There have been countless weird and wonderful products relating to Nintendo's IP, and Splatoon 3 is no different.
Indeed, if you've been itching to get your hands on some Splatoon 3-themed hanko stamp figures, then you're in luck (well, sort of, because they're exclusive to Japan) because the folks over at Bandai are producing exactly that.
The figures feature variations on the franchise's Salmonid characters, with the stamps featuring key phrases from the game. We'd be quite happy to own bog-standard Salmonid figures, so it's nice that there's an added practical element, too.
Here's a look at the figures in action:
The figures will be available from today (Jan 29th) in Japan, but there's currently no word on when (or even if) they'll be making their way to Western shores.
We'll be keeping our fingers and tentacles crossed though; they look cool!