When Nintendo confirmed a 'multiplayer-focused' Kirby title plenty speculated over the approach it would take, but Kirby Battle Royale ultimately delivers a rather predictable spin-off release. What we have, once you get past an initial introduction that suggests a different style entirely, is a minigame collection, one primarily focused on variations and twists to flesh out a limited experience. It's certainly a diversion away from the high quality 2D platforming that has come to define the pink puffball over recent years on 3DS.
When first booting the game up you work through a brief tutorial in single player; Kirby has a basic attack that can also be charged, a secondary move, the ability to jump / float, and he can pick up and throw items and enemies. What he can't do is absorb enemies, which isn't explained but is the case due to the need for the game to gradually unlock abilities with progress. The plot follows that trend as it's thin even by Kirby standards - Kirby enters 'Dedede's Cake Royale' with a buddy in order to win a tasty cake, and Dedede is using a machine to create clone Kirby characters to take the pink one down. It's cutely presented and made us smile, however, so that part of the magic remains in place.

Here, importantly, is the key detail - Kirby Battle Royale does have a genuine solo 'Story Mode' campaign, albeit any reasonably skilled player will rattle through in four hours or less, while younger or less experienced players will get more mileage as the challenge increases. The setup is rather basic; you're tasked with working up five 'leagues' to win the Cake Royale, all the while earning points and unlocking new Kirby abilities and eventually 'Boost Orbs' to utilise in battles. You also gradually get to see all of the minigames this way and get a couple of fun boss battles - it's either a limited and underwhelming solo campaign or a rather enjoyable extended tutorial, depending on your perspective.
We rather enjoyed playing through it early on, but it nevertheless started to lose steam despite its brevity. As mentioned above, it essentially serves as a tool for experimenting with abilities and mastering the minigames, of which there are only ten. That may sound like a lot, but they start to feel over-familiar rather quickly, especially as all the solo campaign can think to do is add a small number of arena variations and increase the AI difficulty a little beyond the initial novice level. The Story Mode can dress it up all it likes, but what you're really doing is playing four-player minigames over and over again against the CPU. Even unlocking abilities has limited impact as they're all familiar from previous games, and most players will have two or three favourites that they use repeatedly, in any case.

The quality of the minigames varies, it must be said. The most basic is Battle Arena, where you scrap it out until just one Kirby is standing; there's a bit of strategy as KO'd players can try to recover, so ideally you need to wear everyone down and knock them out in close proximity. Apple Scramble, on the other hand, is all about teamwork as you work with a buddy to knock apples from trees and send them down a hatch; in Story Mode the AI does a decent job of helping out, especially with pulling the hatch lever while you focus on gathering the fruit.
Next is Coin Clash, where you try to gather the most coins in an arena while dodging ghosts. Attack Riders puts you on a circular stage where you have 'chips' to preserve and steal, while also trying to hijack vehicles with which to run over the opposition. Crazy Theater aims to throw in quickfire challenges to keep players on their toes, a fun idea let down by a severe lack of variation and content, meaning you'll see a lot of repeat rounds. Rocket Rumble is one of the better games, meanwhile, as you frantically try to throw fuel cubes into your rocket and then jump in before the time ticks down.

Robo Bonkers is almost certainly one of the more visually entertaining games, as you fight over rockets to launch at an enormous mechanised ape to score the most points; it's fun, but a 'last hit' bonus is a bit cheap and can skew results. Slam Hockey is a spin on table hockey that should be very entertaining as a team game, but it lacks speed and momentum. Ore Express is a decent scrolling stage in which you scrap over ore to deposit in passing train cars, which is particularly enjoyable against real players. Finally we have Flagball, in which two teams fight over one ball and try to throw / bash it into their flag; this is nicely done and is one of the stronger games.
That sounds like a lot, but they quickly loop around, especially in the single player mode. These are, after all, what the game is all about - they're not extras included with a full Kirby adventure, they are the entirety of the game. After the generous content offerings of the previous 3DS titles in the series this feels barebones, and we found ourselves ploughing through the solo mode more to unlock goodies than for the sheer joy of it.
Beating the story mode and buying collectibles with the generously distributed in-game currency sets you up with some special characters and lots of abilities for genuine multiplayer. First up, let's consider the Online Multiplayer; well, it's functional. In our post-launch testing it only offer 'Ranked' matches and kept pushing us into team events, a slightly frustrating and unnecessary limitation. Playing and winning earns you points to level up, and that's the core loop right there - it's limited.

