Nintendo released Super Mario Bros. in 1985, making a lot of people very happy due to the superb platforming action it provided and selling a lot of NES systems in the process. Numerous sequels have followed, but that first game has remained available on various machines over the years, sometimes adding things like updated visuals (SNES) and extra modes (Game Boy Color). The original NES version has seen release on Game Boy Advance, GameCube (Action Replay permitting) and all three Virtual Console services. Now you can buy it on Switch, but Arcade Archives VS. Super Mario Bros. is a bit different to what has come before.
Arriving in arcades the year after the home console release, VS. Super Mario Bros. at first appears to be the same as regular Super Mario Bros. with the same tight controls, visual appearance and Koji Kondo’s awesome music playing in the background. As an arcade release some changes were made to provide a tougher challenge and to gobble up more money from players – although for this eShop release credits are simply added at the press of a button. Unlimited continues does not make the game a pushover, however, as using one sends you back to the first level of the current world.

Continues functioned the same way in the original version of the game (albeit hidden behind some button holding), but with its added difficulty VS. Super Mario Bros. features more moments of frustration. Sure, starting from 6-1 may be preferable to starting from 1-1, but if you’d struggled through to 6-4 and then got stomped on by Bowser, it’s disheartening to be thrown back a few levels that must be replayed before you can get your revenge.
There are some small changes that create some of the added challenge with a few extra enemies, less powerups and in some cases smaller platforms for you to land on. Towards the end of 3-1, the Koopa Troopas on the staircase have been replaced with Goombas and consequently the famous 1-up trick is impossible. Another change is that some bricks have been removed above the exit pipe in 1-2, making the minus World inaccessible and the warp zone slightly trickier to reach; misjudge your landing and your momentum will carry you off the ceiling and towards the regular way out. Find your way to the later warp zone that previously granted access to Worlds 6 to 8 and your inner speedrunner will be disappointed to discover that only the sixth World is accessible.

Other changes include World 2, where levels 2 through 4 are the harder versions that originally appeared in Worlds 6 and 7. A few other levels have also shifted around including the castles to Worlds 4 and 5, which have now switched places. A more significant change comes with the first castle that has been replaced with a new tougher level, featuring extra lava pits to jump and firebars to avoid. In fact there are six new levels in the game that feature tough platforming challenges; one particularly tricky moment requires you to bounce off a Koopa Paratroopa at just the right moment to reach the platform. Oh, and you can’t see the Paratroopa when you begin your run-up.
It should be pointed out that these new levels would go on to feature in The Lost Levels, a game that despite initially only seeing release in Japan has since had numerous western releases, and so they are not the fresh challenges they originally were. These new levels and other changes also make things a bit disorientating when an expected level turns out to be something else, or a jump has to be approached differently to what you’d do in other versions of the game.
If you’d like to make things a easier for yourself, the only thing you can do is adjust the lives you get when continuing; increase from three to four. The other options in the settings menu all make the game tougher: decrease your starting lives to two, require up to 250 coins for an extra life and speed up the timer. Elsewhere there are HAMSTER’s usual options for remapping buttons and adding scanlines to the image should you wish.

Two player mode operates exactly as you’d expect (players changing upon loss of life, player 2 is Luigi), but the Hi Score and Caravan modes are fun alternative ways to play. A standard feature of HAMSTER’s retro releases, these give you one credit to try and get as high a score as possible, with the Caravan mode also limiting you to five minutes of playtime. There’s online leaderboards for you to try and move up and trying to improve your score makes for a different gaming experience.
Play through intending to just clear the game and fireworks are a fun celebratory moment you sometimes trigger, but go chasing after a highscore and there’s disappointment when you hit the flagpole a second too late and miss out on the points bonus. During the rest of the level do you try and collect everything and stomp every enemy? Do you rush through, collecting what you can but aiming for a bigger time bonus? Then there’s the bonus rooms. You can drop down the pipe to collect plenty of coins, but does it compensate for the part of the level you’re skipping? There’s a lot to consider as you contemplate how best to go about pushing that score up.
Super Mario Bros. being playable on a Nintendo system is not particularly surprising, but that it should first appear on Switch in its VS. incarnation is a welcome bonus. The excellent gameplay, catchy music and a large chunk of the levels are still present, but the new stages make for a different feel that muscle-memory won't get you through. Those levels may have since appeared in The Lost Levels, but their inclusion here alongside changes to existing levels (including a different solution to a multi-path puzzle) make for a still enjoyable but tougher alternative way of playing, with highscore chasing also adding to the fun thanks to the online leaderboards. Even if you can play through the regular version of the game in your sleep, VS. Super Mario Bros. is an excellent - and challenging - choice for platforming fans.
Comments 116
The picture of Mario and the turtle will haunt me forever. You can feel the turtle's pain.
By the way, merry christmas!
Looking forward to playing through this.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day review, that’s passion for the job.
Get some sleep and have some turkey.
Merry Christmas everybody.
That artwork is horrific!! XD
I caved in and bought it, despite having played SMB on numerous platforms. Definitely harder than the original SMB (though Lost Levels still holds the crown as the harder game) and the removal of 1-up tricks did hold its "VS" name for a reason. While this isn't one of my favorites on the Switch, I still enjoyed it and this will have to tide me over until Nintendo brings VC to the system (though please PLEASE Nintendo! Bring Game Cube VC to the Switch!).
