We've needed a calm week here at Nintendo Life, and it sure seemed that way until the release of Wave 1 of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass. If you're not a Mario Kart Tour fan, then this DLC is for you! Plus you can check out what we think of wave 1. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax also got a Switch port, and in our review we say that more Persona on Switch is a good thing!
On to the news, we got a surprise in the form of three new Sega Genesis games for the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass. The final trailer for the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 movie dropped, and the poster is a cheeky nod to the original game's box art. We also found out the Mario Strikers series could've been a platforming one, and we now know that Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is out on 30th June
Now it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Alana Hagues, staff writer
It's time to boot up Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the first time this year! And, to be honest, the first time in a long while. I'm worried I'm a little bit rusty - especially since I've challenged my partner to a few games. Last time we played anything competitively against each other, he beat me pretty soundly. He'll be glad to see me admitting this. He'll be less glad reading this after I've annihilated him in the new Booster Course Pass tracks, though.
I also think I'm going to give the Kirby and the Forgotten Land demo a whirl. Confession: I've never beaten a Kirby game that isn't Kirby's Dream Course. I love the little guy, I've just never made a conscious effort to get to the end of one. Perhaps it's time to change that this year.
What would you all suggest be my first Kirby game other than Forgotten Land?
Ollie Reynolds, staff writer
I’m playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe this weekend - surprise! Yes, I’ll be jumping into the new Booster Course Pass and living it up in Choco Mountain. I’m loving the “new” courses so far and it’s also inspired me to go back and work my way through the original Grand Prix cups. In other words, I’ll be knee-deep in Mario Kart for a solid few days!
I haven’t got a whole lot else on the go at the moment. I’m still dipping into Resident Evil to try and improve my speedrunning skills a bit, and I’ve been sampling a few games in the Sega Mega Drive - Nintendo Switch Online service; I’ll try out a few titles I’ve never played before, but somehow I always seem to fall back onto Sonic the Hedgehog 2...
Tom Whitehead, deputy editor
I'll certainly be enjoying more of the Mario Kart 8 Booster Pass, trying to 3-star everything; that's much easier said than done in 200cc! Beyond that, I'll definitely be playing more Triangle Strategy, which I've adored so far. It's a real gem, so anyone that enjoys tactics games should at the very least give the prologue demo a shot.
Elsewhere I'm still very early in Elden Ring, so I'll try (and probably fail) to make some meaningful progress!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
A nice package from the country next door delivered three physical versions of games I always wanted to give a shot, namely Maglam Lord, Death’s Gambit: Afterlife, and (at long last) Disco Elysium: The Final Cut. Chapter XII is coming up next in Triangle Strategy so that is my weekend sorted.
Game of the week would again be F-Zero X if not for my abysmal inability to play it properly with the Pro Controller. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe takes the pole position this time with the new tracks becoming the perfect excuse to hop back into blue shell inferno.
Zion Grassl, video producer
Don’t tell my partner, but I’ve been in a committed relationship with Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the past two months, and I think it's time I finally break it off. I’m nearing the official end with only a few mon left to add to my dex and I’m just not sure I have the strength left in me to finish things. If I would have paced myself a bit better, maybe I’d still be enjoying my time but I’m feeling quite a bit burnt out, especially since the last few I need to catch are either locked away behind a save data wall or have somewhat grindy and lucky requirements. Maybe I'll come back to it again if the game gets a new event or some fun DLC, but for now I think I'm putting it to rest.
That being said, I’m taking a flight to GDC next week to sit down for some developer discussions and to play some indies, and I think I’d love to start something new on my flight there and back! Maybe something supposedly short and sweet like Later Alligator or Octodad? The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles has been on my list since it released last summer, but I’m not sure I’m ready to commit to another 50+ hour dialogue heavy adventure. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is another one I’d love to remove from my backlog of shame! Oh, and Triangle Strategy is basically begging me for its attention and I really would love to fall face first in the HD-2D world but the commitment is another big one! Any recommendations?
