Mario Wondering
Image: Nintendo Life

As global companies go, Nintendo is notoriously relaxed about individuals and other companies picking from its vast catalogue of beloved IP, adapting it for their own works, and profiting from the results. Hang on, that doesn't sound right...

In a move that surely has the Ninjaphone ringing off the hook in Nintendo Lawyer HQ, the latest release from American rapper Asianae, 'Motion', samples Koji Kondo's Super Mario Bros. theme. If you're thinking, 'Oh, it probably has a little coin sound in the background or something,' er, no. We've linked the 'Clean' version below (still live on YouTube, for now), which has the artist rapping over the theme pretty much as is.

Featuring Asianae in a trademark Mario cap playing the arcade game Mario Kart GP, the video also contains a good deal more tiny-pants booty-jiggle than the typical Nintendo tie-in. And as you might surmise from the long sections of silence, the uncensored 'Explicit' version contains a very generous helping of the N word. You can still find it online if you're interested, and it's currently available to stream on Spotify.

How long will it be before Nintendo's legal eagles swoop down and snatch this from the internet while dropping a Mushroom Kingdom-sized cease-and-desist? Will it still be live by the end of the day?

Get your guesses for the takedown time in the comments.

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