Eight bucks...
The review scores here are slowly becoming meaningless and not a true indication of a game’s quality. This gets a 9 whereas other objectively great games get worse scores. Just proves how broken the scores are here now.
However the meat of the reviews are still mostly good with only a little bias. So I think we should read the reviews, ignore the bogus biased garbage scores at the end and use the meat of the reviews to see if the games are worth getting or not.
@the8thark Absolutely agree, which is why I opted for the Eurogamer approach when we had a vote. Sadly I was in the minority.
@the8thark Yeah I am still bummed Neo Turf Masters got a 7..
This game is one of the craziest, most unexpected arcade machines I ever stumbled upon as a kid. I remember how it was in some totally random place that I was staying at during a ski trip, I was wandering around the hallways looking for an ice machine and in the corner of this hallway I stumbled upon a Vs Super Mario Bros arcade machine. Keep in mind how this was back in the 90's so I had no real knowledge of such a thing even existing. I still remember what it was like to play that machine, it's very unique to play a Super Mario game on a dedicated arcade machine like that.
I just had to get this, the original is still one of the all time best platformers IMO.
@the8thark You guys, all reviews are just opinions. Personally I have taken note of how a lot of reviewers around here are really big fans of hardcore indie games and Nintendo games so I keep that in mind whenever I check out their reviews. No matter what a review is always going to be subjective whenever it has a score attributed to it.
The picture is proof positive of Mario's TRUE nature. A deranged psychopath with no remorse for killing innocents. He knew the true form of those bricks. O_O
The original SMB has been available in some way shape or form on all Nintendo home consoles and most handhelds, so I'll wait for the real deal.
@the8thark I had been feeling a little bit that way for a while, but I didn't think it was a real problem until the Pokemon Ultra Sun&Moon review. That was easily the worst 10/10 critical review ever written on Nintendo Life... And also the worst 10/10 critical review I've ever read in my entire life. It's one thing if the reviewer actually explains the reasoning behind their score in depth and backs it up. But when the reviewer doesn't support the score they've given, and is dishonest (or at least not upfront) about what the player should expect, to the point that user reviews found on sites like GameFAQ's are more comprehensive and honest... That's when you know there was no integrity behind that critical review. It was all for the Metacritic money.
Even in this review, it doesn't really back up that 9/10 score- but at least it's an honest one, and tells you what to expect. So I wouldn't fault this particular review. "Professional" reviews which aren't truly written with the purpose of informing the reader, like the Pokemon US&M one on NL, are those truly deserving of scorn.
I agree with you guys. Any honest user review will always be better than (almost) any Nintendo Life review. They have become meaningless and totally biased.
Happy Christmas!
Happy Xmas! Mario Odyssey tomorrow for me, but I may get this as a fun comparison....
This was how I first played mario so It's a must buy for me, hada blast playing it at the arcade and at 10p a go was cheap as chips at the time.
All I want is super Mario world and Allstars re-skinned like Wonderboy 3! I’m passing on this.
VS. Excitebike > VS. Super Mario Bros.
@the8thark it’s almost like different people with different opinions review the different games.
@Jack_Goetz I don't think that voting process was an honest one. It didn't explain the full depth of what it would mean to switch over to the Eurogamer model. As it turns out, all one has to do figure out why the choices and their consequences weren't explained in depth is simple.
Look at the rating on every Eurogamer review entry on Metacritic: "In Progress and Unscored." Their reviews are actually complete and available for reading by the time their links are reachable on Metacritic. The reason they're marked as incomplete on Metacritic is because Eurogamer's review model is incompatible with the traditional decimal scoring system.
Terms like "Recommended", "Essential", "Avoid", or even no term given, are sensible indicators to the reader who is gaining information. But they doesn't translate well into an algorithm which demands a decimal value, of which is correlated with crucial business deals in the industry:
The fact is, NLife Media, which exists above Nintendo Life and Push Square, gets some kind of payout for participating in the Metacritic decimal-based scoring process. A company has to willingly choose to give up a higher income from Metacritic to embrace a review system like Eurogamer's. I wouldn't be surprised if opinions on the matter are split amongst Nintendo Life staff.
Ultimately, any publicly held "votes" are just there for show, and are presented and skewed towards achieving a certain result, with the NLife Media decision makers' desired one being a preordained outcome. But it was determined by a "vote", so they can say it wasn't a top-down decision to keep it the way it is today, despite years and years of protestations by many readers in favor of abolishing the decimal scoring system and focusing more on the written content.
@the8thark I agree with you on the scores that are given on this website are not what they used to be. I used to love coming to a place where reviews felt honest and scores not inflated as they seem nowadays. I’ve been having to compare with other sites before making an educated decision. Usually a 9 from NL really means a 6 or 7. Score don’t mean anything anymore. I truly believe that pay for scores is at play here. They just should just be honest about it.
@the8thark I think at the end of the day you just gotta think of reviews as they are meant to be taken, it’s just someone’s opinion. Don’t take it too seriously.
