Monolith Soft's Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has received its first update since the game launched back in July! Nintendo released the patch notes earlier today on its Japanese site (thanks Perfectly Nintendo for translating!), and it seems that version 1.1.1 fixes several bugs throughout the game.
Many of the fixes in this patch are related to enemy encounters that wouldn't end due to a bug or altering drop rates of items needed for Collectopaedia Cards, along with the usual "various other fixes", so we hope these iron out some of this sprawling RPG's minor kinks!
Here are the full patch notes from Nintendo:
Ver. 1.1.1 - 7th September 2022
- Changed the behaviour of Perilwing Ryuho so that it cannot be defeated if it’s located in an area that cannot be reached during intended story progression.
- Fixed an issue where the first battle in Teach’s Ascension Quest, “Shadow of Enmity”, would not end.
- Fixed an issue in the quest “The Illusion Returns” where the battle against the Mysterious Raiders would not end.
- Fixed an issue where the Gogol Vuaga and Gogol Dalm items, required for some Collectopaedia Cards, could not be obtained.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of dishes other than the Baked Spongy Spud and Kerfluffled Torpedo Wrap would not be applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue causing the Talent Art button not to appear and preventing players from pressing it in certain circumstances. If you have already encountered this issue, you can fix it by loading the save data after updating the game.
- Fixed an issue where the word “Verkaufen” in the Shop menu would overlap with the text right next to it when the language was set to German.
- Various other issues have been fixed in order to improve the gameplay experience.
In other Xenoblade news, just yesterday, actor Harry McEntire — who provides the English voice for main character Noah — thanked fans for their love and support since the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Have you encountered any of these issues? How are you enjoying Xenoblade Chronicles 3? Got something for us? Let
[source nintendo.co.jp, via perfectly-nintendo.com, nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 40
The Perilwing Ryuho update is very weird because that monster is always located in the same place while the description makes it sound like it moves around the map somehow.
Furthermore, its location can only be accessed after a certain point in the story and is never locked afterwards, so I don't understand what this is all about. 🤷
how is the partners AI? did they improved them so they follow your action better? is the only thing to hold me back to buy this game I heard is hard to pull out combos because they AI waste their skill at the wrong time and I hate when I don't have control or liberty to use all the tools
"Fixed an issue where the effects of dishes other than the Baked Spongy Spud and Kerfluffled Torpedo Wrap would not be applied correctly."
Party AI has always been great in this game.
Never had any problems with them starting or continuing combos. But you need to make sure you equip them with the right arts.
Hopefully they fixed the stuttering audio issues too. Every time the city theme loops it stops for a second on my copy and it happens less frequently in other areas too
glad to hear that!! thank you.
They should implement an option that lets us deactivate the chain attack music. It's a good theme but sometimes I'd love to hear the actual boss music
@Mioaionios It sounds like there could have been some way to trigger the battle from down below.
@Mioaionios You can aggro him from the lower areas that you have access to in chapter 2. I don't think you see him flying around that early in the game, but he's definitely there before you actually have access to that area in chapter 6.
@shineget64 @BenAV
Huh, didn't know that. Certainly never happened to me. Thanks for the clarification.
@aresius Party AI's actually really good at pulling off combos in this one. Healers still aren't the greatest but they generally get the job done. Also in this one you can switch the player controlled character at any time (including battle) if you want to manage more yourself
@aresius The only real issues I ever had with it are that healers don't tend to pay much attention to which party members need concentrated on and just stay in one place and the AI doesn't understand the concept of saving an Ouroboros shift for later and wants to use it right away when it's charged up, but given you can freely swap between party members neither is usually a very notable hindrance.
@Lizuka @aresius This is the reason I turned off AI control for going Ouroboros and swapped it to controlling the entire party manually for it. Makes life so much easier especially when grinding for materials and you need them to stay put for burst combos.
I would like to have an option to skip the animation battles in Ouroboros chain attacks. The first times were very very good but seeing this over and over again, it gets repetitive.
I haven't made it to Teach's ascension quest yet, so I'm happy they fixed it. Lol
Guess they're not about to fix the nopon collectopedia card that's impossible to complete just yet. The Gogol Vagua item is impossible to get in the game so that card can't be completed.
I'm done with the game for now anyway, got all 191 quests done, max affinity on all colonies, all unique monsters defeated and soul hacked. I'll go back to it after they're done fixing everything and releasing all the DLC and expansions they have planned.
They did fix that impossible item, though. It's explicitly mentioned in the change log.
@RupeeClock My bad I guess I skipped that line as I was skimming through the note. Good to know they listened to feedback then.
Manana's cooking finally works!
Yeah, Monolith Soft have always been really good about getting meaningful updates out.
There are still some small UI improvements I'd like to see.
For example, when I'm looking at Collectopedia Cards, I'd like to see how many of a given collectable I'm carrying. All you know is if you're carrying at least one of the requested collectable.
The only change I want is to be able to skip the flute cut scene whenever you find a single husk. I know it’s only a few seconds at a time but I feel actively discouraged to see them off especially when there’s an area with a load of them scattered around because it’s such a momentum killer. You can skip it when you off see multiple at once so why not for single husks
But where is the special edition
Strange. I have found my healers are very good at concentrating their efforts at attackers and at least one always follow me fairly quickly when I goes off to do side and back attacks.
But then I have more healers than defenders usually on my team. Just happened that way with the classes I like.
