As The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time marks its 25th anniversary, folks the world over have been celebrating Nintendo's seminal N64 masterpiece.

Going one step further, however, Curiomatic, a collective of creative minds, has showcased its vision of what Link might look like if he were faithfully recreated in Unreal Engine 5. Dubbed 'Ocarina of Time Visual Remake', the video above demonstrates the final result of the project while looking back on the entire creative process.

Spearheaded by visual artist Prism, who previously contributed 3D models to the Mother 3 tribute project, the approach for the Ocarina of Time Visual Remake was to carefully study original concept art from Yusuke Nakano, with a view to modernise the overall look of Link while maintaining his iconic visual characteristics.

It's an impressive endeavor, and it's certainly a huge step ahead of some of the other, rather soulless Unreal Engine remakes we've seen in the past. Hopefully, the project will expand and introduce wider elements from the original game, but we can at least look forward to another retrospective video focusing on the Temple of Time in the near future.

What do you make of the Ocarina of Time Visual Remake? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.
