The Switch Joy-Con is a clever bit of kit. You can clip it into your console and play on the go, take it out and wave it around to mimic bowling, sword swinging or fishing, or slot it into a grip and get an experience closer to a standard controller. Though there is one small issue that has constantly brought them down in our estimation: the dreaded Joy-Con drift.

Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem. We have previously covered ways that you can tackle drift yourself with some simple DIY methods, and there are even special controllers out there now which remove the problem altogether. Then there are the 'Hall Joysticks' from Gulikit — a stick replacement that we were lucky enough to recently try out.

Our video producer and tech wiz Alex took the replacement sticks for a spin and has made a video to give us his thoughts. We won't completely spoil his findings here, but it's fair to say that the perk of killing Joy-Con drift is not worth the sacrifice of how the sticks feel in practice. He even demonstrated the subtle differences in the stick's play feel with the help of some standard weighing scales — intriguing, huh?

You can find Alex's thoughts on the 'Hall Joysticks' in the video above and you can head over to the Gulikit website for all of the product's specs. So, sit back, get your pros and cons list ready, and let's find out everything that you need to know about these drift fixers.

Have you tried out these replacement sticks? Did you have the same experience as Alex? Let us know in the comments.