
  • News Wii U Version Of Road Redemption Being "Re-Evaluated"

    But at least it's not cancelled, like the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions

    The Wii U port of Road Rash spiritual successor Road Redemption is currently being "re-evaluated", according to developer DarkSeas Interactive. The Kickstarter-funded racer - which has sold around 100,000 copies during its spell in Early Access on Steam - was supposed to arrive...



  • News Road Redemption's Wii U Release is Looking Rather Doubtful

    "It will take a tremendous amount of optimization to make it happen"

    Road Redemption was a high profile Kickstarter campaign way back in Spring 2013, as it called upon nostalgia for titles like Road Rash when making its pitch. Having been successfully funded it then had a slightly sticky period where early gameplay videos were poorly received,...

