In case you missed it, Atlus' 25th anniversary Persona celebration has officially come to an end. Last weekend, it announced Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden would be coming to modern platforms on 19th January 2023.
This also marked the final announcement for the anniversary celebration. To formally conclude this celebration, the company has now issued a message via social media thanking fans for their support during this period, and teasing the "next stage" of the series.
"We wanted to thank you all for the support you've shown during the Persona 25th Anniversary Year. Please look forward to the next stage for the Persona Series!"
During the 25th anniversary celebrations, Atlus also revealed it would be bringing Persona 5 Royal to the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms. It's out next week!
What did you think of the anniversary celebrations in the end? Comment down below.
Comments 42
The fact that they clearly hinted towards the next mainline game, or at least a new spinoff game, and made their last announcement the confirmation of a release date of a previous announcement is just such an Atlus thing to do, lmao
Persona 6 confirmed????!?!
I’m honestly just super pleased Persona’s 3-5 are finally making their way to the Switch and soon.
Also Persona is awesome, but I’d love if Atlus made a new Trauma Center and Catherine games for the console too.
… Wun can only hope.
@Nikhogan Persona 5 Arena
We got Persona 3-5 coming to Switch and Persona 4 Arena in the meantime, so I'm satisfied. Persona 6 would've been a cherry on top announcement, but oh well.
While I’m extremely pleased at the ports (for the most part I’d rather be carts of 3 and 4 instead of digital only) the overall anniversary was a bit of a mess. Besides the ports the west got nothing except maybe overpriced merchandise with overpriced shipping that’s only available on Atlus store. Where was Persona 1 and both parts of 2? Seems a massive oversight to not include them in the ports or at least a remaster.
Well this anniversary wasn't a total disaster, seeing how we got 4 ports, and Switch owners can finally play Persona 5 Royal now. Now if only Atlus weren't screwing over PS5 owners who own the PS4 version.
I’m glad that Personas 3-5 are coming to Switch (though I’m really hoping we’ll get physical versions of 3 and 4). Maybe we’ll get remasters of the first two games next? One can only hope
@KayFiOS What's the issue with it on Sony platforms? According to the PSN store in UK Persona 5 Royal is a free upgrade to PS5 version as there isn't a separate store page for the PS5 version.
Switch owners are getting screwed with a price hike for as usual no reason other than they can though
@wuntyme8 I actually loved Trauma Team, it had such fun characters and great soundtrack too, shame they haven't continued the series at all since the game bombs sales-wise.
I wanted ports more than I did 6 anyway so I'm mostly fine with it, but it still feels so incredibly Atlus that the first announcement was announcing a date for an announcement that wound up being to show off merchandise while the last one is that they're done with announcements.
@KryptoniteKrunch by the time Persona 6 comes out Switch long gone and replaced and PS5 near the end of it’s life cycle.
Kinda how it works with these games nowdays.
I just hope that persona 6 will be a multiplatform release and not once again a 10 year rent by Sony or someone else....3rd part games should always be multiplatform...
Super happy for persona 3-4-5 on switch!!!
Sometimes it does feel like Persona 1 and 2 don't exist.
knowing Atlus... better wait 5 years for Persona 6
they always make two or three "complete" versions of their games
Terrible marketing for an anniversary. But then again Zelda 35 was pretty bad.
Probably more Persona merchandise.
Persona 6 would be great. I still plan on playing Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 Golden. And maybe a more passionate playthough(s) for Persona 5 Royal. So please take your time Atlus and make us happy again.
Didn't they tease the next stage of Etrian Odyssey years ago? When are we getting that announcement?
@XenoShaun not sure how they're doing it in the uk, but here in america, Atlus have confirmed that you'll have to pay the full price for the upgrade.
I don’t think excluding P1 and P2 from the rereleases was a massive oversight. I think it was a calculated decision. P1 & P2 play a LOT different from P3, P4 and P5 (which all follow same formula). They’ve also aged a lot and might not be well received by modern audiences. I imagine that Atlus and SEGA decided that P3, P4 and P5 are the best games to represent the series and have therefore focused on them (though this is just speculation on my part).
