Earlier this year, we were excited to hear that even more courtroom drama would be heading our way in 2024 with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy. A physical was later announced for Japan and while a multi-language version would be available to import, it looked like the collection would be digital-only in the West. Well, it looks like all that is changing.
Revealed in a recent post from Twitter account @Wario64, an ESRB-rated physical is now available to pre-order from the Canadian store Video Games Plus for $64.99 CAD (roughly $47 USD / £38). This North American version is still set to release on 25th January 2024, but will not require the import costs that we previously thought would be our only play option.
According to Wario64's tweet, those who pre-ordered the import version of the game through VGP can contact the store's service team to switch over to a North American copy.
It is currently unclear whether a similar release will be coming to Europe, but at least we know that there are a number of import options on the table now.
As a reminder, this collection will pull together Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice, providing yet another DS/3DS throwback on the Switch.
Are you pleased to see the trilogy land a physical edition in North America? Let us know in the comments.
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[source twitter.com]
Comments 35
Capcom virtually never do European physical releases for things like Mega Man or Ace Attorney. They will do for the big stuff like Resident Evil or Monster Hunter though.
The Apollo Justice trilogy evidently getting a North American physical release is a big surprise though. I hope they have the foresight to do the same for the Phoenix Wright trilogy, as even The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles got a North American physical release.
I'm just glad to get some indication of a price. Game's out in two months and for some reason other than a placeholder on Steam has no store listings yet.
That's one hell of a box art
Interesting that the game's rated T. Dual Destinies never had any real reason to be rated M in the first place (okay, MAYBE the Athena scene, but even then I've seen T rated games that got away with worse) so nice to see it corrected this time around.
Oh, nice! Might have to double-dip on this physical and a Steam copy...
Also that box art looks incredible
@Lizuka It was a nice surprise to find out it was rated T. I always felt like Dual Destinies' M rating was completely unwarranted and probably dissuaded younger people from playing it. DD is probably the darkest entry in the series, and there are a couple of borderline moments like the one you mentioned, but still I think as a whole the trilogy deserves the T rating
Hopefully this game comes with a demo.
And btw everyone, this remastered trilogy uses the RE engine.
And still no way to wish list it on the eshop!!!
@StarPoint "DD is probably the darkest entry in the series"
T&T would like a word with you.
If that's the case, it might change my plan of importing a Japanese copy like I did with the first trilogy.
Thank goodness Apollo the obvious main character of the last three main entires is front and center in the box.
Sweet, since 5 and 6 were digital only, the 3DS entries are the only gap in my physical collection (I have 1-4 + Miles Edgeworth on DS & GAA Chronicles on Switch).
I kinda regret getting PW vs Layton digitally back in the day as it is now pretty expensive, and I doubt it'll get a modern rerelease anytime soon (a Miles Edgeworth collection would make more sense at this point). Might get a Japanese copy instead for my shelf since they're pretty cheap.
One of my most anticipated games. Can’t wait!
@Ralizah I think they're kind of dark in different ways. Trials & Tribulations probably goes the heaviest in terms of subject matter but Dual Destinies is probably the most violent. Though I think you could also make an argument for Great Ace Attorney 2 being the darkest.
Good to know.
I'm looking forward to this collection.
I freaking need it!
Think US retailers are getting copies?
What? No download code in the box? Colour me surprised.
I think Capcom finally just convinced me to buy this physical and pretend I didn't pick up these latter three AA games from the 3DS eShop.
Gorgeous cover 😍
I would order from PNP Games by the way, like VGP, but lower threshold for free shipping and great customer service!
Wow. All right! That box art convinced me to go physical this time!
Lets gooo, its rated T! I'm still a minor so my 3ds wouldn't let me buy it, so I've yet to play through it. Plus, it'll be nice to replay Apollo and Spirit of Justice, I've been replaying The Great Ace Attorney recently, so I've been in an ace attorney mood.
Capcom just seem to hate Europe these days. On Switch, I think the only physical games they've released have been the two Monster Hunters. Maybe Street Fighter? No Ace Attorney, no Ghost Trick, no Mega Man, not even Resident Evil. This won't get a physical release here.
@Bluelink45 Wait, what? You mean you couldn't use eshop credit? Or your parents put a lock on it?
Either way, that sounds pretty unfair. DD was a good introduction into Ace Attorney
@Samalik I can't check now since the eshop closed, but I'm pretty sure if you were under 16? 18?, you couldn't buy M rated games. It's the same on the switch.
I ended up buying the og trilogy instead, so Eiger way I got into the games.
The box art really is gorgeous. Surprised Capcom got away with a T rating for this since I remember Dual Destinies was originally rated M due to it having some pretty grizzly CG art. Makes me wonder if they had to tone down or censor some parts.
@Bluelink45 I don't recall there being an hard age check on the eshop. so it strikes me as weird
That's good to know
So far so good... now if only we can also get an HD remaster of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, and a collection of the six Layton games, we'll be living good with DS/3DS era ports.
now we just need the miles edgeworth games
Nice for the North America players who wants this.
We in Europe won't get the same love here.😔
Glad at least those of you in North America are getting a physical release of this and man does that box art look good!
@RupeeClock It's a shame they didn't do that with the original trilogy. Or if they did, I didn't know as I ordered it from Play Asia.
@MasterGraveheart Assuming those games can be played in TATE mode, I'd be up for that.
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