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
Comments 109
Well, I played some various games for this weekend. 🙂

1. Meet the Robinsons Wii
2. Animal Crossing New Horizons
3. Sushi Striker 3DS
Mostly just finishing up Love Esquire at the moment. Got till Kirby comes out so taking my time though. Pretty funny.
Aside from that, been playing some The Binding of Isaac: Repentance and Touhou Spell Bubble. Tempted by OlliOlli World while it's on sale.
This weekend is all about retro gaming for me
Here are the games I will be playing
Fenyx Rising (getting near the end). Far Changing Tides (great game). Rocket League.
Today will be my 100th K.K. concert in New Horizons.
Happy gaming everyone!
I mean, the answer should be obvious - I've got Rune Factory 5 locked and loaded... wait, actually the other way around - it's preloaded and locked.
Oh well, guess it'll be RF1 and RF4 until next Friday. But at the moment I also expect to spend another good chunk of time on Borderlands which I'm nearing the end of (already past the main game's plot/sidequests and halfway into the story DLCs) and Saints Row The Third where I also seem to be well into the lategame by now (at 75% overall). Inbetween those two, there may well be other stuff like Haven, Katana Kami, Rogue Aces and Bomber Crew, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, DQB, Immortals... and whatnot. As usual, I'm shameless enough to pile some dual screen plans (Endless Frontier, Spirit of Justice, possibly Strange Journey) and PlayStation plans (God Eater, Gravity Rush, possibly SotN and PSP Gran Turismo) on top of it all, too.
Oh yeah, and since I've changed the main account region to US anyway, I've decided to finally give Dragalia Lost a shot. Pretty promising and even designed to be relatively tolerable as a touchscreen action game... but time will tell if I keep it. Holy up-to-9+ Gb internal storage Batman, will time tell if I keep it.🙀🙀🙀
The sequel to AI: the somnium files is coming. I'm about halfway, so I'm finishing up with another trip to mama's bar! 😁
(seriously, it's so good! It's really clear this is the same guy who wrote the zero escape series! )
@Anti-Matter I swear, you always have the best lists!
Sushi strikers really is a lot of fun, glad I forked over the 5 bucks for my 3ds copy!
Still hunting for shrines in botw. Definitely getting the dlc for Mario kart as well. I'm looking forward to use my Cyberbike for all the courses
On Nintendo Switch, I've played The Last Door Season Two. Still on 1st chapter, ehh... Cleared 00(?) chronicle and 1st chapter of 07 chronicle in UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r]. Played one day in Danganronpa's School Mode, because I needed to fulfill Yasuhiro Hagakure's report card. After last free time, I dislike Yasuhiro even more. And, I cleared Senjō no Ōkami II(Mercs in US?) in Capcom Arcade Stadium. Good sequel and not bad game, but it's difficulty... Aagh, I hate it! Arcade games' difficulty piss me off, but I endure it. Oh, and also - I think that the second game is easier than first. I have Senjō no Ōkami(first game, also known as Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando) on both Android and Nintendo Switch(through Capcom Arcade Stadium). Oh, and how I did forget! - I earned some Energy Moons in Mushroom Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey. And also, I tried to play Luigi's mini-game with balloons. It was interesting and fun. That's all what I've played on Nintendo Switch. Elsewhere, I completed The Westport Independent and cleared one level in Working UFO(Part Time UFO) on Android. That's all what I've played on this week. Have a nice weekend, everyone.
There is certainly a theme with this week's picks for me and that is "games inspired by Earthbound." Lol on the Switch that looks like Horace (the game this site gave a 10/10) and while the gameplay is not exactly something I would typically find myself drawn to, the story has kept me hooked!
On the 3DS it's all Contact - a game I know literally nothing about other than it's connection to Earthbound, and also that it's a Suda 51 game
I’ve completed Shadow Man remastered. It was well worth it for the new previously cut content. It took around 23 hours 40 mins.
This weekend will be MK 8 DLC, Ys origin and Ys IX.
This weekend I'm honestly just noodling around before Rune Factory 5 gets here.
I started Dawn of the Monsters but haven't gone too far with it yet. Good game so far.