Switch really is the new GBA. SO MANY RPG'S!! I'm in love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
But as a anniversary celebration of the series not having them is a disservice to its creators. The most recent ports of them were on the psp so they are not that easily accessible. If anything else the last announcements should’ve been a remaster of both.
Persona 6 is my most anticipated game but well you cant have always what you want
Nah, you're taking too long with this scheme. It's been long enough.
@GameOtaku P3 Portable was not scarce. PSP emulators are so well refined I have been playing it in my phone since the Galaxy S8 days. Runs beautifully on PC as well. P4 Golden has been on Steam for years now.
Or they could just port and sell them instead of consumers having to emulate them.
@GameOtaku Emulation is cheap and easy. Exactly why they even bother. It's not because you love their game its because they want money.
You mean you’d rather steal than pay to play them.
nice! cant wait for p5r release...
@GameOtaku I have been collecting games since the 80's. I own the UMD, two of them to be precise. Funny you should ASSUME I stole. Your guilty conscience screaming out?
I get what you’re saying, but SEGA is a business first. It’s about making money, not honouring creators. Does P1 & P2 help or hurt the Persona brand in 2022? What if they rerelease P1 and someone plays it as their first Persona game and decides that the series isn’t for them? I think the decision not to rerelease P1 & P2 was intentional.
I own them too but to suggest emulating them for anyone else interested in the games is ridiculous.
That’s why the original persona wasn’t numbered and the second game has 2 at the end. What if someone played the nes Mario Bros (not super) as their first Mario game and had a bad experience? What then? That’s sort of an odd argument. Especially given as a business decision they could sell them and make money compared to setting on them and complaining when consumers download ROMs of them.
@GameOtaku There are plenty of games running in emulators on the Switch and you're fine with that. I encourage everyone to emulate. If it's good enough you'll buy a version at some point and if not oh well. I got the fit girl repack of Gundam Battle Alliance. It's fun so I wishlisted it on PS5 and am waiting for a sale as it's not worth $60.
There’s a big difference in buying emulated games available on the eshop and downloading a rom of game on a computer off a site and not paying.
@GameOtaku Avalibility is on them. I'd gladly play Super Paper Mario or Thousand Year Door on a Switch. Nintendo can't be bothered so I turn to Dolphin and play it that way. Games are meant to be played.
This is why the steam deck is going to wind up replacing my switch once I get it delivered. I wanted to pay Nintendo so I could play Path of Radiance or Custom Robo again...but I guess I'll have to turn to other means to play them.
That’s exactly my point. If they are going to complain about emulating games on platforms it wasn’t designed for then they should just port them and make money on it to justify the rage.
@koffing I completely even forgot there was a anniversary celebration. All they did for it was the Game and Watch and Skyward Sword.
@wuntyme8 Agreed. They're putting way too much focus on Persona and Shin Megami Tensei as of late. As it is, it's been 12 years since Trauma Team, the last entry in the Trauma Center franchise. Frankly, we need Under the Knife 3, where you can use the Joy-Cons similar to to Wii Remote and Nunchuck (and even have a gyroscopic element to the gameplay in certain operations).
But more importantly, it explores the development of Derek and Angie's relationship, with the game ending with them either getting into a romantic relationship or even getting married. And I would love to see full-motion video anime cutscenes with full voice acting, similar to how Trauma Team did their cutscenes in a manga style, also with full voice acting.
Also, bring back Yuri Lowenthal as Derek, Wendee Lee as Angie, and all the others who voiced their characters from the games. By the way, two voice actors from the original English Dub of Neon Genesis Evangelion voiced characters in the franchise: Spike Spencer (Shinji Ikari) was Victor Niguel, and Amanda Winn-Lee (Rei Ayanami) was Maria Torres. It would be kind of cool to see their characters interact with each other, maybe give a nod to their roles from Evangelion (maybe both like giant robot anime).
@XenoShaun it's Switch Tax! They do this a lot with UK pricing rather than following the Sony and Microsoft model of properly converting the $ price (minus tax and round down). $59.99 game should be £49.99 and is on Xbox and Playstation but Nintendo happy to slap on a extra £5 just because.
@Bizaster Wun can only hope.. indeed!
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