- Average Game Rating
- 3.6/10
News Homo Machina, Type:Rider And Vandals Arrive On Switch This Month
Three puzzlers drop on the same day
The above trailer has been released for three previously unannounced games coming to Switch on 25h April. Vandals and Type:Rider come from developer Cosmografik while Homo Machina is by Darjeeling. Coming from first-time Switch publisher ARTE, a cultural organisation that co-produces various artistic interactive...
News Homo Machina, Type:Rider And Vandals Arrive On Switch This Month
Three puzzlers drop on the same day
The above trailer has been released for three previously unannounced games coming to Switch on 25h April. Vandals and Type:Rider come from developer Cosmografik while Homo Machina is by Darjeeling. Coming from first-time Switch publisher ARTE, a cultural organisation that co-produces various artistic interactive...