From its launch in late 2008 until its eventual discontinuation five years later, Flipnote Studio was a smash hit among both the casual and professional creative types. As an application that assisted in creating flip-book style animations on the DSi, the concept was simple, but the amount of creativity that users put into it was what really made Flipnote so special. Coupled with Flipnote Hatena, an online service that allowed creators to share their work with other users, it's no small wonder that Flipnote Studio was so well loved within the community. It's not often that a game or application brings users together on a personal level, and that's something that speaks volumes about how appreciated the original app truly was.
Following the 2013 discontinuation of Flipnote Hatena and the release of Flipnote Studio 3D - the original app's 3DS successor - in Japan, the promise of a new application around the world was enticing. Turnaround for release outside of Japan wasn't quick though, leaving many fans in other territories waiting in limbo for quite some time. Repeated delays and mixed information persisted for nearly two years until now, with the highly anticipated Flipnote Studio 3D released in North America exclusively through Club Nintendo. After what seemed from the outside like development - or at least localisation - hell, this app has managed to come out the other end mostly unscathed.

The core mechanics of Flipnote Studio make the transition to the 3DS well, leaving little room for error. The original was such a well-tuned and finely polished machine that it should come as no surprise that this new iteration builds off of that in the best of ways. The tools at your disposal remain mostly the same, but there are more ways in which they can be used. One of the biggest additions is the use of layered 3D, a feature that obviously was not available on the DSi. Users can now create fully 3D illustrations, not unlike those in Colors! 3D, and bring them to life right on the 3DS console. Photographic Flipnotes can also be created, taking photos with the 3DS's camera and importing them directly into the project.
There is a bit of a learning curve that comes with mastering the controls and making the most out of the array of tools, but Flipnote Studio 3D does just the right amount of hand-holding to get you where you need to be without feeling overwhelming. There is a short tutorial in the beginning that sets you on the right path, but it's mostly about using the tools creatively; during the short time that the tutorial lasts, it shows you how to work with the basics, but it simultaneously encourages exploration. Once started, you will be given the option to choose between two sets of tools which are aptly named "normal" and "advanced." It's a good idea to start off with the normal kit to get acclimated with the basics before moving on to advanced, a kit that contains all of the tools from normal but adds more and allows you to use them in different ways.

Controlling Flipnote Studio 3D is easy work, especially once you've become accustomed to the variety of tools. The majority of inputs require the console's touchscreen for what should be obvious reasons, but physical buttons are also incorporated in intuitive ways. Simple two button combinations consisting mostly of a directional and lettered inputs provide shortcuts, alleviating the need to constantly be opening and closing the menu to change tools or undo actions. It can all be a bit much to grasp, and first time users are bound to make plenty of mistakes before getting it right, but once you've spent a little time with the application it becomes second nature. It doesn't take long before you're swapping brushes and mixing colours with the best of them.
When creating an application used for art, there should be an artistic quality to the program itself. Flipnote Studio 3D is no stranger to this concept, boasting an incredibly clean interface with large buttons, easily identifiably icons, and sound effects that help bring the look together. Working in conjunction with the accessible controls, the understated design is source of comfort, allowing its users to explore and create without being overwhelming. Overall, it's a very pleasing aesthetic that is nothing short of museum quality.

The biggest feature that didn't make the cut in this release is any semblance of a sharing program. Unlike the Japanese version, Flipnote Studio 3D does not feature Flipnote Gallery: World, the paid world-wide service that allows users to share their creations. Your own Flipnotes from the once bustling Hatena can be downloaded to your console and edited, but the online service does not have an equivalent here. Projects can be exported in a number of different formats, including avi videos with audio and animated gifs, but the only way to share within the application itself is locally with another user. The good news is that online communities have already begun popping up all over the Internet, including right here in the Nintendo Life forums. It doesn't make much sense that a program designed with the intention of encouraging its users to create does not make sharing your work a simple process, but it is good to see that the community is alive and well, making the best of an unfortunate situation.
After what seems like an eternity, especially for the more adamant cartoonists among us, Flipnote Studio 3D has finally made its way westward. It's not as complete of a package as many were hoping, namely with the absence of a sharing program within the application, but the core mechanics remain spot-on. If you don't mind taking the extra step of exporting your projects and uploading them online outside of the 3DS console, there is very little fault that can be found here; overall, this is a well designed application in terms of both use and aesthetic that encourages its users to explore and create in new ways. Even if you're the type to be discouraged by the prospect of drawing, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to create art.