Played through the new Mario Kart tracks a couple of times. Lots to like here.
Currently playing Civilization VI as Egypt, one of my favorite civs.
And I'll be doing Ring Fit Adventure at some point.
This week I will be mostly playing
Mario & Rabbids (Ultimate Challenges)
Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together fattranslated SNES version, just reached chapter 2 of the game, pretty good, some remarkably great music on this one in particular.
Some Chocobo GP at the side, at this point I'm too deep on the dumb battle pass thing to stop, roughly half towards Cloud now. Though mostly I'm still playing it because I do find the base gameplay fun even if the game stinks of corporate greed.
@Donutsavant Oh, Suda51's Contact! It's compatible with Nintendo 3DS... Well, that's good.
I still at level 11, Chapter 2 for Sushi Striker 3DS.
I have the Switch version too 4 years ago but I think I prefer the 3DS version as I don't have touch pen for Switch so whenever I played Sushi Striker Switch version in handheld mode with my pointing finger, my finger will get hurt after sliding and rubbing the Switch screen with quick movement.
I felt way easier to play Sushi Striker in 3DS version as I can use the stylus to drag the sushi plates quickly without hurting my finger.
I started Dragon Quest XI this week, so I'll be playing it for many weekends to come. Aside from Kirby next week, it'll be my last big release for a very long time, as I'm cleaning out the last of my backlog again. It's a chill and fun time, as well as my first Dragon Quest game that I've played.
@AlanaHagues I recommend Kirby Superstar as a good place to start. It’s a collection of multiple shorter campaigns, each with a unique twist, and it’s on NSO.
Assault Android Cactus - This is a game I've wanted for ages but never got round to buying, until yesterday. Played a bit last night and it's as good as I hoped it would be.
Quake - Chipping away at it, map by map. There's a crazy amour of content in there.
G-Darius, Thunderforce AC, Gynoug - Just decided these will be my 3 shmups for the weekend.
Rocket League - As always.
I would play some Mario Kart but I don't think the tracks are in the online rotation yet? Played them all once yesterday and was reminded how much Mario Kart's single player is a waste a of time.
With the new tracks dropping in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I’ll be playing a lot of that this weekend, plus my oldest boy loves this game. We are also a week away from Kirby and the Forgotten Land releasing, so I'll be playing some Kirby Star Allies as well.
Also more WWE 2K22 on PlayStation. Maybe even some Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay, cause I already know the youngest kid is going to want me to help him, as far as things go with that game.
@Diogmites It really is a fantastic port. I have burned hundreds of hours on it. Just one more turn, I swear!
Playing wife quest, the game is good and the story is hilarious lol.
The game is actually pretty hard, especially the bosses. Fortunately, the checkpoints are generous.
I caved and bought GTA: Trilogy during the sale today, playing GTA3 in portable and it’s running and looking pretty good so far! Playing them in order but I’m extra excited for Vice City
Also playing through the extra mission in Doom 3, had held off on it until I got the OLED, it sings on that screen!
Looks great! I would love to try that Dune game. Is it that tactics game similar to Herzog Zwei?
Playing through Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the first time in preparation for 3 coming out in September. Trying to wrap my head around all the intricacies of the battle system and other systems in the game. There is a lot going on!
@GregamanX Enjoy DQ XI! It is one of my favorite games of all time.
Still playing Hob. Probably 80% handheld so a few frame rate hiccups etc but still a brilliant game, really enjoying it. I bought mk8 deluxe a few weeks ago but can’t decide whether to pay for the dlc or get the extra online sub. Not sure how much I’ll bother with the n64 and megadrive games but I would like to at least play them a bit. But then do I really want to tie myself into annual payments to continue playing the new mk courses? Decisions decisions….
I'm still working on Hollow Knight, just ventured into some new places so that's always a thrill.
Also just picked up Fury Unleashed. Really fun game so far and NLs comparison to the non-stop action being like the new Doom games was spot on.
Oh and also got The Turing Test. Loving the atmosphere and story in it and it's given me quite a few "ureka!" moments. Some of the optional puzzles are too much for my Brian though.
