Sticky balls and sports don't go together, especially when it comes to bowling. We're trying to bowl the ball and get a strike, not have the ball stuck to us!
Unfortunately, some Nintendo Switch Sports players have been reporting that exact issue. One such player, @MCwreckshin, has tweeted at Nintendo directly about the issues. Apparently, this has only been happening since the recent summer update, and MCwreckshin has compiled footage of all of the times it's happened to them.
As you can see from the video, nearly every time the player goes to bowl the ball, it remains stubbornly stuck to the avatar's hand. Sometimes, after a few times, they manage to bowl it. Other times, it falls straight to the floor — missing their toes, thankfully!
MCwreckshin isn't the only player to report this, either. Over on Reddit, the same person — under the username sweeneytoadmusic — has created a thread in the Nintendo Switch Sports subreddit, and others are reporting similar issues.
One user, scowley75, says that the bowling ball seems to stick "when trying to throw anything with a curve", while another — BoomerTheStar47_2 — seems to have discovered that this glitch only happens when playing bowling online.
sweeneytoadmusic has since tested this offline, and while they encountered the issue a lot less, they still came across the same sticky ball problem.
And, in a strange twist, another user is having the complete opposite problem — the ball doesn't want to stick, instead leaving the player's hand before they get a chance to move.
Nintendo has yet to address the issue, so it's one to keep an eye out if you're a regular at the bowling alley online. No one wants sticky balls, after all.
Have you encountered this issue at all or any other glitches in Nintendo Switch Sports? Let us know!
[source reddit.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 64
There's room for some very immature jokes here.
@Fizza poopy poopy fart fart
ummmmm hahaha... well... hahaha.... hmmmm.... uhhh... nope... LOL
If this is happening only online, and they’re on Wi-Fi, it might be their connection and the inputs aren’t registering
Well, that's what happens when it's 90° F, YOU SWEAT!
My guy, you could have worded that so much better.
Removed - inappropriate
@Sonos Have you tried underwear that wick moisture, specifically designed to address that issue?
@ZZalapski i've heard of it - but I dont see how that would further my forum jokes career.
@Sonos 🤣
What a strange glitch. I haven’t seen this yet myself but I have a couple friends who have been playing the game even more than I have.
I’ll have to reach out to my friends and ask them if they’ve experienced sticky balls.
[reads title]
Yeah, I'm not even touching that one.
...you couldn’t resist can you comment section?
Meanwhile nobody is talking about the absolute dumbest change to Survival Bowling where you can seemingly no longer skip spectating and go straight to the results screen anymore. Seriously, how does this change benefit anyone??
sticky balls can especially ruin summer sporting events!
Balls. Enough said.
Yeah that's what happens when you dip 'em in chocolate sauce to surprise your spouse
Medicated Gold Bond, for anyone mistakenly in here for that issue..
That tends to happen in the summer heat.
@Polley001 It seems after the last update you can only do it right after a new round starts. I don’t know why they changed it but it’s not the end of the world.
It’s a Splatoon 3 cross promotion /s
@N00BiSH your fingerprints are all over 'em.
@Fizza It's called FUNNy jokes 😁
Sticky balls or no I'm not going there lol
Alana, did you really think you were going to start a serious discussion with a title like that
PS only 2 weeks ago when I was playing switch tennis and it was 35 degrees celcius in the front room.... sorry couldn't resist that one and yes too much info I know!!
Nintendo need to fix this problem quickly, people deserve to enjoy some good balls.
@Sonos okay that's actually pretty funny
It's a good Friday night if you end up with sticky balls.
Jokes aside from the title, I noticed this issue too. I typically only play online and I've had to increase my backswing to help reduce the occurrence
Now I am getting very worried.
Baffling that we cannot turn off a default auto throw for a manual throw
Read that wrong thought it was about testicles 🙃lol
humid 37 degrees here having same issue and dont own switch sports
@TheBigK you mean the chocolate balls you can buy at the store? I love those, put em in my mouth!
(Not sorry)
It's the kind of glitch that ruins the entire gaming experience.
As "fun" as they may try to seem, because of other people's creativity.
Laughing at misfortunes is fun. But repeatedly having this gaming experience must be very irritating.
If it keeps being a problem then they should probably get that checked.
@N00BiSH Yeah, at least take me to dinner first.
@Snatcher Those are so good. The peanut butter ones are the best
Man, Bowling can't catch a break of being glitch in the Wii Sports games can it?
It was only a matter of time, but @Sonos 's comment has officially been struck down. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

@johnvboy dude your freaking me out.
@TheBigK Haha, It seems you too have fine taste.
Can sticky balls also be Schweddy Balls?
Players, usually of the highly competitive type, will blame everything other than their own gaming skill.
glad its not just me, i have to swing my joycon ridiculously high now just to get it to have it register. its uncomfortable and throws off my curve
Can confirm, unfortunately
This is a legitimate bug, it did not exist before the update.
Just a bug I am not running across? Maybe your joycon is broken?
I used get sticky balls back on the Wii haven't played the Switch one but with these fitness/sports games they should bundle it up with a flannel
What did you expect with this weather?
@steventonysmith it happens randomly from the looks of it. most certainly didnt happen before the update
@Fizza When I saw the phrase “I want to be able to release my balls” in the tweet that was my first thought. Hate what the Internet has done to me.
You know why this became a problem? It's because they changed the controls to begin with. Back in the day when Wii Sports was a trilogy, you had to let go of the trigger right as you swung. Now, after Nintendo wasted time coding the game so you wouldn't have to let go, they make new problems appear when older control schemes worked perfectly fine
All jokes aside, I thought that it was just me. I'd been happening to me all of the time since the update and it's REALLY frustrating. It sometimes takes 3 or 4 goes just to get it to release.
That said, the most annoying thing to me, post-update, is the suddenly cheap AI. Before, the bots could barely score beyond 60pts. Now, I can shoot a solid 258 and they'll still beat me almost every time. So hard to earn new items or costume elements each week when the AI makes it difficult for me to even place 12th, much less top 3. Very cheap. I'm great at bowling and, post-update, the bots now make me look like my 10yo niece.
@ModdedInkling i dont think that in itself was a problem, like people have said this didnt happen before the update. and i think its a change for the better, by all means stop having people lunge their controllers at the screen
@steventonysmith or maybe you lucked out and didn't get bugged/don't play online. Just read through this comment thread, it's not just me.
A lot of people break their joycons, I'm not one of those people because I respect my electronics
@steventonysmith Good, so do I! Funnily enough, we sent our joy con in to get their drift fixed, and they came back working perfectly for a few weeks. Now all but 1 drifts, and the sl and sr buttons do not work on 1. We treat our controllers well, I'm quite disappointed with Nintendo's work.
Doesn't sound like you treat them well, I have had three pairs from Launch and not one set has had any issues. Then again I've never used them for ultra competitive games that's why I have a Pro Controller or two lol
Not touching those….comment’s.
@MindfulGamer That's an SNL reference
I can think about so many things about this that I can't even possibly come up with just 2. No one can't resist em
I was not expecting this thread to go down well
@Ridlay I call them my boi's but that's just me
Jokes aside here, I still have yet to get this game. It looks fun. I just have so many things to pay for first. Hate when bills are too damn high rn
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