Sega's 'open-zone' Sonic Frontiers is racing toward its launch on November 8th and we've now got a bit more context around boss battles and how Super Sonic will factor into them.
In speaking with IGN, Sonic Frontiers director Morio Kishimoto states that Super Sonic will be mandatory in order to defeat certain bosses discovered within the open zones:
"Normally in Sonic games you'll encounter a boss and you'll fight them as regular, blue Sonic. In Sonic Frontiers, there will be bosses that blue Sonic can't even scratch. But if he collects and uses all seven Chaos Emeralds, he can become Super Sonic and then battle those bosses. Becoming Super Sonic will be the only way to fight them."
The insinuation here is that bosses within Sonic Frontiers can potentially be discovered on the fly, requiring the player to retreat, collect the required Chaos Emeralds, and return with the ability to transform into Super Sonic. It's certainly a drastic change from previous Sonic games, which generally saved Super Sonic until the end battle. Kishimoto suggests that there will be some bosses in the game that will feel as difficult as a final boss:
"Up until now, in Sonic games, Super Sonic would only appear against the last boss. Imagine if the first boss in Sonic Frontiers is as strong as those bosses."
The Super Sonic ability was shown off in a recent trailer showcased for TGS 2022, during which we see our hero being hurled into a cliff by a hulking boss, only to return later harnessing the full power of the Chaos Emeralds.
What do you think of this approach to Sonic Frontiers' boss battles? Are you excited? Share your thoughts in the usual place!
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Comments 47
"Up until now, in Sonic games, Super Sonic would only appear against the last boss. "
... you know, except for all those games where you could use him whenever you wanted. Did sonic team forget about what made the mega drive games good again?
This game is turning out to be pretty good. I played the demo and was pretty fun. I really hope they don't drop the ball with this
sonic has some amazing world themes and they use generic grass and sky, what a shame
They’d been making lots of odd statements like this where they reinvent history like saying that it’s not a Sonic game if you have to collect EXP and upgrade your speed to speedrun levels as justification for the linear cyberspace to ignore the player’s upgrades and custom control settings, numerous Sonic games worked like that and ignoring the control settings is a mistake a platformer shouldn’t have your character arbitrarily control differently in situations like this as consistent control is one of the fundamentals of the genre.
Torn on this. There is a lot of positive hype being built after the initial "Hmm..." reaction. Tiny part of me is still unsure though. The whole emptyish lands and repetitive looking combat. I want to be wrong. Just still feel very indifferent at this point still.
Well, that much was clear from that trailer.
Hmm, I hope the difficulty level isn't too hard... Remember your target audience Sega..
The statement that some bosses could be as hard as the final boss has me worried. So Sega is not targeting a young audience, at least I know now in advance not to buy it for my nephew for Christmas...
Will you ever learn Sega..
@BANJO Well I'm an adult and don't like too hard bosses either. I always find difficult bosses the most tedious part of any platform game and just want to get on with more platforming. It's just not fun for me. Always been grateful that Mario bosses are usually straightforward.
I don't know i just don't feel hyped with this one with so many modern sonic games just been disappointment I will have very low expectations for this one. Also the bosses I hope it won't be too hard with mario bosses its straight forward. I do kinda miss playing with other characters like Tails and Knuckles thats problem modern sonic games you just play as Sonic can get boring after while.
I just hope we get play as other characters and I know its wishful thinking I hope one day they add chao garden to the DLC at least.
Sonic Frontiers theme song:
Doesn't that kind of defeat the point of super sonic being a optional unlock?
Kind of seems like it's rather missing the point of the whole open world thing if you HAVE to do that to fight the bosses. Seems like it'd make more sense to have it as kind of an optional side thing to make it easier if you are so inclined.
Granted I've always kind of thought the idea of an open world Sonic game is kind of terrible to begin with, one because everything is open world now and I feel like usually it's for the worse when it is and two because Sonic games tend to be barely functional piles of code more closely resembling a glitch compilation than a video game at launch anyway so making the experience more open just seems like it's inviting more problems, but if you're going to do one, commit to it.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Same here, Sega seem to be boasting that it will be really difficult..
I just worry that Sega don't know what they are up to 🤣
I Hope they prove me wrong
Kind of reminds me of how Bowser's Fury worked out, where you had to make Mario giant in order to battle Bowser.