Outside of those just waiting for the 20th for new Fortnite season. Never in my wildest dreams when I got a switch that Fortnite would be the game I've put the most time in (just hit 600 hours). But having the battle pass forever after one initial purchase and constant changes still keeps it feeling fresh and fun.
I’m throwing a bday party today for one of the little ones, and so gaming time will be limited, but afterward I’ll probably try a run or two in Spelunky - still haven’t beaten it once. I’m too greedy and it gets me killed every time!
Oh and I’m obligated to try out the new courses in MK8, too…
Also after 4 months’ wait my preordered Satisfye grip delivered, so finally I’m ready to transfer everything over to my new OLED Switch! I’m looking forward to the bigger brighter screen in my rare handheld gaming sessions.
Started Tunic on xbox and immediately fell in love.
Finished Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the first time last night which have been in the backlog for about 20 years. It was the first FF game i ever played so playing it again after playing the snes and ps1 FF games was interesting
Continuing Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
I just had the cutscene where Rex woke up next to Mythra.
Man, that was great😂
Deus Ex Mankind Divided on my PS4.
3000th Duel and maybe start The Messenger on my Switch
I'm going to try out the new tracks on Mario Kart 8. Also playing Darksiders Warmaster Edition on Wii U which is surprisingly decent, although some people say it's like Zelda I think it's very different to Zelda.
Happy gaming everyone.
Mario Kart, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Bloodborne and Legends Arceus
I’m currently hooked on Tunic. This game is about as close to a classic Zelda as you can get. Lots of hidden secrets to find. I’ll also try out the new Mario Kart courses and maybe try a little WWE 2k22.
Still playing through Triangle Strategy on Switch
No Switch for me the next weeks. I will be Playing elex 2 on pc. For the ones who know the Piranha Byte Games like gothic or risen
Started up Elden ring again from start but am bored of it now, got 110 hours of fun tho! One day will play again on a ps5 or series x with a buttery smooth frame rate xx I want that tunic game so mite get that xx
Will probably spend most of the weekend overthinking which on-sale wishlist game to go for (I'd ask for advice but it's a long list) and then hopefully picking something ace to while away some of a rare almost obligation-free two days. Also some inevitable Pokémon catching in new favourite walking simulator PLArceus and SOR4 survival mode because it's a day with a y in it.
@Zuljaras ❤️ Battle For Arrakis ❤️
@wazlon Darksiders is one of my very favorite series! And I am excited to see someone else give it a go!
The first one does.start off slowly, with lots of big action sequences, but you do eventually find yourself in the Zelda-esque dungeons. If you enjoy it I hope you dive into Darksiders 2 next, it is even better!
@Teksetter It is RTS just like Red Alert and Dune 2000. You build a base, gather the Spice and build units and ultimately destroy the opponent All of this but on Sega console
@SleepyAnimal one of my childhood favourites! I never owned an original copy and I bought it last year
Triangle strategy, final chapter, playing in hard difficulty.
@Zuljaras Awesome! I got a bit hooked on Command and Conquer games at uni and then much further down the line discovered this was an early effort by the same folk with similar mechanics and immediately loved it. Such a great game!
Also, bought Mario + Rabbids Gold Edition for 15 bucks for the MAR10 sale, so I'll be progressing through that.
@MischiefMaker I loved playing Hob! I agree with the frame rate issues but it still stands out as a great game! I love the visuals and the soundtrack. It is the kind of game that I didn't mind backtracking because it was just so cool to be in that world. Enjoy it!
Arrakis sounds fantastic - enjoy!
Also TMNT on NES will be some fun punishment, I’m sure! I’m looking forward to trying that again in the Cowabunga Collection later this year. So very psyched we’re getting such a great physical collection!
Got a bit more of NEO: The World Ends With You done this morning. Wanting to play a lot of RPGs this year on the run-up to Xenoblade 3, and really enjoying this one Will also be playing some Link to the Past Randomizer, mainly practicing the hovering glitch.
The weekend of SPEED for me. Mario Kart 8 DLC and F-Zero X baby.