In the immediate days after the game's release we did manage to find online matches on multiple occasions, but sometimes with very long waits or ultimate failure. The EU servers are not heavily populated, it's fair to say, and plenty will lose patience and give up when others don't immediately arrive. When we did get into matches performance was reasonable, but lag did kick in a few times and detract from the gameplay, while we also had a disconnect mid-match. Due to how quiet the servers are along with that sketchy performance, we can't see much mileage in this online mode.
Which finally brings us to Battle Mode, where you can customise some single player games or, more importantly, jump into local multiplayer. We couldn't test local play with multiple copies of the game, but that'll be a familiar tale for plenty that own games like this. More importantly, though, there is Download Play, and it's a feature that may make or break potential purchase decisions for families or those with 3DS-owning buddies.
Due to file size limits (presumably), the host has to pick one of two 'packs' that have five games each. The process to get other 3DS players in is relatively quick, and you can choose from various options to play through the five games in the relevant pack. Those using Download Play are limited to a handful of power-up options, but it's entirely functional and lag free in our experience. As a result it's very welcome for families and those eager to get more mileage out of the game; some of the minigames are certainly more fun with other human players, though they still wear out their welcome relatively quickly.

After all of that, let's wrap up with the presentation. This game continues a recent trend and annoyance of ours in that Nintendo (and HAL in this case) haven't bothered to implement the 3D effect, making this game 2D only. The low resolution of the 3DS top screen is certainly more noticeable without the auto-stereoscopic feature, and it once again seems like a sloppy cost-cutting measure. Aside from that the visuals are certainly solid, employing thick outlines similar to those in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS in order to help you track the action. The music is also typical Kirby fare, which is fine by us.
Sometimes Nintendo puts out distinctly 'B-list' games, and Kirby Battle Royale falls into that category. While the main games in the series on 3DS offer creativity, smart design and generous amounts of content, this ultimately falls short on all counts. It's not a bad game, but it is mediocre, and the mileage and value it holds as a retail release will vary drastically depending on the players. For families and minigame enthusiasts able to dabble in local multiplayer it offers some fun, but sparsely populated online servers and a repetitive Story Mode leave little to write home about. Kirby may have many of his iconic abilities here, but the copy-and-paste approach and limited minigames mean this doesn't get close to the mascot's other 3DS games.
Comments 55
So is this actually a retail release? I always kind of assumed it would be download-only.
Oh god no! Too much violence!
OT: I'll just wait for Kirby on the Switch. This doesn't interest me at all.
So HAL Labs put out a game with a worse review score today than Team Sonic?
I’m interested in this one, but I’ll wait for a sale.
i'll wait for a sale on this one.
Bummer. I thought this game had some potential. A review like this makes staying away a little easier.
Didn‘t expect this to be worse than Forces. But then again, I, as a Kirby fan, have zero interest in this and it looks like I was right in skipping this entirely. Can‘t wait for Star Allies next spring.
Pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Shame that it doesn't have more content/polish.../EFFORT put into it, but at least Star Allies is on the horizon.
Meh this is basically just Mario Party but with Kirby instead. I rather just wait for an actual Mario Party game for Switch.
@retro_player_22 well it's mario party, but without boards and with just 10 minigames.
How is something like this a retail release and the new style savvy game download only?!
"sparsely populated online servers"? Isn't it not out yet?
@ALinkttPresent out in europe for almost a week
@ALinkttPresent As mentioned, it's been out in Europe for 5 days. On top of that even if it was out in NA the servers are region-restricted, so it'd make zero difference for the review.
Ouchie ouch. I can't help but think of AntDude (seriously, check out his YouTube channel, the guy is fun personified). He already had to come to terms with Blowout Blast not being as good as he hoped, I think Battle Royale is going to hurt the poor guy.
I still need to get a 3DS Kirby game. Should I get Triple or Robo?
Not cared for Kirby in ages. Tried to replay the old Wii game on Dolphin and just didn't care
Nintendo underpinning the 2018 switch lineup with Yoshi and Kirby is a bit concerning for me. Hopefully they have something else outside of FE for the rest of us
I still don't know why they want to keep putting multiplayer focused games on 3DS instead of Switch, especially for Mario Party soon. Wanted to actually play with friends and family.
Wow! Expected an eight... mainly because it’s a main Nintendo star with a reputation of scoring eights.
No buy
I’ll pass, and just wait for the Kirby game on Switch.
In the U.S. the game is called Kirby Battle Quarter Pounder.
@rjejr, LoL comment of the day .
For me it sounds and looks like a dud and with no 3D its a no sale anyway I love the 3D effect its the main reason I own a 3DS.
Poor Kirby. Always seems to be just there to tread water and fill a gap in the schedule. All his recent (and frequent...) games have been decent, but they're all starting to merge into one in my mind now, which isn't a good sign.
Definitely seems like this should be a $20 eShop release, not a full $40 retail one.
@yeayeanaynay Reminds me of another franchise thats usually on portable systems and has a big following that would probably attack me if I said then name of...
Well, I will have to buy this, as I have every single Kirby game... even Kira Kira Kids for the Super Famicom.
