if I can squeeze it in, Batman Arkham Knight on PC.
Voice Of Cards and Animal Crossing on Switch.
Riders Republic,Tales Of Arise and Project Zero on Ps5
I must remember to continue Eastward when I get the chance too,great game just not enough time!
Enjoy your weekend all!
Also if you didn't see PS5 on my consoles I'm playing this weekend, it's because I no longer have one. I traded it in (stupid, I know lol) as Playstation exclusives just don't interest me as much as Nintendo's. So I'm just going Switch and PC for the foreseeable future.
@Anti-Matter Happy Birthday buddy hope you have a great one!
It's my birthday in a few weeks I'll have to check to see if any of my villagers bother coming to my house this year.I think I got on too late and they had all gone to bed lol.
Trying to decide on a mildly scary Halloween game but also playing:
Tetris 99 - for the event
Ghosts n Goblins Ressurection - I just got it on sale
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos which I enjoy but am playing very slowly in small chunks.
I finally finished Y's Origins on the Switch last Wednesday. Now playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on my new XBOX Series S.
I finished Metroid Zero Mission On Wii U VC las weekend and restarted Metroid Dread for a second play through non normal mode. I’ll probably finish it again in the next couple days. Then I have to decide if I am going back to collect more items and maybe 100% at least some areas, trying hard mode, doing normal mode again to see if I can do under 4 hours, or (most likely) playing a different game so I don’t burn myself out on Metroid Dread.
I finally received my copy of Dread, but I'm already knee-deep in my latest playthrough of Ocarina of Time, so I'll finish that first. Spotty emulation issues aside, it's great to now actually do all the side-quests and exploration I wasn't patient enough to engage with as a kid. Also, discovering bits of lore and character details I never picked up on back then. (I've played Ocarina of Time since then, as late as 2012-ish, but always just trying to "run" it, going through the dungeons. This is the first time I actually sit down to find secrets, complete the mask side-quest, etc.)
Getting my third ending In world end syndrome. That game is a great visual novel. Doing the Tetris 99 event, and still slowly working through ys 8. Also some dread maybe some corpse party,
Dungeon encounters
Ocarina of Time on NSO and The Messenger
@Clyde_Radcliffe I played through Crash 1 on the N Sane Trilogy for the first time last month, that exact level nearly made me rage quit (though I persevered and ended up enjoying the game overall). It's the hardest level in the game in my opinion. I love how the game keeps granting you an Aku Aku when you die repeatedly, as if that extra hit point is really gonna help as you plunge to your death for the fortieth time...
Finished Blossom Tales last night, fun enough Link to the Past clone but a little easier than I woulda liked. Looking forward to the sequel that was announced recently. Started Bowser's Fury last night, probably keep playing that and Tetris Effect
Pokemon shield getting that shiny zoroak.
Metroid Dread for me this weekend!! It's my GOTY so far
Thank you. 😀
Trying to wrap up my backlog before SMT V in a couple weeks.
Metroid Dread- searching for a few extra Energy Tanks for the last boss. Died a bunch of times already.
Mario Party Superstars with friends
Maybe a few rounds of Mario Golf.
Then probably some N64 and Genesis. I caved and got the Expansion Pack.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Finished Metroid Dread last week! Excellent entry in the series! Now I’ve been dabbling with Outlast’s a pretty good game but not sure if walking sims are for me…I much prefer the option to atleast defend myself. Might finally plow thru the Alien Isolation DLC and like everyone else around this time of year get some Luigis Mansion in there. Splatoon 2 still getting lots of love in my house right now and I’ll likely sprinkle in some Tetris connect as well.
Eh shout out and happy bday to @Anti-Matter…hope u get some quirky games for your bday.
Have a fun Halloween everyone. Happy Gaming!
Thanks. 😀
Dragon Quest 11. Almost 50 hours and i must be near the end. Incredible game. Bloodstained Ritual of the Night tomorrow.
The classic that is Dungeon Explorer for DS.
And some Majora's Mask 3D in honour of Halloween.
@Boldfoxrd lol not even close actually! Probably about halfway
Resident Evil 2 (N64) - Closing in on William Burkin, time for the final showdown!