Apart from that, I've been dabbling in Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Unite as well so I'll probably do those as well. The main thing that I need to do however is continue The Great Ace Attorney Adventures (I'm on Chapter 4 and haven't been able to get back due to everything that's been going on lately, need to fix that).
Back to Mario Kart of course! I can see the release of each wave being a one night event for my family. About 40 hours into Elden Ring & 22 monsters away from finishing Pokemon Legends Arceus. A little Tetris 99 & Halo Infinite as well
Snes classic mini:
Time for me to get the expansion pack. So no doubt I will be revisiting some Megadrive games and trying out the new Mario Kart courses this weekend.
Monster Hunter Rise - The Great Relearning will continue.
Kart is a must play all weekend.
I'm looking for something casual to dive into on the N64's catalog. Maybe Pokemon Snap.
And I've got to figure out the 3DS I bought a few weeks ago.
@Munchlax Definitely one I've got then! thanks!
Space Moth - Lunar Edition
I wrapped up Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time yesterday evening after sitting through one of the longest final boss sequences ever. I think I prefer Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions overall, but the game was certainly charming.
The rest of my limited gaming time this busy weekend will be spent on my Switch. I started Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity a few days ago and hope to gather the rest of the Champions; I only have Daruk so far! I also hope to start a file in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond; I'll probably play the latter at least enough to unlock the Mystery Gift option, because legendary FOMO. Not sure if I'll stick with it or move to something else for a bit, though I do plan on finishing the game at some point.
Happy gaming!
Been pretty exhausted this week, and went to bed early last night, But; I did get a little triangle strategy in. I'll play mostly that with some DKCR.
Earthbound and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for me!
Maybe a little F-Zero X too. Master difficulty is a lot harder than I remember, I'm pretty sure I beat it back then but now I'm having a lot of trouble getting into the top 6 even.
A few games of Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel and a few games Pokémon Unite as always.
Trying out the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe dlc for sure.
Other than that, maybe some Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and watching some Smash tournaments.
I've started Horizon Forbidden West (PS5), Elden Ring (Steam) and Guardians of the Galaxy (Series X) but, I'm too busy with Switch games to play any of them this weekend.
Just wandering around the first castle of Elden Ring.
Other than that exploring the coastline in Pokémon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Legends Arceus and FFXIV. I haven't purchased the Mario Kart 8 DLC yet. As much as I know it would be fun, I'm playing too much else right now to get into that right now.
Rocket League and MK8D for sure.
On Switch, Triangle Strategy. Slowly making progress in it, I’ll begin truly playing it lots near the end of March, because I’m currently grinding an event in Genshin Impact, which has been taking some time.
Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 Forza Horizon 5 on Series X along with Pokèmon Shining Pearl and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC. If I'm in the mood I'll probably play some more Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin as well.
Mainly Mario Kart 8 and Legends Arceus. I’m pretty sure I’m near the end of Arceus so there’s a good chance I’ll beat it this weekend.
I'm currently playing through Final Fantasy VIII (seriously the card mini game is so fun 😂) and I've heard a lot of hype behind Triangle Strategy so I also started the demo for that game! Really enjoying both so far!
@garfreek @Anti-Matter Funnily enough I'm playing Sushi Striker on 3DS at the moment too. It's a fun little game considering the bargain price I paid for it.
I just finished all hunts in MH Rise (~230hrs), so now I’m getting back into the swing of MHGU (~470hrs and counting).
Needless to say, I’m excited for Sunbreak.
Elden Ring. Just beat Godrick the Grafted. He wasn't so tough. Maybe get some Dawn of the Monsters in too.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the most part though may also spend some time in Gears 5. Recently there's been a load of escape hives in matchmaking present that I haven't played yet.
Wife Quest - Love that it is your farmer husband being kidnapped instead of a Princess or whatever. The platforming/exploring parts are really fun but unfortunately I may quit the game because I despise the bosses. I don't really understand the philosophy of taking a fun relaxed game and then inserting super long boss fights which take the difficulty up by 100x and the tediousness up by 10,000x. The NintendoLife reviewer somehow liked the bosses, but to me they seem amongst the worst I've seen in the genre. Which is a pity because I really enjoy everything else about the game.
