When Nintendo and Game Freak announced that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet would feature the franchise's first fully open world, fans understandably had many questions: just how open are we talking? See that mountain? Can I go to it?
The finished article undoubtedly delivered on Nintendo's promise, even if it demonstrated a few rough edges in the process. The world of Paldea was truly your oyster, and for the first time in Pokémon's 25 year history, you could go wherever you wanted right from the start, skill level be damned.
Naturally, such an evolution in Pokémon's formula has led to some comparisons with other key open world games, including the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and FromSoftware's Elden Ring. Both titles pushed the concept of open-world design to new heights, and with Elden Ring specifically, it seems some gamers have been modding the experience to make it even better.
So, if you've ever wondered what Pokémon Scarlet and Violet might look like with FromSoftware's proprietary game engine, then wonder no more. Twitter user @Arestame_Arkeid has posted an Elden Ring mod that incorporates multiple key assets from Scarlet and Violet, including several creatures, the main character's costume, and even a Pokémon Centre.
It's pretty wild stuff, check it out:
It's certainly a convincing mod, and might even indicate what mainline Pokémon games might look like several years down the line. Well, we can dream, right..? Special shoutout goes to the Pokémon Centre on the back of a Walking Mausoleum; Game Freak, take notes!
As for Scarlet and Violet themselves, they had recently overtaken Splatoon 3 sales in Japan and are swiftly closing in on a total of 4 million units sold in the region. Worldwide, the new releases exceeded an astonishing 10 million units sold within just 3 days of being on sale. It's a lucrative time for The Pokémon Company, so we're expecting to see even bigger and better things from the franchise in the months and years ahead.
What do you make of this Elden Ring mod? Are you up for roaming The Lands Between on the back of Koraidon? Let us know with a comment!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 18
Well both were known for performance issues so the crossover is more natural than you'd think.
This is a fantastic job though! (I burst out laughing when the Pokemon Center popped on screen XD)
That yeet at 0:32 sparks joy
lol!!! they meshed up a super slow game by design with a super slow game by incompetence
Uhmmm...this is the Pokemon game i actually want, just saying
"might indicate what Pokémon games might look like several years down the line. We can dream, right..?"
In essence - i just want a Pokemon game that looks good, is grand in its presentation and actually challenging.
That Meowscarada part made me audibly gasp. I will never look at mine without being scared.
Would be fun to have trainer battles in the arena!
Pokemon never used the word 'taming'. Maybe you're confusing it with monster hunter stories 2?
And the difficulty of Pokemon games is such a non-argument. You can make it as difficult as you want based on your play style.
The Meowscarada stabbing the trainer scared me.
The trainers being UBER SERIOUS ADULTS while still wearing the childish uniforms is funny.
More to the point, I feel that simply using this engine would have Pokémon Scarlet and Violet actually run great, since I feel that all of those glitches can only be solved with a full-on remake... or even de-make.
Okay, that is hilarious.
Now the Scarlet & Violet looks nice... and running with an adequate FPS. 🤣
@Fizza I think this is partially a joke? Pokemon launched in a terrible state compared to Elden Ring. I'd take janky Elden Ring graphics any day over Pokemon Scarlet / Violet, even in us most updated form today. I spent 50 hours in Scarlet and while the gameplay loop is great, the production values are just so low: voice acting, graphics, performance and story. Can't say the same for Elden Ring, had very few issues during my 200+ hours with the game (anecdotal evidence).
I wish Game Freak would really let Bandai Namco be responsible for development of their next mainline game, they did a good job with Snap & know how to make fantastic games with good graphics and high production values. We deserve a lot better as a gaming community <3
@StefanN taming has always been more digimons thing
@Zeroo pokemon was originally supposed to be more about taming the monsters, but it was ditched for being "too cruel"...
so instead, we got games where you beat the monsters into submission and exploit their natural instincts to shrink and flee to trap them in a ball and then give them a case of stockholm syndrome under the pretense of "friendship".
DMCA coming in 3 2 1
@StefanN The closest we got to that is Legends Arceus from what I've played (although I only got to the credits, definitely want to go back and play it more eventually) and heard so if you haven't played it yet I'd recommend doing so!
@Zeroo Ah, yeah i might be getting things mixed up there, thanks haha. But difficulty as a non-argument? I don't know...sure you can make it harder for yourself but it's a difference whether i'm just stopping to use helpful items for example, or if those helpful items are just much more rare. I still know they're in the world. By taking an aspect out of the game myself, i just leave the rest as it was designed - that being not being a challenging game. So i suppose it just comes down to the feeling of how something is designed. I don't know, i'm trying to think about your point and why i don't feel that way. I know there's people creating challenges for themselves with restrictions or something - might just be that it doesn't work for how i perceive a game, who knows.
@JohnnyMind Dude totally. While writing my comment i was definitely thinking "Arceus is the closest thing to what i'm describing" - the freeroaming, the sense of adventure is quite strong with that one. I honestly stopped playing though because i never felt like it challenges me. It threw so many survival items at me and then never really required me to use them...or maybe it will later on. I've been trying to get myself to continue playing :/.
I absolutely love this! I mean it appears it's just Pokemon models put into Elden Ring, but it looks nice. Probably won't try it myself, but its fun to look at
@NinjaNicky Nintendo consoles "power" has nothing to do with whether or not a game can be made for it that looks like ER. Dark Souls is on the switch after all, so your argument immediately falls apart. Secondly, not every franchise regardless of technological advancement needs to appear realistic. A more vibrant art style often surpasses the test of time as opposed to anything realistic. I can still play Wind Waker today and enjoy every second of it but many games from that era or even the following HD era (PSWii60) are just too dated to be enjoyable. ER will fade too.
It's always funny when you see fake fans shout 'realism!' everytime they want to make a case for their insecurities regarding a franchise they claim to enjoy. I enjoy Pokémon because it's Pokémon, not because it looks like a 'modern day game'.
Looks amazing. Probly what we would get if bandai namco was behind the mainline series. Snap and pokken look amazing.
Honestly I'd buy this one if it were a full game. Pokemon lost its magic for me after it left pixels and went 3d. With pixels, alot of what you saw was a mystery to what it was until further explored in game. With the 3d models, there are like no surprises anymore. And looks like every other crap rpg out these days. Idk pixels gave some adventure magic to Pokemon that it hasn't had since x and y started. As in that's when it felt different. Honestly thot an actual 3d stereoscopic Pokemon would be cool. But Nintendo 1/10 baked that idea, and left legit 3d out of the majority of the games. Sad.
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