Ahead of the launch of Persona 5 Royal later this month on the Nintendo Switch, Atlus has announced it will be bringing the third and fourth game to the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms early next year.
Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden will arrive on Nintendo's hybrid system on 19th January 2023. These titles will both be digital releases on the Switch. Here's the full announcement via Atlus' official social media account:
Excited to get your hands on the Switch versions of these upcoming releases? Comment down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 60
Give us a physical release, cowards!
Persona 4 Golden has slowly become one of my most anticipated Switch releases ever since it was announced so this is a welcome announcement. I'm going to wait for reviews to see whether the port quality is up to snuff but if it is? 2023 will be the year I play my very first Persona game!
Will P3P have updated graphics?
@jump it says for all modern platforms so can be sure it's coming to playstation and switch at the time.
The reason it says xbox at the bottom is because they have paid for the marketing rights for this game, just like the original announcement that they paid for to not mention other consoles for two days 😏
[reads title]
It's cool that these are coming to Switch, but what's Nintendo January?
Can not wait for Persona 4 Golden on Switch. I was considering buying the PlayStation version for my PS5, but no, P4G is a handheld game, and it belongs on Switch. So that’s where I’ll be playing it come January. Only three months to wait.
Oh and here’s hoping the eShop price will match the £19.99 that P4G costs on Steam!
"Excited to get your hands on the Switch versions of these upcoming releases?"
Yes, but that will have to wait for a physical release.
Getting these because they should be cheap-ish. They'll go straight into the backlog, but I'm getting them.
digital only suck but whatever its how much do they cost? are they sold as a bundle or sold separately and for how much? knowing Atlus $50 each
Hope Play-Asia gets in on the physical editions
I'll wait for a physical drop.
@OrangeSoda Nintendo January 2023 is different from regular January 2023. It means whenever Nintendo feels like it, but no sooner than January 2023.
What’s the odds limited run publishes them?
Hated Atlus having that Sega mindset, why not make a physical release too?
Phew that’s a relief - no physical means no buy for now. My wallet has suffered enough this fall. I’m happy to wait.
PC not being a modern platform confirmed. After all, it's been decades and no one has heard of PC 2!😛
On a serious note, I expect to grab P3P first of the three (for obvious reasons), but I look forward to all of them including the eventual P4G double-dip. All the better if the ports include Japanese voicework this time. Meanwhile, I better make some progress in the preceding binge items; I'm still sitting on Revelations endgame which seems to warrant some grind and a better loadout (seeing as one of the penultimate dungeons has to be passed with just two characters), and there are both P2 incarnations ahead!
Ughh day before engage. And they're doing the same with P5R. Don't they want my money?!?! I can buy both due to the release timing.
Hm, paying 150$ to buy all three personas or spent a hundred more and get a Series S to play them for "free" (with subscription).. Ofc these games are better in portable mode, they are in a way like pokemon with much better story, social links and without multiplayer/trade aspect.
As someone who has never played a Persona game, will starting at 3, or 5 since it comes out first, make things awkward from a storyline perspective? Since picking up the Switch, my love for RPGs has been rekindled. Currently working through the Xenoblade series, and already got through Dragon Quest Elusive Age.
Is it recommended to play them in order?
Divide_and_Wander & Clark2k
While there might be small mentions to previous games (I think, it’s been a while) you won’t be spoiling anything or missing out by playing them in whatever order you want.
I played P4G before P3P and didn’t feel like I’d made the wrong decision.
I guess it won't be long before Playstation gets SMTV. Anyway, I'm really happy Nintendo FINALLY got a mainline Persona game and will continue to do so. Should be like this going forward.
I have P3 on PS3, although it's a hassle to set it up, and I'd be willing to buy it again. As much as I'd be curious to explore the FeMC's social links, is it such, that you aren't able to play as the male character at all? Are there mutually exclusive social links between the various characters and the protagonist, depending on whether they're male or female?
Furthermore, while I know for a fact the Portable version does away with the explorable environments, does it also lack the content of the FES version?
That might be a factor as to whether I'd consider buying it.
Persona 4, on the other hand, is a game I haven't played at all - so that would be a no brainer for me.
I was gonna ask the same question as @Clark2k
So your response was really helpful
I will snag P5R on release then and backlog it before playing the others.
Absolutely going to buy and play 5, not sure about the others but we will see!
I'll pass if it's digital only. Hopefully a physical release will happen. At least I'll be able to play the games on Game Pass day 1!
Even though I'd prefer to play these games in handheld mode...