So according to the review score, this game is almost as good as Odyssey at just a fraction of the price?!
It's a nice relic from the past and all, but I wouldn't recommend it otherwise. NES games have aged the worst of all of Nintendo's console/handheld libraries and yet they are so adamant in milking it dry.
Dear Nintendo,
Please bring all your NES, SNES, N64, GC, and Wii VC games to Switch at your earliest convenience. It can do all of them. Just make it happen.
Then continue bringing all the WiiU games out on it (Mario 3D world, Smash, Pikmin, etc.) Havung the entire Nintendo catalogue on a mobile console would be the best thing in the universe.
All the Switch fans
@raviadso I approve of this message and will go on a hunger strike if it leads to a Virtual console
@raviadso Please don't speak for all of us, personally I am happy that Nintendo is focusing on releasing new content as opposed to just recycling all the stuff that they have been doing for the past decade.
If you really want the entire Wii U catalog that badly, and all the VC games that are out on it... you should just buy a Wii U.
@JayJ Modernizing, streamlining, and improving the Virtual Console service for the NS is the best way for Nintendo to stave off piracy of their older titles as much as possible. That doesn't take away from developing new titles at all. Nintendo has more than enough money in the bank (and now much more rolling in) to dedicate a department specifically towards the purpose of maintaining a fully fledged Virtual Console storefront and backbone, without impeding current game development processes.
Funny reading complaints for a 9 score for SMB. Folks this game is as classic as they come. You should be complaining it wasn’t given a 10! This game set the standard for all platformers to follow. You can’t review it on the basis of comparing it to games made 30 years later, you compare it to games of its time. I mean, I would find it ridiculous to review such a classic with a score of 6 or 7, personally.....
The real quarter chomping difficulty was from the joystick at the arcade. That game is way easier with a d-pad. Also, I'm wondering if you can Hold A+Start in this to continue like you could in the NES game.
I'll pass. I have no nostalgia for most arcade games for one reason (Simpsons arcade, Final Fight, Turtles in Time and Killer Instinct were my only exposure) and the other is its $8 when I can get both Mario and lost levels for the same price on VC that I already own on 3ds.
Not purchasing it at the moment, but might later on. Regardless...
Merry Christmas everyone! Or happy holidays... you know, whatever lol.
I don't know about anyone else, I have issues with the sound skipping while playing. Anyone else notice this ? Also this might just be the pro controller's D-Pad but the feel of Mario is floaty.. not sure if this is a Arcade control issue or if it is the controller and its just I am not used to the "feel". Happy Holidays everyone
who the hell asked for this
"hey guys I know you wanted the virtual console but here's a crappy port of mario bros optimized for maximum penny eating"
@milliag I respectfully disagree. A game should be reviewed and scored on its merits of what it’s like to play on the Switch right now - not influenced by how good or groundbreaking it was 30 years ago. Just my two cents worth
Merry Christmas y’all
I'm having a great time with it so far. The original pro controller D-Pad is pretty bad, and now I get to really feel the difference. Though, running with the thumbstick isn't as bad as I dreaded (I REALLY need that HORI Arcade Stick, NOW!!). It also looks great with either the nice, square pixels, or the A2 scan line option, and the rich RGB colors really pop and make this look more like "the original arcade version" over the original NES/Famicom, even though it's the other way around (and I don't miss the purplish blue sky and sickly greens and reds from the NES version one bit). The yellow/red fiery Mario, there's a drop shadow on all the numbers and letters, and the fireworks go off at 1, 3, and 6 on the timer, not 1, 3, and 5, are all noticeable differences.
And for that true arcade 'quality' sound, go to Game Settings>Audio Settings and set Adjust Sound Quality to Bass Up. Why does the speaker sound so bad? Did it blow out? Is your little brother or sister standing right in front of the speaker? Is it just loud enough in the arcade that the only audio you can make out is the bass? Who knows? Lol.
I found list of all the changes between the original NES/Fami SMB and the Vs. SMB. There's only 4 1UP mushrooms in the game. https://www.mariowiki.com/VS._Super_Mario_Bros.
@krankstar2k It's the legacy SMB feel only found here and in the NES/Fami version (and also the NES Remixes). By the time SMB 3 dropped, the jumping changed a bit.
@Nintendo_Thumb Nah, but you can 'insert coin', by pressing L, to continue when the continue screen comes up.
@Melkac Nintendo asked for it, obviously. And the consumers responded. It's currently ranked 6th out of 342 games on the NA eShop behind Rocket League, Enter the Gungeon, Odyssey, Overcooked, and Stardew Valley. And 4th out of 239 games on the Japanese eShop behind Minecraft, Odyssey, and Splatoon. Let's see what happens after tomorrow!
EDIT: Vs. SMB is now 4th on the NA eShop (12/25)
EDIT: 3rd! Christmas ain't over yet! (12/25, 9:07PM EST)
It's funny how people complains by saying they can buy SMB on other Nintendo system or already have it.
It is the first time THIS VERSION is released since the arcade. Just for that it's worth it. Neither of us already owned it.
Don't want to pay its price? Fine. But it's a game that was never released before.
I'm really enjoying this port in handheld mode. Except ...when I dock...