Comments 49
I like making Flipnotes, I just wish there was a easy and simple way to share them.
When they stopped the online (or 'spotpass') feature of Letterbox, my 3DS felt really empty. It was the Pictochat of 3DS.
...and this has no sharing features either. Lame. I will try it out when they release it over here. Can't say no to free stuff!
@Moon You can still export your animations and share them through social media or your message board of choice.
But still, the Japanese version has Flipnote World. More like Flipnote Japan
Hopefully this one will EVENTUALLY be released in Europe too.
Meh, gonna try it. I'll probably hate it for showing me how much I suck at drawing...
@Inkling Haha, thought the same! ^_^
@AlexSora89 According to a recent Nintendo Newsletter, we'll get some info on it very soon, so cross your fingers.
I'm crossing my toes as well... this and Mario Maker, alongside last year's 3DS Smash Bros title, might well be the longest-overdue games to be ever released by Nintendo.
Sharing them online is very counter intuitive at the moment, not to mention you lose out on the 3d effect and if you use .gif you lose sound, two major components of flipnotes.
I really hope they find a way to get a hatena esque service up and running sometime...
At least it's not as insulting as the various "international editions" seen in Final Fantasy games.
This kind of thing should be on the Wii U too; as a great way to demonstrate some of the unique benefits and capabilities of the GamePad.
Annoyingly; this kind of thing, and a whole other bunch of things like it, are the kinds of "Apps" or "tools" I've been wanting Nintendo to integrate directly into it's console's firmware since before the Wii.
Flipnote is fun to use, though I haven't done much since I'm usually playing MH4U. It would've been cool if there was a Miiverse Community where you could post videos of your flipnotes similar to Mario Kart 8 even if this was only for the New 3DS.
As others have said, a miiverse integration would be a cool idea. Certainly miiverse is savvy enough to run a simple .gif, yes?
I am absolutely horrible at drawing, but I'm glad this has finally been released! Some people are so creative and talented!
If I was better at drawing I am sure that I would love an app like this. Though I have to admit that the prospect of creating photographic flipnotes does have me tempted to try it!
I liked it, but I just wish that there was a more "free" layers system like in Photoshop. I wanted to have ten layers so that I could freely move around my objects separately.
I also wished that I could edit the contents, color, and font of text AFTER already applying it. I hate how you're stuck with what you get afterwards.
All in all, I just want a free Photoshop for the 3DS.
If they're discontinuing Club Nintendo, why are they releasing this exclusively on the service, thus encouraging people to sign up even though it's being shut down?
First thing I thought when I loaded up this review: Too much orange on this webpage!
At the time im posting this. sadly its not available in ALL of North America. if for any reason you have your NNID set to Mexico, you cant redeem the DL code
I like this Flipnote Studio thingymabob. I made a yellow box with a blue ball bouncing around inside it. Simple, but awesome. Little sound effects each time it hits a wall, and the ball flattens a bit. It's awesome
Seriously it's just pathetic that Nintendo didn't give us Flipnote gallery World! Why couldn't they work with Hatena again to bring Flipnote Hatena, since Nintendo aren't willing to do online sharing themselves!
@tripunktoj isnt mexico central america?
@dAviD7 Well, its a matter of definitions, but discussing that is beside my point. Why is Nintendo of America bothering to restrict access to a download (already published) to only one of the 3 countries with eShop service in their region?
I've been looking around, but I can't seem to find the different 3D layers feature. Can someone help me? Thanks!
@VeeFlamesNL Use Advanced mode. Toggle it on using the settings, then create a new Flipnote.
Or, you could try editing some of the default Flipnotes.
Moving around an SD card isn't that hard, is it? If you've got a New 3DS (XL), you don't even need to remove the card.
I don't mind the lack of an online community — Sudomemo still has us covered there, although you need to use Flipnote Studio DSi to access that. My biggest gripe is the gross-looking compression present in exported AVI's.
Exported AVI's actually ARE 3D, though. You just need to do some converting, and you can post them to YouTube as 3D videos, and even watch them in 3D on YouTube with your New 3DS (XL). http://www.3dsview.com/2011/12/12/3ds-view-tutorial-how-to-convert-3ds-videos-to-youtube-3d/
As for where to share your Flipnotes? I recommend the Flipnote Studio 3D subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/FlipnoteStudio3D
Great review, NL. Keep up the good work.