Will get 3 and 4 if nothing is censored. Hope they give Switch the 2 duology later on, as thats my favorite Persona games
@Mr_Gamecube - Thanks! I’m only on Xenoblade 2 out of the trilogy, so it’ll be a while before I jump into the Persona series. Also looking at the ‘Tales’ series too. Only got my Switch last year when the OLED came out, so I’m playing catch up a bit.
These are coming too late to Switch for me , lol. I waited years for them to announce P5R for Switch but finally caved and played through it (and platinumed it) on PS4 last year. And while I still have P4G to play and finish on a modern console (never did finish it on my friend's Vita copy - got about 90% through it), and haven't touched P3P before, I'll have a Steam Deck by the time they release for Switch, negating a LOT of me bothering with 3rd party releases on it. I just think it's funny, mg most wanted pipedream Switch ports get announced right when I start pulling away from the console 🙃
Tempting. I played them on my Vita. I may double dip at some point.
@Rafie PlayStation will never get SMTV, heck they hadn't even gotten 1, 2, and 4 yet and the only reason they got 3 was cause SMT3 was originally a PS2 game. All the SMT games will come to PC for sure but not PlayStation.
Hoping for a physical release of P4G at least, but I’ll get it either way. Would imagine these games we’ll be $19.99 each. Curious about P3P for any changes or updates beyond the original version (and improved graphics).
Atlus YOU SCUM SUCKING ..... gotta calm myself I love these games and would pay full price for both seperatly So why the hell can't I get em physically ? Does Atlus have some kind of Kink where they won't make a physical release to old games unless they get a remaster or a remake ? Like if i remember correctly This is the first time p3p is getting PORTED and is pretty much a remaster in terms of just upping the resolution So ... why aren't they Physical ? can't bundle em up either ?
@Rafie not sure SMTV is coming to PS5. After the price hike on the system in Japan, I suspect Nintendo will still be dominating the country. I think there could be a PC release in the future, but no one knows how long the exclusivity agreement for it lasts. There’s been rumors Nintendo put a decent amount of investment for promotion, release and development. We would’ve heard something by now if it was a one year exclusive.
@MidySeaCloud chill out fs. There may not be a physical release confirmed yet, but no one has said there’s definitely not a physical release either…
@PessitheMystic Atlus already confirmed both games to be released digitally. It's always that possibility that someone ends up doing physical versions for each seeing as P4 Arena Ultimax got one in Japan
@UltimateOtaku91 they've got the marketing rights ? That's disgusting! I demand Sony or Nintendo buys the publisher before Microsoft can offer them any more money lol
no buy for digital games..
@Shambo @OrangeSoda Nintendo Life has made plenty of typos over the years, but as an English graduate and class Valedictorian...I'm pretty sure this one is actually grammatically correct. I could, for example, say "The Mario movie releases April 7th," omitting the preposition "on," and the message is still clear. Likewise, if they had said Persona was releasing "January of 2023," it would sound a bit awkward as the presence of the word "of" is redundant; in contemporary English, it's just unnecessary to use as we already understand that January relates too 2023 without it.
So while it perhaps would have been more easily understood if they said the game is "releasing on Nintendo Switch in January" to remove any ambiguity, that doesn't necessarily mean the way they wrote it was wrong. Probably not how I would have phrased that heading, but sometimes it's better to trim the fat and keep things concise. Other times, it just comes down to personal preference.
I could be wrong here, though. I definitely think it would be correct sentence structure if it had a specific date given, such as "releasing on Switch January 27th or even just "releasing on Switch next January." That sounds more natural to me than "releasing on Switch January," but I'm not sure if there is an actual rule that would explain why it is or isn't acceptable when the object of the sentence is more vague/general.
If you guys just wanted to make a dumb joke, sorry I ruined it by trying to break it down on a mechanical level, lol.
Persona 3 and 4 on the 19th then FE Engage on the 20th. Dang, Switch is already looking good to start the year. I'll be double dipping on P4G, but Persona 3 will be a new experience for me.
@Not_Soos Perhaps the title was fixed by the time you saw it? It originally said "Arrive on Switch Nintendo January 2023".
So now we've both ruined the joke.
@OrangeSoda @Not_Soos I'll share the burden of ruining the joke by shifting the blame of ruining the joke to the one who corrected the title.
I think what we're trying to say here is, we ALL ruined the joke.
Or was it... CRAB PEOPLE?