Major input lag on the pro controller!. Flag Jump flunking, crouch slide glitching input com-lag !!!...please fix/patch nintendo as the pro controller is the only legit d pad available .
Some folk have no respect for the classics! Hehe.
@GrailUK I know, right? Also, how about folks trying a different version than the one that people have beaten backwards and forwards back in the day. Sometimes it's good to step out of the comfort zone once in a while.
@the8thark Exactly this. I've been saying this for a while. I genuinely believe NL are trying to push an agenda here.
Problem is, if everything is great, then how do I differentiate between them?
They could really learn from their sister site. When PushSquare gives out a 9 or a 10 it means something.
Even brilliant games like Yakuza Kiwami got a 6, Zero got a 8, NieR got a 8- they were reviewed for what they are and what they have to measure up to.
Nostalgia glasses. Is an arcade game from 1986 really still a 9 in 2017/2018 when compared to today's standards? Even when those standards are constantly being raised by games from the same franchise (Mario)?
Like you said, the content is all there.
/rant over
@GrailUK It's not about a lack of respect. We can all remember our favorite games as fondly as we chose to. However, when reviewing a game should it not be reviewed for what it is? Should it be put on a pedestal? I've made this point before, but if this a 9 & Mario Odyssey & Zelda BOTW are 10s should I not expect a similar level of quality?
Don't get me wrong there are games that stand the test of time. MGS1 & FFVII come to mind. They were ground breaking and are still considered by many as the best entry in their respective franchises.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Remember guys, there is a huge wall of text to read above that '9'. It kinda puts a meaningless number into context and certainly disproves anyone claiming this 9 is in some way similar to Odyssey's 10.
I'm sure My Nintendo will eventually offer a discount on this, and maybe then I'll dive in, but I got plenty to keep me occupied for now.
I’m loving this!!
@SanderEvers Then get your 3DS out and start playing.
or your GBA SP with the Super Mario Bros remakes.
This is something different, which coming from Nintendo is a good thing.
Is there any way to save your progress on this game or do you have to play from start to finish in one sitting?
@Moroboshi876 Tell me about it!
To me this is the best version of Super Mario Bros 1 ( and the better way to play lost levels, since this has all the it's improvements and some of it's levels. ) when you beat the game you get the Lost Levels ending, where you gain tons of points for remaining lives.
top that off, you have a high score table! with some original music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDu0gJAXd6A
It was also in the Mario Anime too (or from this anime ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn25-Z0I-gE&index=4&list=PLBD7184ED36FC1BD2
@the8thark yea I agree. I think they have a promotional stance towards nintendo hardware and games at all costs and in a fanboyish manner. In another words they are taking the side of the nintendo and not nintendo fans and consumers.
Nintendo Life has lost its way, and needs to be visited by 3 spirits.
@Fight_Teza_Fight " if everything is great, then how do I differentiate between them?"
As you said, Push Square and (dead) Pure Xbox are much more honest than Nintendo Life (all of them belong to the same people). Nintendo Life has a agenda thus they are overly positive about any release AND re-release regardless of quality, competition (time is precious) and price. If you trust their reviews and scores the best games are always on Nintendo and you have to have them all and pay for every (expensive) re-release even if it means paying twice or thrice for the same game.
I have bought Super Mario 64 for N64, Wii and Wii U but on Wii U at least there was a big discount (almost cross-buy). I'd buy it again for Switch (but I think there wouldn't be any discount this time) but, hey, not all games are Super Mario 64, no matter what Nintendo Life wants us to believe. They have become Nintendo's online advertisers instead of a reliable guide for gamers.
Forgot how slippery the controls in this game can be! Also Caravan mode is seriously addictive, and with the amount of play time I have already invested this game is well worth the cost.
As for all this other talk of agendas etc, wise up people. Just sounds like you are annoyed they gave a score you aren't happy with so they must be biaised when in reality the only people coming accross as biaised are yourselves because it suits your narrative.
@craigmoss19 There's a "create interrupt save data" option you can use, so if you exit you'll resume from that point next time you launch the game.
Merry Christmas, guys! Also, chill on the review score complaints and conspiracies lol
If giving a 9 to the best platformer ever created is an effront to your internet mojo, just stick to the review text and use your common sense. ALL reviews are biased and have always been, no matter thd outlet or user. All people are biased. Period.
When reviewing game released we've likely played previous I'm much more interested in the quality of emulation than opinion of said game - which I can decide myself.
I picked this up and was genuinely surprised how much of a remix it was. Feels like Super Mario Bros. 1.5. Very nice.
Now where is the Virtual Console?
@daveisbored Ahh, thanks for letting me know. I might consider getting it then.
Of course Nintnedolife always review Nintendo games and give the great scores. https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/nintendo-switch/1-2-switch
Has anyone finished World 7-4?
The map seems to be different from both the original and from all images/videos I’ve seen of the VS version as well. There’s a platform missing next to the lava in the second section, making it very difficult (or impossible) to finish the level!?!
