If you've been having online difficulties with your Nintendo Switch earlier today, it's not just you. Nintendo's network services have been experiencing some problems - supposedly preventing users from not only accessing the Switch eShop but also launching applications and certain digital games from the home menu.
Nintendo appears to have resolved this problem after a number of hours - issuing the following notices over time on its customer support Twitter account:
Currently, a network failure is occurring due to the use of download software on Nintendo Switch. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait for a while until the restoration.
Currently, Nintendo Switch is carrying out emergency maintenance of the Nintendo eShop. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait for a while until the maintenance is completed.
The troubles related to the use of download software, etc. that occurred around 05:30 on June 5 have been recovered. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Nintendo dataminer OatmealDome goes into a bit more detail about what exactly was going on behind the scenes:
[Nintendo eShop]
It appears that Nintendo’s “e-license” (DRM) servers are having problems today. This problem appears to have been ongoing for a few hours now. I’ve seen reports of users not being able to access the eShop or start digital software due to license checks failing.
Did you experience any problems accessing your games earlier today? Leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 85
Nintendo Exec: Good thing they don't expect us to actually provide a stable service. Just tell em we'll get to it when we can...I'm gonna take a nap.
Luckily I haven’t experienced this today but I’m glad they resolved it and it sounds like it was fairly quickly.
Can’t wait to see all the comments about “this is why I never go all digital!”
I tried to access the eshop to add funds as I got a $60 eshop card for my birthday but it kept crashing.
Nintendo crashed my party and kicked over my cake table.
Thanks Nintendo.😜
Looks like I'll add and spend it later.
Digital is the future everyone!!! You’ll own nothing and you will be happy
And people keep asking why I still go physical for as much of my collection as possible...
Glad they resolved the issue quickly though.
Maybe they will add at some point a system where people can rate their purchases.
I did. I just started Ys 9 and went to download the free DLC and the eshop kept closing on me and wouldn't let me initiate the download. It was annoying, but I assumed it was a server error so I figured it would be resolved later. Glad to see it has been.
@Dragonite89 Sounds like hell.
Yup, experienced that. Oh well, laters is fine.
I hope the outrage for this is just as big as the xbox drm problem.
But it probably won't be.
Nothing on my end, but shouldn't only stuff like NSO apps perform occasional license checks anyway? The rest normally launches fine even offline regardless of how long you haven't touched it (server-based freemiums notwithstanding), so it sure doesn't seem dependant on any networks.
So DRM is even an issue on the Switch.
Being honest I thought it didn’t use DRM for digital games, but that should me I was wrong.
The future is here even with Switch.
@nhSnork It does need to check if you try to boot a game that your console doesn't have a license for, which can be a pretty notable issue if you have multiple consoles or share games with someone.
(Didn't notice actually)
@Dezzy70 every console has DRM.
since the DRM is baked into a closed OS it's nowhere near as invasive as PC DRM though.
and most DRM checks are only on first use, unless you're using a secondary system.
I haven't had any issues and my games are all digital.
tightly cradles physical collection
Mah pweeecioussssss......
I like that we have the option to choose to game/collect our way, but I'll almost never choose a digital purchase for a console if there's a physical option (unless of course it's DRM-free, but I can't see console-makers ever extending such a Smoliv branch).
@ATaco I never expect any services including Sony and Microsoft's to always go perfectly all the time, it's always inconvenient when it goes wrong, but as long as they're fast and swift in their fixes, then it's okay. And at least, on Nintendo's side, the base services do get fixed quick.
Now if only they improved online play (no I don't count it as base service because of their subscription system) that would be great
@Lizuka ah, right, secondary consoles - they even have to be online while you play IIRC. So that's what was malfunctioning.
Hackers have done Microsoft and Sony and I guess it's Nintendo's turn.
As others have mentioned usually a licence/DRM check is performed when a game is first launched or if its a secondary console, its a reason why you can still access games even when the switch isn't connected to the internet, the only exceptions should usually be things like cloud games or service based ones (like the NSO app which requires periodic licence checks) i imagine this is why the article mentions "certain digital games.
Downtime happens. Not sure what the big deal is
I wasn't able to access the eShop last night myself (though I was just going to browse more than anything so it's not a big deal) yet I was still able to play Mario Maker 2 and N64 NSO, two digital games. I'll stay away from games with DLC for the time being but yeah, it's a strange situation for sure.
@Silly_G I'll tell you: getting both Let's Go Pikachu and Skyward Sword HD physically earlier this week was a galaxy brain move on my end (also good pun).
