Tag: Project Sora
Pit stop
Kid Icarus: Uprising developer Project Sora has shut up shop. The studio's official site shows it closed on 30th June, and the site itself will go at the end of this month. Before anyone gets too carried away, it's worth remembering that Project Sora was originally established as a subsidiary of Sakurai's own, and decidedly ongoing, Sora...
Fact Sheet Kid Icarus: Uprising Details Updated
AR mode and multiplayer detailed
Kid Icarus: Uprising isn't too far off now — at least, according to Nintendo's most recent release date — and we have an updated fact sheet to share. The sheet outlines the multiplayer mode and AR Card play, claiming the game recognises "countless" specially-designed cards, though the outcome of those...
Rumour Next Smash Bros. Could Be Called 'Universe'
Game not actually in development, though
After the peculiar 'unveiling' of a new Smash Bros. title at E3 2011, after which it was hastily shot down, we've become wary of any so-called news about the next entry in the series. Nevertheless, a rumour is worth sharing, even if the actual game is still, potentially, years away. There have been leaked...
Has Pit found his wings yet?
Masuhiro Sakurai's game of two halves continues to delight and frustrate in almost equal measures. When we played the game back in January we came away thoroughly impressed with the aerial sections but less enamoured with the ground fighting elements, and this hasn't changed based on our latest hands-on time with the...
News Sakurai Yet to Start Work on Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS
Years and years away
Satoru Iwata's promise that we'll see Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS drew some of the biggest cheers of E3 2011, but series overseer Masuhiro Sakurai wasn't cheering: he's not even started work on the project yet. Still hard at work finishing Kid Icarus: Uprising, Sakurai didn't sound altogether happy about Iwata's on-stage...
News Kid Icarus: Uprising's AR Card Battles are Bound by Fate
Outcome set in stone
Those AR card battles in Kid Icarus: Uprising certainly look impressive, but there's been some confusion about how the fights play out with no player input. Now AndriaSang has received confirmation from a Nintendo representative that the outcomes are predetermined. That's right: no matter how many times you pit certain...
News Sakurai Talks Connecting Smash Bros 3DS and Wii U
New experiences planned
Last week at E3 Satoru Iwata announced that Smash Bros. is coming to Wii U and 3DS, and there was much rejoicing, particularly when Iwata confirmed the two versions would be able to communicate with each other. A new Iwata Asks between the Nintendo President and Smash Bros. head Masuhiro Sakurai has delved a little more into...
News Smash Bros Creator Working On New Game
Sakurai establishes new studio to create an experience different from anything you've ever played
It’s been confirmed that Masahiro Sakurai, creator of the highly successful Smash Bros series and all-round good egg, has founded his own ‘spin-off’ studio in the shape of Project Sora. The new studio – in which Nintendo has a 72 percent share...