@GrailUK You're comparing an 8 dollar game to a 60 dollar game, and Nintendo Life puts this into consideration like they should. Super Mario Bros. is and always was a great game. Games don't go bad like milk. Games are about having fun, and Super Mario Bros./VS. is very fun. These complaints about it on here are always hilarious really. People complain about these vague things like it's old (which usually means they haven't played it, but they know it can't be good), but nobody has any specifics.
What is bad about it? Do you think Mario should jump higher? Does he need 10 lives per game? You think there shouldn't be any warp zones? The fireworks hurt your ears? Improper Koopa Troopa placement in 4-2?
What artwork is everyone freaking out about?
I’ll hold out for the physical version.
8 bucks is way to much for this..
@JayJ All reviews should not be just opinions. They are written from specialist authors that try to convey the average feeling of a game for a video game player to decide about purchase and for Metacritic to professionaly add it on its Metacritic score. Now if I wrote a review, since I am not a reviewer and I certainly don't get payed for it, then THAT would be a review that CAN reflect my personal opinion. In other words, it's not fair to see a 7 grade in LA Noire and Xenoblade 2 (in other sites) and a 9 at this game.
@JimiVall I haven't gotten there yet but are you saying the maze changed in 7-4?
In other words you don't think its fair, doesn't mean it isn't.
All games should be judged on their own merit. This is the first time I have been able to play this version of Super Mario and right now I am having a blast and Caravan mode and Hi Score mode add a lot of repay value.
Why do people even bother reading reviews if they are going to dismiss them out of hand because they don't match up with their pre-conceived views of a game. The amount of people who read review after review until they find one that matches up with what their view/feeling is is ridiculous and doesn't prove a damn thing.
Not all directed at you and now I have let that off my chest, I wish everyone a happy holiday and hope you all get merry and enjoy playing some great games, whichever ones they may be!
Good evening!
@Cosats How can someone write a review about something, and give it a score without that score being subjective? The entire nature of any scored review for any type of media, be it music, movies, or video games, is going to be someone's opinion regardless of their job title.
Reviews should always be a subjective opinion. That's the whole purpose of a review. Nothing else.
A reviewer on Nintendolife or IGN is just someone who have played and tested more games than the average gamer, and therefore are "experts" with a better foundation and understanding to compare games.
But any honest user review can be just as good. Nobody has the "truth". It's all just subjective and biased opinions anyway.
@Cosats All reviews are opinions. You can't review something without expressing your opinions. If you don't agree that this is a great game, you can state your reasons.
"They are written from specialist authors that try to convey the average feeling of a game for a video game player to decide about purchase"
Yes, and they are opinions of the reviewers.
@BlueOcean honestly bud. They've always been like this.
Back when they were vc-reviews they ruled with an iron fist and banned people for disagreeing with them.
They hacked a guy called Neuzd who hated the jpeg format (he was an artist So finicky about art stuff). They changed his avatars to I heart jpeg and banned him when he exploded.
They banned mods who disagreed with review scores. Mods, not reviewers, mods who worked for free.
Damo and Daz have always been shady as... So this place has always been a "take with a pile of salt" review site IMO.
You can't just compare Mario Odyssey & Zelda BOTW to SMB like that. Pricing and value for money is also to be considered in a review score.
You cannot expect the same of a game, that costs 10$, and a game that costs 50$. Both can be 10/10 games, though.
A simple budget Short-film can also get a fantastic 10/10 review, without being a big lengthy and expensive Hollywood blockbuster movie.
Why can a short little children book not be a 10/10?!??
In the end it's all about subjective opinions, and if something is good or bad.
I hope the release the arcade versions of Donkey Kong and its sequels. So far the only way to play the original one, besides in an arcade's dark corner, is to unlock it on DK64. Also, the possibility of one day Popeye to get released as part of Nintendo's ACA series. Simply exciting.
I'm hoping that this is the beginning of a true "Arcade Archives" series and we get (arcade versions):
I keep thinking: How many decades do we have to wait to get the stupid original arcade versions of these great games???
@bsbishop If you go to the arcade archives website, as well as the ACA Neo Geo tab, there is a new tab for arcade archives (with 3 released games at the mo - although Double Dragon is this week!) so it looks like a fair bet that arcade archives are starting to get released.
@the8thark Interested to know what an "objectively" great game is... Reviews are, after all, inherently subjective.
Am I seeing the screens right? Did hamster do the most amazingly geeky thing and set the color palette to the distinctly "garish" one?
So they actually want us to pay more for an inferior version of the game?! The extra Hi Score and Caravan modes are by no means worth the frustration of the difficulty hike, and there's already a cheat code in the original version that acts similarly to the extra continue system here. So, no, thank you. I'll stick to the better original version I already have on my 3DS (via the Ambassador Program) and Wii.
@milliag While I agree that retro games should be reviewed with the era in which they were released in mind (and current pricing upon re-release), even then this game doesn't deserve a 9/10. By NES standards, "Super Mario Bros. 3" could very well deserve a 10/10, but the original game would only be a 7 or 8 out of 10 in comparison, while this release should be dropped a point even further for the unnecessary and frustrating difficulty hike.