Mahjong by Microsoft (Droid) - Daily Challenges and also working on various puzzle packs.
Burn the Rope (Windows Phone) - Just starting on this.
Mega Man X, Hollow Knight, and Smash Ultimate
I have been playing some Mario Party Superstars. I never played it before, so I am getting utterly crushed with the foresight of my friends.
Then on the list is some Super Smash Ultimate, as I am enjoying that Sora joined the roster. And finally checking in on the 'old' Animal Crossing New Horizons, before the big updates!
@Divinebovine oh wow. Well that's fine. I love this game.
@Boldfoxrd I finished the story around 110 hours
I've unlocked the Metroid Dread theme for Tetris 99, played a bit of Animal Crossing again preparing for the update, and then had some fun with OoT and SM64 on the Expansion Pack service. Not too shabby for a Saturday!
@jemil1992 I really need to get the Luigi's Mansion remake. It came out so late in the 3ds lifecycle I missed it. I heard they added achievements. How is the remake?
@jemil1992 Sounds good. I heard the lighting is slightly different. Grezzo usually do a great job of 3ds remakes.
I only have a regular 3ds so I'm lucky it wasn't a 'new' 3ds title.
Have played the second one but never finished it. I did finish the original on Gamecube though. The series doesn't appeal to me anymore but I'd still go back and play a remake of the original.
@BenAV I LOVE Shadowverse: Champion's Battle! It's so fun but I haven't seen many people talking about it. Do you have a favorite card class yet? Mine is Shadowcraft.
I picked up The Caligula Effect 2 and Mario Party Superstars this week, so I'm definitely gonna play a lot of those. A bunch of my friends also bought Mario Party Superstars so I suspect we'll be playing a marathon of parties this weekend LOL! I'll definitely play some rounds of Dead By Daylight also. If I have any extra time I'll continue Monster Hunter Stories 2 or Shadowverse: Champion's Battle, both of which I'm nearing the end of but I am not ready for them to be over! At least Monster Hunter Stories 2 has a lot of post-game stuff to do, and Shadowverse's online mode should keep me satisfied, at least until a potential sequel (Xseed, please make one!)
@realityxaidan I immediately took a liking to Forestcraft so I've been using that the most so far. Starting to try to experiment a bit more with some of the other classes too now.
More Corpse Party for Me. And Vostok Inc. Although the latter is becoming a bit grindy.
Plus some Grid on the XSX.
Resident Evil 2 and Hollow Knight for me this weekend.
Short, sweet and easy. Remember someone complaining about the deathsystem but i never died so i can't comment on that 😄
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Happy Halloween!
I've been playing a lot of Tetris 99 but I should probably invest in Tetris Connect, as I find it impossible to win in Tetris 99 anymore. I finished Ni Ni Kuni 1 last week and started the SNES version of Trials of Mana via the Mana collection this week. Overall, that series doesn't really hold up to the greats of that era, but is still solid, so I will probably at least finish the 3rd game of the collection.
I have been playing SUBNAUTICA. Wonderfull game, can really recommend it. And a little; STEAMWORLD DIG 2. Also a good game - but perhaps a little to easy and short, to really capture me.
I already finished Metroid Dread at 100% last week and I want to play it on hard mode but not yet. So today I will play some Smash Bros Ultimate and something on my PS4. Have a nice sunday everyone!
Your in luck - Undernauts dosen't seem to be avaible in Europe. And it looks really promissing.
@Anti-Matter K-1 World MAX 2005 Brings back such good memories from my childhood. What an amazing game the career mode if i remember was top notch.
@Aispen nice dude! I just fired it up for about 15 min last night since I beat harmony of dissonance. Now I can fully focus on the mummy.
I really wish K-1 return on modern consoles as the sport is still exist until today. K-1 looks more appealing to watch and play than very brutal UFC or Western Boxing games.
Well... The old faces from 1990's and 2000's era are already getting older and the new fighters will replacing the old fighters.
Finally got round to ghost of Tsushima and loving it!
Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 on the expansion pack. Also been trying out Sin and Punishment which is a total blast!
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