Anyone want a free code? I don't think I'm going to get a whole lot out of this game, so I'd like to see someone else enjoy it!
For North America:
Reply to this comment once you use it so everyone knows it's used up. Happy gaming!
@dAviD7 Hmmm... No
@Moon Yeah, so felt I!
I was very dissoaointed when they canceled the online feature on letterbox!
All time spend on my 3ds's in 4 years is 200 hours + on letterbox (with a total of 2000h maybe?)
@FlaygletheBagel is this code for american systems only?
@123akis Hi akis, good to see you on here, as well as on Wii U. I could not agree more with what you are saying. On the Wii U we have the Moderators, who decide what is and is not appropriate (getting it wrong most of the time though). Surely, the same kind of system could be implemented with this App. It is Nintendo at their best yet again....... one step forward, and two steps back.
Still hoping it will make its way to Europe. Plus i have never played this on dsi and hopefully im not missing much.
@mr12calvin Yes, I'm sorry, it's a North American code. I'll edit my post to reflect that.
That's fair I suppose, but it certainty doesn't take long for them to remove someone's post with a friend code, and multiple violators would get banned from miiverse anyway.
Probably the best option is to send it, Nintendo looks at it, then posts it. But I know, I know, it's getting complicated now. Haha.
For once, I completely disagree with this review. The sharing aspect was what made the DSi version so great. This is like selling a COD game with just the campaign. I would have given this a 4/10, 5 at best.
The need to share something after you've created it is so great; I don't usually complain when something doesn't have online, but this is the only reason I haven't gotten around to opening the app yet. At some point, though, I gotta make a doduo gif for my NL avatar, though.
Ugh Hantena was amazing, I miss it.
"this animation app doesn't have an online community included in the application so it sucks"
Flash gets 2/10 because it doesn't have a Hatena
@Obito_Sigma I totally agree about the layers system. I could really care less about the 3D effect, I don't even mind that they only give you three layers to work with (background, subject and eyes/mouth tend to work.) What I hate is that when they allow you the use of layers in advanced tools, they screw it up and only allow you two colors per layer. Heck, even for mouth and eyes you need at least 3 colors if you intend to color the eyes or the tongue! (black, white and COLOR) Why limit the app in advanced tools mode? it's asinine.
The lack of a sharing feature is not a concern of mine. If I manage to make something cool, uploading it to my computer is a very simple 30 second process. It's tough working around the flawed layers system though for good stuff, and the 'no layers' normal tools are a pain to do if you intend to use a background.
I was much Hyped for this because I never had a DSi. Without the Online though, I wouldnt give it more than a 4/10. It feels like there is a large missing element from this. Like something was planned and never developed. Or perhaps was stripped out of it instead because we shouldnt get the full game so easily. :/
@LordGeovanni It was stripped out. Have you seen the Japanese version?
everything about the western release of this title is an embarrassment. good one, Nintendo. some have already mentioned that software like this should just be included with the console os. this is absolutely true, a title like this should have been here at launch for handhelds and wii u. not to mention the software is essentially broken with less functionality than the original title. I was waiting for this one too...anyone interested in animation should check out inchworm and colors 3d. Colors is actually able to do animation...it's a bit tricky, but at least you won't have to reach for a screwdriver when you want to share from your new 3ds.
I was joking, It seems NA and PAL can NEVER get a full game at times. Either No Export occurs, Reduction in content occurs, Scaled Back Extras occurs, or a reissued "Master" version comes out almost immediately that is No Export. (Thanks SquareEnix).
i dunt even no where da damn ta do list is in CN (someone plz tell me, ps i in Australia)
I never thought about it until someone mentioned it above, but yeah, this should definitely have been on the Wii U as well for some cross platform action. Time will tell if Nintendo improves on this (such as a "new" Hatena service), but not being on 3DS and Wii U seems like a missed opportunity. Oh Nintendo...
Is there anyway to view the flipnotes I made on the dsi on this new 3d flipnote? I have the flipnotes saved on my sd card.
Faaaaaaaaaar to late of course, but at least we get it free.
@Inkling yeah really! 😆 The most upsetting thing for me however is that the info page on the eShop still says that the program features online interactions!
Does anyone have the code for it?
(I'm In Australia)
i completely missed it cause i thought it was going to be in the E-Shop
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