Capcom has presented its Q1 financial report for FY2022, highlighting some seriously impressive cumulative sales for its key franchises.
Despite reporting a downturn in sales and profits YoY (due in part to the launch of Resident Evil Village during the same period in 2021), Capcom's catalog sales grew steadily year-over-year, from 8.8 million to 9 million. The company states that its plan for FY2022 is proceeding as expected with no major changes earmarked for the remainder of the period.
Regarding sales for its key franchises, Resident Evil unsurprisingly remains the top dog, reaching an absurd 127 million unit sales since the franchise's inception in 1996. Monster Hunter, however, is proving to be a roaring success, reaching 84 million unit sales. The recently released Sunbreak DLC gave the series a healthy boost, selling 2.5 million copies during Q1.
Elsewhere, the Mega Man franchise has now reached 38 million units sold, no doubt helped along with the numerous compilation releases over the years, including Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection. During the Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase in June, Capcom announced that Mega Man: Battle Network Legacy Collection will be making its way to Switch in 2023; we're expecting its release will nudge the franchise over 40 million sales in due course.
The Devil May Cry franchise is creeping up the scale with 26 million units sold across the five core titles and the Ninja Theory developed DMC: Devil May Cry. The Switch saw launches for the original three titles on the eShop back in 2019 and 2020, which undoubtedly gave the franchise a nice boost alongside Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Finally, the Dragon's Dogma franchise has reached 6.8 million units. Naturally, the franchise currently only consists of the core Dragon's Dogma game released back in 2012 and the expanded Dark Arisen title, which launched on Switch in 2019. Dragon's Dogma 2 was announced by Capcom earlier this year, but its release on the Switch is currently up in the air.
The numbers are certainly impressive, demonstrating the widespread global appeal for Capcom's core franchises. In terms of the future, fans of Monster Hunter's Sunbreak expansion can expect free updates well into 2023 for the title, and Resident Evil fans can look forward to a long-awaited remake of Resident Evil 4 in March 2023 (just not on the Switch...sorry).
What do you make of the sales numbers from Capcom? Will Monster Hunter catch up to Resident Evil? Let us know in the comments!
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 31
Well deserved Capcom, monster hunter deserves all this success
I don't think DD2's release on the Switch is up in the air as its pretty clear its a PS5/Series/PC only game and is years away.
Very happy to see MH get such huge numbers.
Not surprised at all. Monster hunter rise is the game I've played the longest since I started playing games. 265 hours so far
Very well deserved! Fantastic game, can't praise it enough 😍
Now bring back Breath of Fire! I miss that series so much!
Ok, just caved in and bought the base Monster Hunter Rise game physical edition for around 28€ all included. Gonna give it a good try when it arrives friday.
It’s great seeing what I consider to be one of the ‘original’ developers still going strong after all these years.
Although it seems like they’re less willing to potentially take risks now with more ‘experimental’ titles like Killer7, God Hand, Okami, etc. It would be good to see them attempt some new franchises again.
It's a shame it's all about the numbers...
Bring Viewtiful Joe 3 out!
Take some risks, everyone plays it too safe these days.
@PessitheMystic ViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoeViewtifulJoe
@PessitheMystic most of these guys left Capcom/Clover Studio in their heyday, the tri-fecta of Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba, and Hideki Kamiya now at PlatinumGames.
I guess they got their freedom back then with Capcom set up Clover Studio... which only lasted a couple of years
Capcom is pretty much like Nintendo they rely heavily on two or three franchises all the time every year and eventually brings out a smaller ip
@ViewtifulCool Shinji isn’t at Platinum Games anymore. But I know what you’re trying to say - that creative force is missing at the moment.
Monster Hunter and classic Mega Man are two of my favorite series. I'm just hoping that Mega Man 12 will happen someday.
Mega Man 11 and Monster Hunter Rise, were the entry games of the series for me. Both games are great. I should have given Monster Hunter more time. Just beating the game does not do it justice, which can be said about a lot of games.
Those sales are well deserved.
I’ve always been all over both RE and MH games, so any new game is welcome. The Monster Hunter Rise Switch Console & Controller is still the best looking console/controller for switch so far in my mind.
Capcom remains one of my favourite game studios for various reasons, but Mega Man, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are three of them.
Ace Attorney will likely always be my favorite Capcom IP. Hopefully we hear about a new mainline entry soon.
@KBuckley27 Nah. Nintendo's published output has been decently diverse on Switch. They've done a good job this generation not just catering to the Mario/Zelda/Pokemon crowd.
Monster Hunter rise is probarblt my most played game ever. Closing in on 200 hours now and its incredible. Deserves to sell very well.
@PessitheMystic yeah I know, he was a founding father though
but yea. all the talent left.
They've got more of my money with the pre order of the village dlc can't wait to play through the game again in 3rd person then start the dlc 👌🏻
@danemord I dont have that many hours (I think 130-ish now) but Rise is in my top 3 most played games ever along with Street Fighter 4 and Persona 5.
The only thing that sucks about rise is that people are sooooo aweful at the game online fainting left and right like scruuuuubs lol.
@ViewtifulCool I mean making a lot of money is the primary reason these games are greenlit.
@Malones2792 wow, do you think i'm stupid.
it's the classic... these companies grow too big, and as some have said before, they get a bit complacent, and reluctant to try stuff.
and what do you mean by "alot of money".?
that's probably why at least 50% of my switch collection (over 100 games at least) are indie games, a small team. there costs are lower, they can take risks, they don't need to sell millions of copies to make it, Stardew Valley and few others are outliers that they've sold millions and that was made by one bloke. But Many other indies can be successful and not selling millions. there are no corporate overlords, they have more freedom, and generally the games are better and to my taste.
I've purchased the physical copy of the game on switch but didn't like it so far, i made like 0.5% progress maybe the few first hours of the game is boring 😆
I am surprised Dragons Dogma sold as well as it did. I don't hear about it in social media nearly as much as Monster Hunter and Resident Evil.
@KBuckley27 Isn't that every large publisher? I feel like that's why there is this nice space for indie games to experiment in. (And Nintendo has closer to 7 regular IP's now, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Metroid, and Yoshi all get a game of their own.)
@Alphayo I know people that claim that Dragon's Dogma is better than Witcher 3. I haven't played either one of them though.
I'm actually surprised by how LOW the Mega Man series sold. I know there 38 million is a lot sold, but since 1985? There are like 50 Mega Man games. There are like 11 mainline games, 6 Gameboy games, 10 Megan X games, like a other 10 Z/ZX games. I don't know about 8 Megan Man Network Games. What like 4 or 5 spinoffs like the fighter games? There a re few 3D games in there too.
Ok so now Capcom needs to revive some of their other more neglected IP's on Switch like a new:
... Wun can only hope.
@thinkhector crazy right? It's most probably also the reason Mega Man 12 or Mega Man X9 ain't going forward faster
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