After a stellar release earlier this year, Kirby and the Forgotten Land has now become the most successful game in the Kirby franchise.
The report comes courtesy of GamesIndustry.biz head Christopher Dring, who yesterday tweeted of the game's success as based on the number of boxed sales.
We are chuffed to see just how many people are loving Kirby and the Forgotten Land, especially after our review described the game as 'bursting at the seams with fun and inventiveness.'
With no news of a Mario platformer or another comparable release this year, we imagine that Kirby's suck-cess (ha!) is only going to continue to rise, hopefully showing developers that when it comes to everyone's favourite pink pal, the appetite is certainly there.
Indeed, fans of the Kirby franchise will be eating well this Summer - quite literally - with the upcoming launch of Kirby's Dream Buffet, a multiplayer focused digital title in which you and up to three friends race through "delicious obstacle courses" while munching on yummy strawberries to increase in size and speed.
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What has been your favourite part of Kirby and the Forgotten Land? Gobble up a car and drive down into the comments to let us know!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 31
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Common Kirby W
Definitely the best Kirby game to date, and in a really positive way, leaves so much potential for what is to follow.
At first I was disappointed that this release didn't deliver all the potential... but on reflection, having completed it and enjoyed it, I'm happy with how Nintendo and HAL have played it out. This feels like its somewhere around the 3D World release for Mario. I wanted Odyssey, but I'm happy to wait and ultimately get both.
Kirby clearly has a very bright future, which against a backdrop of "where is Donkey Kong and Star Fox" is a very good thing.
Well deserved, such a great game, I hope this is the future of Kirby, Donkey Kong could also use the same treatment too.
Nice to see this very well-crafted game getting this kind of achievement. And I really hope it reaches 1 million copies in Japan too, although weekly sales have been slower recently
Definitely deserving.
@Thrallherd I don’t know what on earth you’re on about, but you didn’t seen either of those things in this article.
@Thrallherd A bit xenophobic, are we?
It's one of the best Kirby games so this is great to see.
Next step: Kirby and The Forgotten land becoming the best-selling Kirby game of all time, finally surpassing the first Kirby game for the Game Boy.
I would like to know lifetime sales of the game. If it has surpassed 3.5 million sales by now (very likely), then it's at least the 2nd best selling Kirby game (Dreamland 1 ~ 5 million, Star Allies ~ 3.5 million, SuperStar Ultra ~ 3 million)
Whenever I think of the UK charts my mind always goes back to the Wii U days, so this is a pleasant surprise!
At least they get a few weeks in the spotlight before the usual games take the top spots.
Definitely one of Kirby's best game yet. I'm glad it got the success it did.
I bought the digital edition in the UK and love it - nice mix of fun and challenge while adapting the style from Kirby's 2D games
Well deserved. A big push from the devs. They emphasized all the best parts of Kirby from years past and really pushed them forward.
Very happy to see our Kirb get so much love 😊 it helps that the game is an absolute JOY to play!
I have registered this Kirby game for future purchase.
I'll admit it: I was pessimistic about this game at first, but HAL Laboratory did their homework successfully when fully taking the star warrior to 3D. Definitely one of the best Kirby games I've played in the series (albeit not on the same level as Super Star SNES, Return to Dream Land, and Triple Deluxe, in my opinion).
Here's hoping the next 3D Kirby game brings back more of the previous 2D entries' features such as wider movesets (which can be done with a "second" attack button), air dodging, (optional) AI-controlled helper, etc.
What was the biggest selling Kirby game in UK before?
Deserved. To me it's just behind Planet Robobot and Adventure Wii, on par with Triple Deluxe and Super Star Ultra!
I'm even satisfied with what we got about Kirby on Switch, we obly need a collection with the two main 3DS titles to give them a second chance (they sell well, yes, but thanks to the forgotten land they could do more)
Such a fantastic game, well deserved! Mouthful mode was a brilliant mechanic too 😍
Overtaking Kirby's Dream Land 1?
That's quite a feat. I'm impressed
I got the demo. Great game. I'm getting the full game at Christmas. I thought it was really charming
@StephenYap3 Kirby Super Star is awesome! The introduction of multimove powers was phenomenal. I do think that the powers I'm Forgotten Land have a few moves each as well as multiple utility. SO overall I still enjoyed it. I get what you mean tho. I think now HAL has a foundation in 3D to work from and maybe they would consider a 3D entry that expands on powers more.
It's probably just tough for HAL because they have to strike the balance between entry level design and variety with moves like those games. Making 3D just also throws another factor into the equation where beginners are also experiencing new navigation and space. I think what we got in FL is a compromise but I can see the possibility of adding to it in the future. They kind of have powers set up too from Battle Royale.
Well deserved. Despite its flaws such as the irritating missions that involved beating a boss without taking damage this was the best Kirby game I played in years alongside Return to Dreamland. Hopefully this wasn't just a one off though and we see something even better in the future.
Love this game. Well deserved!
Loved it and beat it 100%. The first three worlds were awesome. I was smiling a lot in those three worlds. The others felt a little too cold and dark. Generally the one problem I have with Kirby is, it sometimes feels too knightmary towards the end.
Congrats for the well deserved success.
Loved every second of this charming platformer
Such a comfort game. Looking forward to replaying it this Winter with tea and a blanket.
Great news to hear! This'll certainly send the message of 'we want more of this please' and the world will be all the better for it! I haven't gotten the game yet (though it's certainly one I've been pining for since it came out) but hopefully plan on potentially doing so once Black Friday of this year rolls around. I've played every other mainline Kirby Switch game as of now: I ain't missing out on one of the pink puff's most exciting adventures in recent memory.
Nice, the game is quite fun, I'm glad it sold well. I hope the next kirby games is a full 3D games like mario odyssey 😃
I guess this means the next mainline Kirby will be in this style as well.
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