Have been playing for 40 hours, just got climbing last night and hooked up w/ Gray. I'm level 33 but I did the level 35 hulk and all other quests I could find.
The one thing this game REALLY NEEDS is a bestiary. Entering Bliss Iba or whatever it's called after Dangah Desert I have no reason to gight anybody, not the Tirkin or giraffes or ardun, they aren't worth my time. If the game had a bestiary to complete, a page for each area, w/ 3D models to look at, drops, all of that normal bestiary stuff, I'd at least have a reason fight them once.
I just can't believe w/ all the stuff they put in this game which seems kind of pointless - cooking, gem making, getting clean - they didn't include a bestiary. It boggles the mind.
I hope they make some changes to the UI at some point. I hate the accessory menu. You can only see couple of items at a time and there's no way to sort them. I ended up selling most of my accessories just so it's easier and faster to find the stuff I want. Shame that money is also useless. There's nothing to spend money on. It's weird they screwed that up when the other games have had plenty of stuff to buy.
Overall, these are pretty minor gripes in the grand scheme. The game is great. I'm 70 hours in and still in chapter 5. There's so much side content that I find it hard to make story progress. I like the side stuff, hence why I'm doing it but it can make the pacing fluctuate. Sometimes there's an hour or two of back and forth action and cutscenes and other times you spend 10 hours running around exploring every nook and cranny.
Thankfully never encountered any of these issues in my 120 hour run of the game.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else follows with the DLC, see if it'll be worth the investment. I intend to go back to the game for a second run, but maybe not until that DLC drops.
However, if there's a QoL improvement I'd kill for, it's area names on the map! Xeno1 had this, while strangely enough 2 or 3 didn't. Kinda hard to locate somewhere if all I know is the name of the region or greater area, and not the sub-area within.
Personally, as the game is now, it's my GOTY 2022.
I wonder if they've fixed the odd loading issue I've encountered? Sometimes when fast traveling, the screen stays black for a VERY long time; I've had to close and reload the game more than once if the screen never shows.
One other issue I did run into: the game crashed. A lot.
I never bothered to complain about it because I figured it could also be a Switch hardware issue, given my device has seen better days, but I found that to be the most annoying. Lost at least a few hours worth of progress over the near dozen times it crashed on me, thanks to infrequent auto-saves.
I am loving this game so much! Every Xenoblade game has been a hit with me and every release has been better than the previous title.
I like that Monolith Soft still continues to refine the battle system while still keeping it familiar. Companion AI is also so good that you can really focus on playing a particular Class Type that you like and not worry about switching. I like to play the Fighter types, so when I switch up classes for characters, I switch characters to match the play type I prefer.
What amazes me the most is that Monolith Soft manages to churn out these amazing and large-scale RPGs so "quickly". I know it's been 5 years since Xenoblade Chronicles 2; but in between that time there has been the Torna - The Golden Country and XC:DE plus they have been helping with other development efforts within Nintendo.
Anyways, I am glad to see the game is getting some bugs squashed. The only odd bug I have ever encountered is that sometimes the Fusion Art box will have an Icon in it right at the start of a fresh battle (when it's usually empty). It doesn't affect gameplay in any way, just a visual oddity as if the game forgot to clear it out from the previous battle. Otherwise, the game has been solid.
@LXP8 I had that issue with the City theme, then it seemed like it fixed itself when I was playing over the weekend. Weird thing.
I was kinda hoping it was a new wave of the Expansion Pass. I love the additional outfits so-far.
@Browny The frequent crashes sounds like it maybe a hardware issue - I don't remember for sure, but I might have had one crash in the 70+ hours I've played the game so far (though a couple of loading screens when fast traveling stuck around long enough I was worried the game had crashed); it's definitely not a frequent issue for me.
@Mioaionios no issues with combos myself (the ai is better at getting them going than me😅) but the AI has a tendency of interlocking your healing mates when the party needs healing the most. Has caused a ton of wipes for me.
Important tip I learned: never assign healing duties to both members of the same interlock 🙃
@Browny @DJDM Yeah, in over 50 hours of play across both my regular Switch and lite I haven’t had a single crash. Surely a hardware problem or some strange set of circumstances, I don’t think frequent crashes are a common problem for this game
I’ve noticed a bump in resolution in handheld mode…maybe a little smoother performance. Or am I seeing things?
I'm hoping at some point they allow you to make the menu music optional and that they add names to the map. Also kinda wish there was an actual collectopedia as well- without the Internet I wouldn't know where to get half the items 😅 would make it more rewarding to pick stuff up too. Also agree with a fellow commenter that there isn't alot to spend your money on- maybe they could add some aesthetic weapon/outfit changes or allow you to buy Nopon coins?
@Browny I had a crash when entering a cutscene when undocked that went away when I docked my switch, I rarely played undocked so I'm not sure how big of an issue it actually is
I am probably 3/4 in and what deeply stoke me is how polished it was from the begin with! I am very thankful for that.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game but it gave me an overdose that will take a while to digest
@aresius weird reason not to buy the game. I just finished it and put over 150 hours into it (took that long because I was enjoying every minute of it). My only complaint would be it is really easy to get overpowered in normal mode. That’s an easy fix if you play in hard mode and even with that it’s an easy GOTY for me. GOWR may usurp it but it will probably still hold the Switch category. Most fun I’ve had with a game all year and I’ve played almost every major game release. I wouldn’t miss it, if I were you.
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