But even though I absolutely love the series including its spinoffs, I pretty much knew from the first trailer that I wouldn't be rushing to the store to get one. I'll definitely wait for some kind of sale.
I think they just wanted HAL to keep supporting the 3ds since Nintendo is very keen on keeping it alive.
@Agramonte At this time last year we had little idea of what 2017 would bring. I'm not worried that there won't be sufficient content.
Oh...guess I’ll be skipping this one. A 5 is simply beyond the bounds of my Kirby love. Sorry Kirby
This doesn't even look like a Kirby game. I will wait to hear about the Switch one.
@ThomasBW84 Thanks for reviewing the game. I saw a bit of the game on Youtube but this review just serves as a confirmation of what I thought when I was watching footage. This seems like a watered down kirby version of Mario Party which would be inoffensive it it was $40. I cannot justify spending that much on this game despite Kirby being my all time favorite franchise.
This honestly might be the first Kirby game I've passed on in over 10 years or at the very least, wait until it gets a deep discount/sale
Priced same as Blowout Blast, I would go for it.
Budget $3 eShop game at best.
But it’s okay, the 3DS already has 2 very good main series entries.
@JimmySpades At this point last year we knew we were getting Zelda, mario, Splatoon, Mario Kart, an NBA game and Skyrim. By January we got Xenoblade and FE-W.
And that was when the system was not even out. Sony already started showing new 2018 stuff at the Paris event.
@Agramonte That's Sony. Plus, Switch's first holiday hasn't arrived yet. Nintendo's marketing will be focused on what is available now, because that's what will sell consoles now. When they're concerned with selling in 2018 we'll see more of what will be available in 2018.
Jeez Kirby, having a bad day? This is odd for a Kirby game imo, and really sucks that this is what (probably) ends out the kirby fever on 3ds. Especially since I loved everything that came out between Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot.
I'm not going to lie: I wasn't really that hyped for this as I was with Star Allies, but it still looks like a game that I'm willing to buy regardless...just at a later time.
Either way, I'm still leaning towards this than Top 100, even though I have to wait until January (I'm an American).
@JimmySpades They should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. No need for the entire marketing department to concentrate on 1 game. Yes, that is SONY - Nintendo can learn a few things from them.
@Agramonte I'd like to point out that we had been told not to expect any of those games for sure at this point last year (besides Zelda), and I was heavily not expecting any of them to come out this year if at all. None of them had confirmed release this year. Which, mimics the current status of Pokemon, Metroid, Fire Emblem, with Kirby and Yoshi being guaranteed. Plus throw in Wolfenstein as Skyrim's counterpart, 2k being happy with switch sales meaning we'll likely get 2k19, we're about at the same place we were last year.
Both this and the new Kirby game on Switch look mediocre, which is unfortunate, because I REALLY liked Planet Robobot.
@Agramonte As I've seen ads for more than one game, I'm certain their marketing department is adequately diversified. I'm also certain not revealing next November's games won't cost them console sales this holiday, nor will not having revealed those games a year early cost them console sales next November.
Like Peer Schneider always said, Kirby games are the death knell of a system. Surely this is a sign of the end times for the 3DS.
Ah, Pulp Fiction, love it
Not fair.
This Kirby games got retail version while Style Savvy Styling Star is E-Shop only game for USA region.
I feel like Nintendo should adjust their game prices. A number of their recent 3DS offerings feel more like $20 or $30 efforts. That's not to say they are bad games, just not worth their asking price. The one-size approach leads to games like this feeling wildly overpriced.
A 5, ouch! I'll skip it! As a 5 Euro download it still may have been interesting, but definitely not as a 40 Euro retail-title!
The first stinker in quite some time for Kirby. Hopefully the Switch-title will be better!
this game was definitely at least 3-4 points higher if it was for the Nintendo Switch. mostly Nintendo Switch game reviews is overrated! mostly final year Wii U and 3DS game reviews is underrated!
@Ralizah Star Allies looks far from mediocre, it brings back ability mixing and yoyo. It also looks gorgeous. Battle royale was rushed, that's what I'm sure of.
@Ralizah I dunno...Star Allies is bringing back CPU-controlled Helpers from Super Star, which I really liked and preferred over having King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandanna Dee joining the pink hero for lol. On top of that, the ability-combination system is looking to be far better than Kirby 64's in that they are executed well and balanced, which are two of the things that 64 truly slipped up on.
Star Allies may not be GOAT material for me, but it's looking to be my new favorite game in the series if it delivers.
@Videogameguru50 I could accept that Battle Royale does seem rushed, but...I'm still more excited for that than Top 100, and as a massive Mario fan, it really hurts to say that.
@StephenYap3 Man the top 100 was a huge miss potential. If I was designing it, I would 10 mini games from each mario party with a mega mix of gameboards from each game
Meh, this is just the typical kind of last minnute filler Nintendo usually fills it's consoles with at the end of their life. I'm not sure why anyone expected something great from this game.
5 out of 10 for a Kirby game is not good.
I think Nintendo should make it up to us with Kirby Air Ride on the (yet to be announced) Gamecube Virtual Console for Switch
Kirby mass attack came out very late on the DS and was actually great. This title though, one of the first Kirby's in a while that I skipped!
I pre-ordered from Best Buy but I think I’m canceling my order and wait for a huge sale. Just for the sake of having it, to complete my Kirby collection
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