Publisher Atlus has revealed that the gorgeous 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim — Vanillaware's sci-fi adventure game RTS hybrid — has shipped over 1 million copies physically and digitally (thanks, Gematsu).

Atlus shared the news in a post on its official Japanese website earlier today, which also expressed the company's "deepest gratitude" for supporting the game. The publisher also shared a brand new commemorative illustration from one of Vanillaware's incredible artists, Yukiko Hirai, which you can see below.

Vanillaware is known for making beautiful-looking titles, each one with a unique twist on the genre it's portraying. This new sales milestone for the developer is significant because it means it's likely closing in on sales numbers for its best-selling title — RPG brawler Dragon's Crown — which topped 1 million sales back in 2017.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 1 Million Commemorative Illustration Full
Image: Yukiko Hirai / Atlus

13 Sentinels originally launched in Japan in 2019, with a PS4 Western release following in 2020. The game then received a Switch port in April 2022, which we reviewed and absolutely adored.

In recent times, we've also seen GrimGrimoire get a remaster on Switch, as well as the president's desire to get Muramasa ported to modern consoles.

Have you played 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim? Are you happy with the game's success? Let us know in the comments.

[source, via]