For the most part, Nintendo plushies come and go without catching our attention. Sure, there are some notable exceptions like last week's Judd and Li'l Judd cushions, and who can forget that big round Spheal from earlier this year?? But then you see an announcement like 'Kirby Mouthful Mode plushies are coming in December, 2022' and all of a sudden, every other plushie fades into irrelevance.
Yes, there is a Car Mouth plushie on its way. Yes, it is big.
Thanks to @Toadsanime on Twitter, we caught wind of the upcoming Kirby 30th anniversary collection from Aitai Kuji and it has been living in our heads rent-free ever since. The release date for the items is currently listed for December 2022, with international delivery being available with anything between a two to twelve-week wait time (we guess Kirb won't be driving home for Christmas this year).
The anniversary collection consists of a huge range of Kirby-themed goodies, with plushies including a number of Mouthful Mode-inspired pieces such as Pipe Mouth, Light Bulb, Vending Machine and (our personal favourite) Car-by. The Kirby Car is available in three different sizes - but come on, anyone who says that they wouldn't pick the largest one is lying.
We have collected some of our favourite products below, but be sure to head over to Aitai Kuji to see the collection in full.
The plushies range in price, selling for anywhere between ¥1,760 (around £10 / 12€) for the smaller models to ¥5,200 (£30 / 35€) for the chunkier guys. With international shipping available, we imagine that a fair few Christmas lists will gaining an item or two in the coming days.
Which part of this Kirby collection are you after? Let us know your preferred plushie in the comments below!
[source aitaikuji.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 15
Absolute hell... that car mode one is a MUST BUY.
Wait! These are real! I thought they were fan made! Vending machine all the way!
Want... all... of.... these....
Why someone hasn't gone to Nintendo to license and make a Carby RC or toy car is beyond me.
I need that big Karby. Not want, need.
Oof, the yen conversion is horrible now. I generally thought of 1 yen as $0.01 USD, but that's abysmal.
I like Headmaster Dee.
rip to all my money
@nukatha It's like the whole world is competing for the highest inflation rate. On the bright side, that means we have a golden opportunity to import stuff on the cheap. On the not so bright side, getting a good deal on a plush toy probably won't mean much when no one can afford a house/apartment to keep it in.
Oh no. I need to get paid.
Love ‘em! Stairs Mouth would be the uncontested best if they made it.
Do you think Ninty will ever make a Nopon plush? It’s about time, really.
Gotta collect them all! (Wait, Kirby's not a Pokemon!!)
I have SO MANY plush. Still... I need this... I will consider...
It would be super cool if the Lightbulb Mouth could actually light up.
@nukatha The Yen Has never been that low. haha you must not use proxies etc.
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