Tag: Qr Codes

  • News Here's the Magearna Pokémon Sun and Moon QR Code for North America

    Gotta scan 'em all

    Distributions will come in a variety of forms in Pokémon Sun and Moon, with one method being QR codes. The QR Scanner function can only be used in the game after you've cleared the story, so it's an incentive to get through the campaign. As promised, The Pokémon Company has now distributed the first QR code; the North American...

  • News Three New Stages for Pyramids Available Now

    QR codes ahoy

    3DS Download Software Pyramids might not be setting the charts alight, but those who took a chance on its chunky charms will be pleased to find three new stages for the game available below. Here's how you use the codes: Launch Pyramids On the title's front screen, select 'QR CODE' The top screen will show nine level slots, under a...

  • News Add Nikki to Your Mii Collection

    No postage required

    Many 3DS owners will have now dabbled with Nintendo Letter Box — also known as Swapnote — and have become familiar with Nikki, the rather helpful guide. She pops up often to help scribblers learn about new features or templates and is an all-round friendly, charming Mii. If her regular visits aren't enough, you can now...

  • News Excavate the Pyramids Facebook Page for QR Levels and Tips

    Enjoy Gaming celebrates NA release with new stages

    Pyramids released last week on the North American eShop, and publisher Enjoy Gaming is celebrating with a new QR code stage, which you can scan below. The company also let us know that for those players who find themselves stuck in a particularly challenging spot, the team will happily provide...

  • News We Have an Exclusive Extra Level for Pyramids

    Scan it below

    3DS download Pyramids just released on the eShop in Europe, with one of its major features the ability to add new levels by scanning a QR code just like the one below. In order to access our exclusive Pyramids level, follow these instructions: Launch Pyramids On the title's front screen, select 'QR CODE' The top screen will show...