Tag: Criterion
Exclusive We Almost Got A Wii U F-Zero Created By Burnout Studio Criterion
Would have been shown off at E3 2011
F-Zero is one of those franchises which Nintendo fans are constantly clamouring for, and not an E3 passes without demands from the masses for a brand-new entry. The series has been dormant for quite some time, although recent events - such as a F-Zero mini-game in Nintendo Land and the inclusion of the legendary...
News Criterion Has No Immediate Plans For More Need For Speed
Burnt out?
Criterion Games' Creative Director Alex Ward has taken to Twitter to debunk recent rumors about a Need For Speed reboot. In a series of tweets, Ward explained that Criterion wanted to take a break from the Need For Speed series, and racing games in general. [tweet 323861676720005121] Ward did, however, leave the door open for future...
Review Need for Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U)
Just what U wanted
Criterion is best known for developing the smash hit Burnout games — which last appeared on a Nintendo console over ten years ago — but since then the studio's gone on to helm the long-running Need for Speed series of racing games. Its latest effort is Need for Speed: Most Wanted U, an enhanced port of last year's PS3/360...