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News Titan Tank Rumble Is "Twisted Metal Meets N64-Era Rare", Says Developer Hexagon Games
Rumbling towards the Wii U eShop
Indie studio Hexagon Games has revealed that its vehicular combat title Titan Tank Rumble is headed to the Wii U eShop. Originally called DestructoTanks, the game is a "4-player online competitive game with leaderboards, featuring lots of hectic tank mayhem and explosions". The developer has compared the title to...
News Titan Tank Rumble Is "Twisted Metal Meets N64-Era Rare", Says Developer Hexagon Games
Rumbling towards the Wii U eShop
Indie studio Hexagon Games has revealed that its vehicular combat title Titan Tank Rumble is headed to the Wii U eShop. Originally called DestructoTanks, the game is a "4-player online competitive game with leaderboards, featuring lots of hectic tank mayhem and explosions". The developer has compared the title to...