Although, unlike some of you, I think Nintendo Life's numerical scores still make sense most of the time.
game is pretty sweet but alot harder than nes version, but man now i really want a d pad i play exclusive handheld mode and now i want some of those joycon shells with a d pad this is totally worth 8 bucks bit i do somewhat agree with the score inflation on this site but its still the best ninty site
@BulbasaurusRex the 3ds version is not better the color is horrible and super dark on all wii u and 3ds nes games this on the other hand is vibrant and bright yes i have both this one is harder but i prefer it simply for the better presentation
@BulbasaurusRex How does a harder version of a game = inferior? It's the same as any other action game, play through it enough and, with practice, it becomes easier.
The original SMB isn't easy, but it wasn't impossible to go through. Maybe you've beaten it? I've beaten it when I was 10 with warps and, and later without, often skipping a lot of points. But, it took months of going over friends and relative's houses, and eventually with my own NES, to build up to the point that I could beat the game as a daily routine...until I got tired of it...to the point that I haven't played nor bought any version of it in nearly 30 years. (Not including Super Mario All Stars 25th for the Wii, as a collectible, and NES Remix because it was a remix plus challenges, not the whole game).
I haven't beaten this version, yet. But I'm working on it. I didn't run into this arcade game often since it was so rare. Not many people in this thread has, I can guarantee it. So, because it's rare, an official release, it's challenging, it has a fantastic RGB and scanline presentation compared to the original NES, and that I haven't really played it are the main reasons I got it. And that's why I feel it's not inferior to the original. It's not superior either, IMO, for the reason that it's different enough to not be considered the same game anymore (the differences really start to kick in by 1-4) It's SMB v. 1.5.
And I really need to spend more time with it because I'm straight garbage right now, Lol. But I know I can get better at it.
@Nekoo77 Not really, for $8 you get the game, a Caravan Mode, a High Score Mode, and an online leaderboard (which required a paid server to keep active) so that's totally reasonable. $3 from those are probably pay to Hamster to keep that online leaderboard active so in theory it is worth it. It's not like they just threw you the rom by itself, they actually add some other features to the game so to challenge you in the case if you already master the game. It's a game that they probably don't have to release but did anyways so stop acting like you're poor and buy the game.
Wow there's some strange people on here, one of the greatest 2D platformers ever that arguably has only been bettered by one of its own sequels a few years later receives a 9 and people complain? Seriously using old or retro as a reason it may not be good today or that it's a bit more difficult than the original is a bit sad. The best 2D platform games I've ever played are all from that era and the only games from the last 20 years that even come close to compete with them were designed to replicate games from back then, such as Mega Man 9, Shovel Knight and Sonic Mania.
The original Super Mario Bros and by extension this is an example of flawless game design which people still play to death over 30 years after its launch, so whilst some scores can be questioned on this site, this is not the one for that discussion
Man, I really hate how continuing puts you back at the start of the current world. 6-3 is really hard and 6-4 is really difficult too, and I don’t have enough lives left to learn all the traps in there.
I know this isn't a vc game. but its a better version of the orignal mario bros so it basically is lol. but for 6 pound 29p when wii u was dying i got f zero for 30p on the promo thing they done. And i got punch out nes for 30p and i think i got another for 30p lol.
$8 is a joke.
@dres Ehh no it isn't. There's only one scoring criteria at NL. 1-10.
That's were all games fall into regardless of price, length or production values. They are then all thrown into metacritic regardless.
As far as scoring is concerned there is no difference between a £50 & a £5 game- within the realms of metacritic.
The game is judged as a game. Nothing more, nothing less.
The issue is if you are telling me that an arcade game from 1986 is a '9' in 2017/2018, then there's a problem within the games industry. Where's the progress?
I don't think that's the case here. If Mario Odyssey & Galaxy raised the bar of what a platformer should be, then any game releasing should be judged by that bar. This is what PushSquare (sister site) did when they reviewed Yakuza Kiwami, which came out some months after the critically acclaimed Yakuza 0.
This isn't to say 'old' games are 'worse' than new games. Judge them for what they are.
I'm obviously not the only one that has a problem with NL review scores.
I'll leave it at that. If the reviewer believes that this game (of all games) is still a 9, then it's a 9.
The review itself is very well written. The disconnect comes with the score.
It's fine praising a game and acknowledging it's impact, but imo it shouldn't be put on a pedestal because of that.
Numbers aren't up for interpretation, they are what they are.
That tricky jump in World 6-3 where you have to jump on a supposedly unseen Paratrooper, if you walk to the right on that platform, as you mentioned, you can’t see the Paratrooper. However, if you then walk to the left on that same platform THEN walk back right, the Paratrooper appears, making the jump much easier to perform!
Nice review!! This game is classic~
@masterLEON "Nintendo asked for it, obviously."
Yeah that's not how it works, genius.
@bezerker99 Cheers. That's good to know. I'll give it a go next time around.
Reviews are just opinions. It's a fact.
All the Switch fans"
You don't speak for me mate. Thanks.
@Tibob This is not an NES game btw, it's an arcade game with different level and challenges. It looking like an 8-Bit game doesn't mean it isn't worth $8, considering an NES game for the GBA (without multiplayer support) cost $20, this is a steal on that part.
