
Topic: Having user profile issues

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Hi. I am very new to using the NS consoles. II have bought three consoles. one for each of my family members, and registered them under the same email with a family online plan. Problem is, when I download games it always linked to the main user and not the intended profile, meaning that my kids cannot download the same game to play at the same time - this is an issue! I have added them as user on a family group but they still cannot purchase the same content. I wanted to set them up on their own online accounts but it seems that this is not allowed since they are not 18. How can I make this work? I have one child that can access everything and the other who can only access the content when his brother is not using it.



@Sarah100 The short answer is, if you want them to be able to play the same game at the same time, each console needs to be set up as a "primary console", and you'll need to buy a copy of the game for each console, which I know isn't cheap.

Nintendo support does have pages explaining "primary console" vs non-primary, if you want to search for yourself. There are also youtube videos for setting up switch consoles for a family.

edit: here's a list of links to nintendo support pages for common console setup questions.

I personally don't know a quick & easy to way to explain it, because people usually have follow up questions. If you get stuck, you can contact Nintendo support. Helping parents setup is what they do. Nintendo UK support's contact page looks like an email form, but after you select the options for the 2-3 drop boxes, it will give you a phone number. (last time I checked in april)

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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@WoomyNNYes Thank you so much for your advice. I already love this forum



Each accounts require separate email accounts so that is also why you can't download the same game. This is something NIN implemented when the Switch arrived.


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