Trine - playing for the first time. Such a fun and creative adventurer/platformer puzzler. The plot is also fun; loving the game so far.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - haven't bought the DLC yet, but I'm enjoying the main game which I purchased recently on sale.
Super Mario Maker 2 - I wish this game would also get paid DLC but I still love it 290 hours in.
Arcade Archives Gradius - Just in the mood for it.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Party Superstars. I should try those new tracks in Mario Kart 8 as well.
After 90 hours, I finally rolled credits on DQ XI. I highly recommend that game to anyone and everyone! I’m now trying to decide what to play next. I had a false start on Journey to the Savage Planet. Just wasn’t in the right mood, I guess. My other ideas are Ys VIII, Death’s Gambit (snagged a physical copy from Best Buy a few weeks ago), or Hades. I’ve also played about four hours of Toki Tori, and man what a fun little game that is. Happy weekend to all!
After I played the MH Rise trial until thursday I felt finally able to get into MH Generations which was sitting on my Switch for some time now. So that and of course Mario Kart DLC where I already got both cups on all difficulties but I'm always trying to beat the developer ghosts in time trial on every course so this will be my additional goal.
Really cool looking house!
820 Hours? Dang, my highest is Smash ultimate with 130-140 Hours of playtime XD
More Triangle Strategy here. While I plan on getting the MK8 dlc eventually, the itch to play it again isn't there right now.
So, you just finished the Best Mario + Luigi Game. Now, we wait for a Switch port.
I finished up the main story of Neverwinter Nights on Switch and am now tackling the Shadows of Undrentide Expansion pack, I have been enjoying revisiting these games from my youth.
I will be playing MK8D online but I'm not buying the dlc, I can and do play the best of those tracks every day on MKT. Danmaku Unlimited 3 is my main this weekend, eshop bargain!
Playing some MK8DX-BCP, Minecraft, Pac-Man 99, Tetris 99 and TLOZ: Skyward Sword HD.
Switch: Checking out the MK8 DLC and possibly some more NSMBU Deluxe
Tabletop: Fallout The Roleplaying game.
This weekend is a long one in Mexico because of Benito Juarez's birth on March 21st,b ut I have to go to the hospital to take care of my grandma.
This weekend, my 3DS and some of my recent purchases, particularly the three Wario Land games, 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure and some Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS will keep me busy if my grandma doesn't.
Next week she will be out of the hospital and I'll be playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Me and Wife:
WWE 2k22... It's no No Mercy, but it's good.
Pokemon and I'm playing some Mario kart.. resting up between rpgs. Ni no kuni2 is next up.
Not playing anything at the moment. Kind of in a funk of sorts with gaming. Getting outside more and doing other things with my free time. Just kind of bored with gaming at this time.
Trying to clear up my backlog of games before kirby comes out.
COD Vanguard, COD Warzone on PC & MK8 Deluxe/ PVZ BFN on Switch.
Triangle Strategy. I’ll be playing the battle in chapter XI part II tonight. I’m still really enjoying this even though I was concerned about the balance of battles to story. I have found that I really like both and that the story portions are a nice way to mix it up in between battles.
On Switch, it's just the expansion pass this weekend. I just got the biggoron sword and I'm going to tackle the shadow temple in Ocarina of Time. I'll be playing Mario Kart DLC with my wife.
I think I might get back into Starfox Adventure on GameCube and Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Wii U
Have a great weekend, everyone!
I won't be able to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC since I don't have a Switch with me, so I'm going to play some of my 3DS games, as well as Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Tour again.
Haven't been able to play much lately since I'm in the process of moving, but I hope to get back into Shining Pearl after that ...Also looking forward to Kirby next week!
More shiny hunting in Arceus for me, but I'm starting to slow down a bit. I got most of the shinies that I want and I think I'm ready to actually play something different for once.
I'm also playing the Game Boy Color version of Donkey Kong Country because I went through the SNES one again for the millionth time and had the random desire to see how bad the GBC one is by comparison, as I haven't actually played through it to completion since I was a child.
