
Topic: Who else switch’s games a lot? (No pun intended)

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The past year or so I’ve noticed my trend of constantly swapping in other games has increased. Sure, I’ve beaten a bunch but lately I’ll play Animal Crossing for like two days straight (I haven’t played it since for a few weeks now, then go back to Bioshock, then Mario Tennis Aces, and now I’m back on Witcher for over 6-7hrs the past few days. There’s more games I played in the past few weeks, but I digress.

I’ve read topics like this on Reddit and other sites. Who else just can’t seem to stick with one game until finishing and then another? I get it, we’re human and after doing the same thing so long we crave something else but it seems like mission impossible for me right now. Not necessarily such a bad thing, thought it was a good talking point to see who else is in the same boat since we have so many fantastic games. Not even counting my PS4 Pro games that I haven’t even turned on in a few months.

~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


I often jump between half a dozen games at a time. Usually in different genres. It's a rare occurrence for me to power through one game from start to finish without playing something else in between. Unless that game is only a couple hours long or shorter.

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I do countless times. It gets boring playing the same game for a month to be honest, so I like switching it up. Even playing Mario odyssey or Captain Toad would suffice.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2940-3286-4610 | My Nintendo: Pikmin4 | Twitter:


Lately I've been doing this. Usually I have one game that I put a lot of time into, then several others that I play intermittently. For instance, my main squeeze right now is A Hat in Time but I'm also playing a little Wargroove and Animal Crossing. Palette cleansers.

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A lot of times I've bounced through 2-3 games. But since May or June, I only touch Rocket League. Scratch that. I played a bunch of Mario Kart 7 last week.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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If I'm playing a long-form game with an ending, it depends on how invested I am in it. Because I love competitive games, I tend to switch between games if I need to scratch the itch, whether it's casual like Mario Kart or exciting like Smash Brothers. At the moment, I'm playing Paper Mario: TOK, which is pretty good but not holding my attention too much, so I swap games every couple sessions in this instance. 50 Clubhouse Games is a great new addition that gives me more options to relax to as well.

The last game that had me hooked non-stop was Persona 5. I ended up marathoning it through the Christmas holidays so I could finish it sooner and get it out of my system.

Edited on by TJWorks



I tend to focus on one game per system at a time. The idea of tackling multiple games at once is kind of like reading several different books at the same time. I’d rather pick one and play through to the end, keeping the the thread of the story (assuming there is one). However, I’ll try to vary genres to keep things fresh. And I also prefer to do a couple of short games between the mammoth RPGs that take up most of the year.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


That’s very similar to how I am. With dipping in multiple genres, etc.

I had a friend who I gamed with back in high school and after for a few years since we didn’t go away to a big college. We argued so much because he thought it was dumb to switch between games and always thought you should never switch to other games until you beat what you’re playing. He only played big AAA releases to so I would end up calling him out on that. Looking back we were still young, but to this day I don’t consider him a true gamer because he’d only play games that were 9 or perfect 10 reviews and were AAA mainstream. We lost touch years ago, haha. No surprise from what I’ve said here, I know. @Magician

~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


Depend on the games i have and depend on my mood.
Sometimes i tend to play for a while then change to other titles.
Sometimes i played one title for several days in a row when my mood was ready to follow the game.
Sometimes i just played nothing else but one title only when i was really hyped.



I'm kind of like that as well, I've been forming a tendency to jump from one game to another. Also, similar to @Anti-Matter, it depends on what kind of game I'm in the mood for. More often than not, I have been taking breaks from any JRPG that I play. After all, many of them are really, really long, so I like playing something different in between. Then, once I feel like playing an RPG again, I would come back to stuff like say, Xenoblade Chronicles.

Fun fact about me - my favorite genre is platforming (both 2D and 3D), so I really get into things like the Super Mario series and the classic 2D Sonic games. I like adventure games like Legend of Zelda and Metroid, as well.

Currently I'm playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Paper Mario: The Origami King. AC:NH in particular is the perfect chill-out game for me

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I tend to only play one main story game at a time (and I almost always finish them) but I'll normally have a few other games (rhythm games, roguelites, etc.) that I'm playing on the side. Lately I've been powering through a lot of games in my backlog. Got through 5-6 of them in a week.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


I tend not to swap around so much on a single console. Instead I usually have one game going per console at a time and swap around that way. I normally play each console at a certain time of day so I usually have a bit of daily variety.



I only own a homebrewed Wii and a PS2 slim but I have a smartphone, tablet and laptop I can game on. Given how vast each library is (over 5000 games on each device) I find it damn near impossible to finish any game I haven't already finished, or one I can jump into and out of like with MAME arcade games.

I also have massive ADHD so that doesn't help. Lately I've been getting through DKC and Link's Awakening DX alright. I've also been playing AM2R and that game is so good I don't want to rush through it. Fighting games are fun since they are usually the easiest and fastest to beat.



I always play 2 or max 3 games at the time.
One big game story based.
The other 2 are most of the times indies or multiplayer games.

Now playing
Dicey Dungeons
Steamworld Quest

FC - SW 2926-4689-1966

Switch Friend Code: Sw-2926-4689-1966 | My Nintendo: DenDen


I can only imagine this elusive 'idea' that there's something wrong with game-hopping and that you should finish one game before you start another stems from parents telling their kids they can't have a new game until they've finished the one they've already got, and it's just stuck as some kind of dogma in some people's minds.

Play what you want, when you want, that's my jam. My list of 'ongoing' games must be at least 50 games long (probably over 100).

One of the great things about game-hopping is that when you return to a great game having not played it for a while, it's almost like playing the game from new for the first time again. That thrill of 'OMG this game is sooo good' feels rejuvenated. Then I might gorge on that game for 2 or 3 nights, then maybe I'll hop over to whatever I feel like playing the next night.

But I don't really play games for the story. Almost however good a story in a game might be, they never seem to have much of an impact on me, so I don't feel like I'm taking much of a hit by playing through it in a stop-start fashion.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


I switch(pun) alot myself but I try to at least put 4 hours into a game unless it's those horror games that just turns my guts(pun). BOTW is one I can put 6-8 hours and still keep playing as I have one last Guardian the Camel in the desert to finish to collect all four and to get the motorcycle. If the game interest me I can put 4 hours into it and less if I am just trying it out to see how it plays.


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