@Melkac It's HAMSTER's emulator running Nintendo's ROM. HAMSTER had the means to make their arcade games run, and have been doing ACA for 3 years now starting with the PS4. And for whatver reason, Nintendo decided not to do it themselves. Wether it was a back-burner plan they never got a chance to execute, they didn't have the time or resources to dedicate, or something else along those lines. I mean, Nintendo has been super strict with their properties up until recently (and it's well known that Nintendo tries to do everything themselves). So Nintendo must really approve of HAMSTER's work in order to let them handle their ROMs.
So Nintendo could have approached HAMSTER, HAMSTER could have approached Nintendo. Conversations could have started a couple years ago, it could have started right after the Switch announcement. Whatever case, it happened because Nintendo is trying to appeal to their customers of all ages. Including the older generation, like me, who grew up playing their games at the arcade, because they want to regain our trust in the Nintendo brand.
Someone from either side (my fault for saying just Nintendo) had get the ball rolling with an inquiry or formal proposal. I oversimplified, and that's my mistake.
But enlighten me, o wise one. In a business sense, how do you think this really happened?
We can compare the 8$ to the 20$ it used to be on GBA ten years ago. We can also compare it to the 0$ it costs to run such a rom on pc or on many handheld devices.
I'm not advocating for hacking games, but 30 year old games I've owned on many forms I'm not feeling guilty about playing for free.
@electrolite77 I do and don’t pretend otherwise.
Hamster CEO has said they are intending on releasing 800 Arcade Archive titles. 800!!!
@whoisbdub The colors on the original version are perfectly fine. Sure, the colors here are more vibrant, but it's barely an improvement at all, while the frustrating difficulty bump is a major disadvantage. Some may even argue that the more vibrant graphics are too bright and look out of place.
@masterLEON "The original isn't easy." Exactly. The original one is already hard enough, so making it even harder pushes it too far into frustratingly difficult territory, especially with cheap tricks like not being able to see an important Koopa before making a blind leap. It's not as bad as "Lost Levels" but still too hard for the average gamer. Improving your skills has little meaning when you're simply incapable of getting through even half the game no matter how much you try. It's not like it's bumping the difficulty of a Kirby game or adding a harder New Game+ mode alongside the original difficulty level.
Who cares if it's a rare release when it's simply a lesser, more expensive version of something else that's already available? It's not different enough to be its own game, yet the differences it does have make it the inferior version. It would be like going back to buying the original "Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior" release on the Wii Virtual Console instead of one of the later versions but somehow paying even more money for it. Only hardcore retro collectors with more money than sense have any need to double dip on both games, so you might as well just get the better original version, the one exception being those who have a Switch but not a Wii, Wii U, (2/3)DS, NES Mini, original NES, original Super NES (with "Super Mario All-Stars") or some other clone system that can play NES and/or SNES games and just can't wait any longer for the possibility of a proper Switch Virtual Console. I suppose another exception would be for people like you using it as a New Game+ mode in and of itself (although do you really still remember the original levels inside and out after 30 years?), but probably 95% of gamers would get more enjoyment out of just playing the original version (either again or for the first time).
I don't understand the vitriol being unleashed against this game.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not the first time we can challenge other players across the globe to best hi scores on the original SMB — albeit in a harder, slightly remixed form? (keep in mind, we wouldn't be able to do that with the NES version, since there are many extra man tricks). That in itself warrants a 9/10 for the $8 price tag.
And kudos to Hamster for tapping this vein ... SMB and Pulstar are keeping me plenty happy these days, as did dozens of other arcade ports released by them before that.
You guys didn't even give the game credit for being in HD when the filter settings are completely off, and the white on Fire Mario's costume is made more yellow(akin to Super Mario Bros. 3).
@DillonatorWright I agree! Turn the filters OFF and the game looks glorious!
I might get this later down the line just to check out the differences between the original.
Not sure if it will beat Super Mario Bros. Deluxe though.
@DillonatorWright @bezerker99 And the colors are so vibrant! No color bleeding like on old CRT TVs. No bluish-purple sky, either!
@BulbasaurusRex "Improving your skills has little meaning when you're simply incapable of getting through even half the game no matter how much you try."
Slow down. Observe. Experiment. Practice. Proceed.
-Don't rush, concentrate on clearing a section at a time.
-Look out for immediate threats, look for their patterns and paths, and exploit opportunities. Commit this information to memory.
-Try different ways to solve the problem. It's possible to learn something new even by making mistakes. (That important koopa situation goes here)
-If a plan seems plausible, keep executing until it works. Fine tune as necessary.
-Celebrate, then move on to the next challenge.
-Don't forget that experience, if you have it, it can sometimes get you to your goal quicker.
(This process can apply to many action games, not just SMB.)
I refuse to believe a human doesn't possess the capacity to improve themselves, let alone not being able to get better at something like a video game. It's not all about trying harder, but maybe trying something different.The only way you can never beat a game is if you give up. That is, if you really really want it. Then again, it's just video games. It's up to you.
"Who cares if it's a rare release when it's simply a lesser, more expensive version of something else that's already available? It's not different enough to be its own game, yet the differences it does have make it the inferior version. "
The greater reason I care is because, knowing what it is, I want to have that experience. Plain and simple. I know I've played the original, I just want something different. And I'm ok with the difficulty being turned up a notch. I also don't feel like going all the way into the city to Barcade just so I can play the actual machine. Indeed, it's not as hard as the Lost Levels, which I've also beat on Super Mario All Stars for the SNES. It's just going to take a little while to work through it.