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout (what can say?). It's a fun underrated game IMO.
"What would you all suggest be my first Kirby game other than Forgotten Land?"
@AlanaHagues Kirby nerd here, and glad you asked.
Return to Dream Land's one of the more common suggestions for newcomers; it's a fairly basic adventure, but well-crafted and totally memorable. It's the kind of game that newcomers can really enjoy, and veterans can get a ton of fun out of, too. And if you've got friends to play with, it's got some really fun multiplayer, too!
Amazing Mirror is a fairly unique entry, and maybe not everyone's cup of tea; in fact, when I first played it, even I wasn't its biggest fan. But it grew on me, and while it might not be the best starting point for the series, it's still totally something to try, especially if you enjoy more open-ended exploration games.
If you have Switch Online, then Adventure, Super Star, and Kirby 3 are all fantastic ones to try--I think Super Star especially is a great choice for newcomers. Kirby 64's also a personal favorite of mine, so when that finally gets added to Switch Online, totally play that.
Planet Robobot and Star Allies are also fairly decent starting points, but part of me feels like they can be best appreciated by series veterans. Even still, though, Robobot's armor mechanic is a total blast, and Star Allies' Dream Friends and well-crafted multiplayer puts it as another one of my favorites.
Also, it's not a traditional Kirby game, but totally play Rainbow Curse if you have a Wii U. It's really underrated, imo, and there's a good chance we're not gonna see it on Switch, so I'd say go for it if you can! Of course, though I haven't played its predecessor Canvas Curse, that may be a good alternative if you can't get Rainbow.
Anyway. Hope this helps!
With the capcom on sale on switch, I can’t decide if I should get generations ultimate? I loved rise, but it was my only mh game
@Marioman2020 I'm surprised Nintendo/AlphaDream never remastered Partners In Time for the 3DS and skipped straight to Bowser's Inside Story. I definitely wouldn't fault the series coming to the Switch!
This weekend is about replaying graveyard keeper with the game of cronos dlc, relaxing game. Also recently purchased Sm3D world so onto the ice domain in that. I’ve been meaning to get back into Fez after buying it a second time (once for my iPad) now for switch. Also never really broke past the first chapter of Eastward which I had preordered back in October so that also merits some play time….hmm I’m definitely getting the 1st Voice of Cards while it’s on sale, but should I also cave and get the discounted GTA trilogy….?
Back to what now might be one of my favorite games ever, Immortals Fenyx Rising. Only now going through the DLC pack, Myths of the Eastern Realm. Like a junior version of the main game so far with a different story.
@dugan Yep same here. I often get frustrated with games with backtracking or getting stuck but just enjoying the world of Hob
@YoshiFlutterJump thank you so much! No Wii U anymore sadly, but that's really good advice for Robobot and Star Allies. One of the older ones is definitely looking like the way to go.
Not playing my Switch this weekend, but I am playing some Wii U & my 3DS! Some great e-shop games that Nintendo is taking away from us, those who bought copies legally. What a shame. I'll no longer be buying digital anything from Nintendo from now on.
@Marioman2020 LOL Perfect response!
Thanks! Seriously, I'd LOVE a Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time Remake, and Maybe throw in Dream Team in Paper Jam while they're at it.
I've had a really busy weekend so I haven't had much time to play games, but I'm still plugging away at Atelier Ryza 2 and Triangle Strategy mainly! I just play whichever one I'm in the mood for at the moment.
@Marioman2020 We can only hope! Crosses fingers
@Donutsavant I'm really enjoying Darksiders. I see what you mean about the Zelda-esque dungeons and yet it's a very different game that does it's own thing. I already have Darksiders 2 in my backlog so will be playing that too. Glad I discovered the series.
Triangle Strategy mixed with a bit of Wargroove (since I can't get my Advance Wars fix). Also recently got an Oculus Quest 2 so some random things on that in the mix.
Man, Triangle Strategy is great you guys. I keep setting up traps to knock guys off cliffs and cackling like a madman when they trigger. Also the story is pretty good!
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