
  • News You Can Buy Donkey Kong Country Returns with Bananas

    Strange but true

    Gamers in the UK wanting to get Donkey Kong Country Returns for a steal might want to head down to selected Gamestation stores this Friday where the game will cost them... a bunch of bananas. The first 20 customers in line at Game Oxford Street, Game Merry Hill or Gamestation Hull can exchange a bunch of the yellow fruit for a brand...





  • E3 2010 First Impressions: Donkey Kong Country Returns

    Nintendo's famous ape is back and better than ever!

    When Rare developed the original Donkey Kong Country title for the Super Nintendo console, many were in awe of the impressively-rendered graphics they had managed to syphon out of the Super Nintendo's 16-bit hardware. Now with Rare a part of Microsoft, Nintendo needed someone to reignite the series...

  • E3 2010 Donkey Kong Country Returns This Fall

    Retro revival on horizon for DK (updated with trailer)

    Nintendo's E3 conference proved last weekend's rumours true, as viewers saw a trailer for a Retro Studios-developed DK game. Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii looks to be a sidescrolling affair in the style of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat or New Super Mario Bros. Wii. As the name suggests, Retro...

  • Rumour Retro Bringing Back Donkey Kong

    Maybe he's finally coming back to kick some tail

    Most famous for its Metroid Prime series of course, Retro Studios has been rather quiet since completing work on Samus's first person odyssey, with nary a snifter of information slipping from its Texan headquarters. Here's an intriguing rumour courtesy of IGN, however: the studio is working on...


  • News Metroid is the Citizen Kane of Games

    Comparison confuses design director

    Outside of the gaming media, videogames rarely find much airspace, and at times suffer large-scale ‘video nasty’ shock stories. However, when ABC News ran a favourable webcast, comparing Metroid Prime Trilogy to Orson Welles' renowned cinematic classic Citizen Kane, Mark Pacini, the series' design director,...


  • News More Metroid Prime in the Pipeline?

    Developer interview hints that the series is far from over

    When Retro Studios put the finishing touches to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, it stated that it would be the final game in the series. The announcement of Metroid: Other M - which is being handled by Tecmo's Team Ninja - seemed to confirm this, despite the recent repackaging of all three...

  • News Metroid Prime Trilogy: Visually Worse Than Original Releases?

    Footage seems to suggest as much

    Before this turns into a mud-slinging match, let's just point out that Metroid Prime Trilogy is fantastic. Being able to play all three games on one disc is a godsend and we rightly awarded it a whopping 10/10 when we reviewed it recently. With that out of the way, it's time to face up to an inconvenient truth - the...


  • News Corruption Saves Incompatible with Metroid Trilogy

    Sorry guys - your old Metroid Prime 3 save files won't work

    Developer Retro Studios confirmed that save files from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will remain incompatible with the forthcoming space bounty hunter epic Metroid Prime Trilogy. The studio had this to say: Due to the way the game data is allocated for production and the changes that we made...


  • News Nintendo Confirms Metroid Prime Trilogy For Wii

    All three Metroid Prime titles in one lovely package - with multiplayer!

    As you may be aware, Nintendo is releasing Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes as individual games for the Wii in Japan. However, rather than take this approach in the West, the company has confirmed that it intends to bundle all three titles together to create Metroid...