@BANJO Don't forget that most of us "kids" were beating some pretty difficult video games when we were young. Donkey Kong Country, Mario Sunshine (was brutal in parts), and even the original super mario bros wasn't easy.
Being difficult doesn't mean the game doesn't have other things to offer to beginner players. I mean the fortnite generation is incredible at video games.
@EarthboundBenjy Super Sonic was only in 2 of those anyways with the third one dropping the form down to mid-carder level in favor of the more powerful Hyper Sonic form. Without getting the Hyper form, you won't get to fight the true final stage and boss. Of the 7 Genesis Sonic games only Sonic 2 and 3 & Knuckles really make you play as Super Sonic freely: for Sonic 1, CD, Spinball, and 3D Blast Super Sonic doesn't exist.
I'll admit I've definitely lost some interest with this game, although I still plan on picking up a copy and I'm hoping for the best.
I find it funny that there acting like you never could optionally collect the emeralds, and optionally transform as super sonic.
Tho this would be the first time where you need them to complete the game if I’m reading that, right, hopefully they kinda let you collect them in any order you want, would make you feel much more free in the open zones.
I was sold on this game for a wile so any other information we get at this point is ether a bonus, or a minus Lmao.still hope they allow us to use it outside of boss battles, because flying would be sick!
Looks like Sonic is once again lost in somewhere he doesn't belong. The series is suffering from a true identity crisis.
Hmmm... I could have sworn that back in the day I was good enough at the Sonic 2 special stages that I could achieve Super Sonic by the time I reached the first boss fight, and then had this ability for the rest of the game. Definitely never had it for the last boss though.
@Chunkboi79 Very true, as I say I hope they prove me wrong...
I have faith in you Sega 😄
Sonic Team : "Our next game will be the best!"
And how much real world cash will they be selling chaos emerald packs for?
Paint me excited! wonder if this implies more to come for sonic later as the game progresses
Sounds better every day. Should run great at 60fps and 1080p in performance mode.
@AstraeaV When was it announced that Frontiers on Switch would have a performance mode?
Super Knuckles & Rouge >>>
... Wun can only hope.
Have to say, I am pretty excited for this game. One of my most anticipated titles for the rest of the year for sure.
@ozwally What a brilliant idea! I think I’ve seen something similar before.
Oh wow I really like the sound of this. This is what we need, something different in a Sonic game that we haven't seen before.
@ozwally Always has to be that one person who makes a negative comment here.
@RubyCarbuncle That's half of the comments on any Nintendo Life Sonic article.
@RubyCarbuncle sorry to be that one, but sadly it was the first thing that came to my mind. I do honestly feel sad that that’s the case, but it’s typically what you see nowadays. Hopefully I am proven wrong, I really mean that!
From the trailer looks like the emeralds are just on the boss itself. A stand-in for weak points you have to platform to. Or are they suggesting that the emeralds are scattered across the zone and you'll be forced to explore before fighting the boss. Progression blockers aren't anything new to video games.
Either way seems like pretty bog standard gameplay that they're trying to hype up.
@ozwally I understand your sentiment but I don't think there's anything to worry about in that regard.
It’s so cool that Sonic will be fighting bosses too powerful for his base form throughout the whole game, makes me wonder if the final boss is too much even for super.
You get most of the emeralds by unlocking emerald vaults scattered through the open zones by using vault keys. Vault keys can be gotten by playing classic boost stages, a fishing mini game, by defeating enemies, or doing side quests,
Oh they will drop the ball, and kick it down the gutter. The demo you played was heavily curated and the Sonic Team has no actual talent left to be able to pull this all together.
Can't wait to play some more awful boost stages because Sonic Forces and Boom were so much fun
Boom isn’t a boost game, and they’re optional in Sonic Frontiers anyway.
Optional how?
As in you don’t have to even step foot into them (except two tutorial stages), for the reasons that I mentioned in the comment that is literally right above your first one. They’ve given us several different options to progress through the game.
@Cia Clearly you're new to Sonic. Identify crises have been in the series since the Dreamcast days, if not the Mega Drive/Genesis.
@AstraeaV Not on Switch it will!
@Pandy-the-Panda Okay so it is a progression blocker to force exploration. Very revolutionary idea.
@Nua It never will. That's the point. I will play on a better system and this version shouldn't exist.
@AstraeaV Sorry, I didn't get that context from your message. Thought you were mentioning something that had been previously announced and I had missed.
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