It’s SEGA, not Atlus calling those shots. And SEGA games go on sale fast. Nocturne HD, SMTV, Monkey Ball Banana Mania and 13 Sentinels all went on sale within a few short weeks of release. 13 Sentinels and SMTV in particular went on sale pretty much immediately after release. I really wouldn’t worry about price on this one.
Having spent 300 hours in P5R (ps5) and 150 on P4G (pc) I am still excited. Probably picking up the Switch versions — Steam is the only competitor. These games should run amazing on all platforms & portable is probably the best way to play. I wish there were save transfer options, but… these are amazing games. I look forward to finally having a way to play P3.
To those asking about order, I am going in reverse and so far it hasn’t been an issue. In some sense the brevity of P4G is a relief. And I found I like its dungeons more than p5. All have great stories. P5 is the snazziest.
No physical? No buy then.
these games demand a physical release and will probably get them some time in the future i am patient i will wait...
Sooner than expected. Already have both on the Vita, but that won't stop me adding them to the Switch collection.
I never completed the second part of 3, not did I achieve all the social links in 4, so I will be buying both
Hm... We'll see. I was waiting on getting a new PC to get P4G on it due to the current PC being a Windows 7 PC (Windows 8 or later is required to run it on Steam). I recently got my new PC and now have the option to buy it. I'm just deciding on getting it on PC sooner or waiting a little while longer and getting it on Switch.
@progx If there is a timed exclusive window from Nintendo, we ain't hearing about til afterwards. I'm sure PS will get the game in some form. Oddly enough though, PS fans aren't port begging for the game like Nintendo fans did for Persona 5. Not saying that was a bad thing. I know that sounded like it was.
@Serpenterror ?!?! A SMT has been on Playstation consoles before..as you've stated. It's not impossible for them to get it again. At all...
I mean, mainline Persona games just hit Nintendo when no one thought they would leave Sony consoles. Just saying anything is possible.
@Fizza it should be. It's old enough to run at solid 60fps and full 720p and look really crisp and sharp
As someone who played them, I would definitely suggest playing 3 first, because it's a good game, but 4 is really really good so save that for after you finish 3.
Not sure the reason to exclude a physical release unless their previous Switch rereleases have floundered. Both games on their home platforms command high prices, I would think a physical version would do decently. Also they could be waiting for Royal to launch before committing to exact release details.
Original versions don't supported dual audio support, so... If these rereleases will not have a dual audio support - that's a hard pass from me. Every modern Japanese game needs to have a dual audio support option(if there is Jap and Eng dub, of course). If there is no such thing, then that shows how lazy and careless developers are. And I'm looking at you, Nintendo. And I'm looking at SSB. Special/Ultimate and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild...
I wish they were releasing 3 and 4 first but whatever Ill take it!
@Rafie You do realize the Switch rules Japan, right? Persona is a Japanese franchise first. Why wouldn’t SEGA want to put the series on the most popular system in Japan? The unit base is over 25 million owners, whereas the PS4 is 9.57 million, the PS5 is under 2 million and has been outsold by Microsoft once this year in the region. Port begging? Or do you think SEGA is allergic to making yen? Money talks and the Switch user base buys more games than any other console.
The PS5 isn’t even matching PS4 sales in Japan. Sony didn’t help gain any fans when they raised the price there too. I think if SMTV came to PC, it would outsell a PS version.
@progx I'm not ignorant to the Switch's dominance in Japan. That's very hard to ignore. The Switch is the most popular console on the planet. HOWEVER, the Persona series is synonymous with Playstation. It was only on PS systems up until now. Mainline games that is. I see you're turning this into a sales discussion. That's off topic and irrelevant right now concerning this series. Port begging...yes the Nintendo fan base port begged. No need to deny that. Like I said, nothing wrong with that. They (Ninty fanbase) wanted that series to hit Switch. Still we're not going to act like they weren't begging for it. You can reskin it however you'd like. The premise is still the same.
Although it's blind speculation, I would agree that a SMTV PC version would outsell a PS version. Still won't stop a PS version or an Xbox version from coming.
By the time I'm finished with P5R these will be bundled together in a physical release (probably limited games but w/e I'll take it) or have a decent sale where I can get both for around 20$. P4G on Vita was my favorite 'handheld' RPG, but only because P3P was so damn limited being on PSP. Still kinda upset that they went with P3P instead of P3FES.
Give us the physical versions!
@Divide_and_Wander no they are self contained stories. its not a continuation in story. some characters are reoccurring, but only for the demon fusing etc. so NPCs. one of my favs was innocent sin. (persona 2)
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