Now, at some point I'd like to understand why "harder=lesser". Because honestly, that really just sounds like you're personally putting it down because it's above your skill level. If you don't like it because it's difficult, that's cool. It's relatable. But actually downplaying its value because of that? I dunno, man. I'm not the only one here that would disagree with that logic.
"Street fighter analogy"
But the later versions don't get harder, at least not until Super/Super Turbo/Ultra, against the CPU. It literally just adds more characters and moves, and balance tweaks. You'd only need to be familiar with what the new moves are and change your tactics.
"Only hardcore retro collectors with more money than sense have any need to double dip on both games, etc..."
I've sold off games for systems when I've been satisfied with how the digital version plays. For example, I stopped going for WiiVC NEOGEO titles because Nintendo's anti-seizure methods are so aggressive, that it no longer delivers a hardware accurate experience, visually (rapid flashes, and certain special effects, and high frame rate animations, are affected). I prefer physical whenever possible but I don't have the space. I still have a TV that can handle older connections. But since I record all the time, I prefer HD whenever possible because analog is looking pretty bad now. If everything comes to the Switch, then great! It'll be the one machine I'll need for retro goodness.
"although do you really still remember the original levels inside and out after 30 years?"
Not for NES SMB, no. It wouldn't take as long for me to make it though as it did the first time, however. With the exception of World 4-4, and 7-4's mazes (which I did have the original SMB strategy guide back in the day, but now the solutions are a google search away), and maybe some pipe knowledge, I honestly don't think I'd have that big of a problem getting back in. My skills haven't rusted to the point of completely forgetting how to play (thanks to the leaderboards in NES Remix for something to compare myself to). I may be old(er), but I'm easily several times better than I was 30 years ago. Which is an honest assessment.
@daveisbored Thank you for the review. It's rare to see one on here that goes into such detail covering the differences between different versions of a game. Something usually severely lacking here at NLife.
@masterLEON I didn't need nor care about your detailed explanation of how the port was made, man. I simply said there's no demand for this poo, therefore there was no reason Nintendo needed to make it.
No demand = No money. These ports aren't passion projects.
Am I missing something or unlike HAMSTER's Mario Bros., this game doesn't save your high scores in original mode?
Does anyone know how to get into 2 player mode? Tried all buttons. It shows option on screen but no way to select 2 player. Any help appreciated much!
@Melkac Don't like to read, huh? Ok.
North America - 3rd place out of 347 games

Japan - 3rd place out of 248 games

No demand you say? You don't know what you're talking about.
See you in the spring when the year end numbers get released!
(BTW, ACA Mario Bros. stayed in the top 15 for a month in NA and JP. That's why I know there's a demand for this 'crap'.)
A 9 for this very old overpriced game...bias much?
I never tire of the original SMB, so I can't argue with the score.
After mastering the original SMB & "Lost Levels," I'm glad to see the VS Arcade version finally get an official home release. $8 seems like alot though, even with the custom & online features added. $5 or $6 would've been better.
Also, that one guy claiming there's no "demand" for these games is very ignorant... I've been wanting the first-party Nintendo arcade games sense before the Wii days.
I even want Nintendo's "Popeye," though licensing costs will keep it off the Eshop unfortunately... I really wish we could get some licensed games like it, TMNT, Duck Tales, and such.
How do you get through the second maze on 7-4?????
@JimiVall @MusclyBruv Here you go:
Maze section 1:
-Top (Use mid to get on top. It's ok to drop to the bottom as I show in the video, after making it through once.)
-Top to exit (use mid to get on top again)
Maze section 2 (after the fire bar):
-Mid (on the first two platforms)
-Top (on the second two platforms)
-Top (jump to the third two platforms)
-Bottom to exit
I save-stated a bit so I could try out a couple paths. I hope to make it through the game in one shot soon.
Is this on the Nintendo switch?
I’m not able to drop down here and that second maze?
@MusclyBruv It's the Switch version, which is not the same as the NES version.
@masterLEON I appreciate the response.. After more time with the game, I have found that the pro controller was the floaty feel I was having. For the first time I actually enjoy the joy cons on this title. And I mentioned the sound skipping but once I took the console out of docked mode it stopped and once putting back in docked it worked fine.. Weird issue but everything is fantastic. Cheers and hope your 2018 is great ~!
@krankstar2k Glad to hear you've nailed down the issues and finally getting to enjoying it! I never thought the Joy-Cons would help someone, though I never thought a D-Pad would fail me like this. Actually, the Pro Controller thumbstick has been my go to here. All those NEOGEO fighters must have made me better with the thumbstick, Lol. I've never had the sound skip, but I do get an odd internet connection pop up whenever I go back to the home screen from within the game, and it only happens for Vs. SMB. Weird.
Here's to a fantastic 2018 for you, too!
I definitely notice the input lag issue too, but fortunately it doesn't happen in portable mode. I hope they end up fixing it anyway.
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