Gallery King Of Games Celebrates 15 Years Of Awesome Video Game Clothing
15 years of looking the part
Premium Japanese gaming clothing brand King of Games is currently celebrating its 15th anniversary with a gallery of products and Nintendo-related kitsch at Nakano's Meteor Gallery. In case you didn't know, Nakano is a part of downtown Tokyo which is gaining a reputation as the "new Akihabara", making it the ideal...
Feature Just How Hard Is It To Buy A Nintendo Switch In Japan?
We hit the streets of Tokyo on Splatoon 2 launch day to find out
Today is Friday, July 21st. It's horrendously hot and humid in Japan. It's the height of summer and the start of the school holidays in many parts of Tokyo. It's also the day that Splatoon 2 is out. As if the shortage of Nintendo Switch consoles wasn't bad enough, Nintendo's newest...
News Luggage Company LeSportsac Has All Your Nintendo Travel Needs Sorted
New line of bags coming to Japan
If you like everything in your life to have a Nintendo theme, then you'll be pleased to learn that American luggage company LeSportsac has teamed up with the Japanese video game veteran to release a trendy new line of themed travel accessories in Japan. The line is split into three main categories. 'Super...
Random We Greedily Consumed McDonald's Pokémon McFlurry In The Name Of Science
"Can anybody tell what's wrong with this picture?"
Friday night, suburban Tokyo. All through the week, the eager Japanese public have been waiting to hear what flavor the mystery Pokémon McFlurry will be. Options ranged from the reassuringly pleasant to the downright bizarre - after all, this is coming from a country that brought wasabi Kit Kat...
Random McDonald's Japan Thinks You Might Like A Broccoli-Flavoured Pokémon McFlurry
Pick your Pokémon drink of choice, if you dare
Update: Don't worry everyone - common sense prevailed and Japan will be getting a pikachu 'flavoured' chocolate banana Mcflurry this weekend! Original story: In support of the latest Pokémon movie - entitled Pokemon 20 - I choose you! - McDonald's Japan has started a campaign which gives...