This was apparently a very specific problem. I wasn't able to play Slay the Spire (digital) as my Switch is the secondary system and the verification process wouldn't work. Need for Speed (physical) worked just fine, even though NFS has its own online verification.
Was busy with Diablo Immortal so didn't notice. Had no reason to start it up til 6am for Fortnite season start anyway.
😊"THIS is why I NEVER go ALL Digital!"
❌️NO FORTNITE but then they're having their own issues.
Ofcourse this only affected second Switches (not the primary system) or NSO emulation apps.
Had no issues at all with my digital games but I was on the Primary Switch. The same can't be said that time for Xbox because I was on the Home Console which is the same as Primary and I couldn't access anything at all, no Single Player nothing.
Perfectly safe to buy digital games on this Platform and you do know physical media will inevitably break down one day regardless of how you store it so you should keep that in mind before making the usual predictable comments.
Digital is way better than physical, physical games are just an excuse for collecting like a hoarder
@Dragonite89 You don't own anything anyway it's just a license you're paying for to play the game.
@ChromaticDracula It happens everytime the usual comments 🙄
@RubyCarbuncle I own the license and physical cartridge of my game which I take very good care of so I know it will last me a lifetime not having to worry about some company shutting down their servers and not having access to the games I purchase cause I have it physically , so your statement is false mr. contrarian
@Zucaritas When dealing with the Switch, physical can legit save you a ton of space on the SD card/internal storage, so there is a practicality behind it.
... and as usual, anytime ANYTHING happens, we're gonna turn this into an ideological battleground where both sides call the others names and mock eachother like little children. Because in 2022 there is no such thing as neutrality, or manners.
(Edited a typo)
I couldn’t make a purchase last night and I played outrun which kept disconnecting when it goes to register your time online not tried it so far today
@PoeTheLizard I can see that point if you have tons of games or not a big SD card, my 256gb SD is more than enough. With the hard cases stored in some drawer I just see physical like a less practical way, I don't have to swap cartridges, I can preload games and play them from the moment they get available, on my country sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks to physical copies to come here and they are way more expensive than the digital ones, even used physical copies are more expensive than the digital version.
@Dragonite89 You pay for the license to play it. Just look it up. I don't like it anymore than you do but that's the way it is. Copyright exists for a reason you know.
@Zucaritas Fair enough on the price point and wait times. I have a 256 GB as well, and I'm still glad to have the cartridges since my digital library has it almost full up. Witcher 3 alone would eat up some 32 GB of precious space if I didn't have it physically.
Plus it's fun to trick people into licking the cartridges. The reactions never get old.
Physical media will break down at some point. I have old NES SNES Mega Drive Cartridges along with many others like N64 last me over 2 decades, I still use them now but my point stands, nothing lasts forever.
Good bit of info thank you.
That’s good if it only checks first use on a single console use. Then when internet down you can still play.
@Lizuka I have this issue with 4 switch’s in the house and we don’t own every game for every person. I’m constantly connecting my phone just to have a dlc pack to a physical game verify before being able to play while on the go. It should only need that if it’s been over a week of offline like the nes apps.
In all honesty, the entirety of Nintendo's online store is a failure. In this day and age, with the money Nintendo makes, the eShop is a joke in usability as well as functionality. Even the web based store is horrible and functions poorly.
I just stopped using it unless I know exactly what I'm looking for and search for it specifically. I appreciate some of the Youtuber's out there and sites like NintendoLife that take the trouble to browse the store and post the deals when they do.
I appreciate that Microsoft has this function. I feel Sony and Nintendo don't want it as they feel it will impact profits of their stores in negative ways.
I also hate how Netflix removed the 5 stars rating for a thumbs up. 😑
@Yorumi Source?
Why am I not surprised that the eshop continues to be awful
@Yorumi You don't own the rights to it though. It's for your own personal use only. What you're implying means you can do what you like with it which isn't true. If you really did own the games then what would be the point of Copyright? and why are Nintendo removing soundtracks from YouTube?
Whenever you buy software you're agreeing with the software licensing agreement. It tells you what you can and can't do with it. I despise it but that's the way it is.
Will it be down for several months with no explanation like the Wii and DS?
@Yorumi Ok I'm done talking to you if you're going to be rude. I'm 45 years of age I know how it works and so far all you've provided are links to websites giving their own bad interpretation of whatever. Unless you can show me official documentation I'm not interested.
Added to ignore.
I will never understand people who defend DRM if the games are downloaded to a system and single-player. It serves zero purpose and benefits no one.
Doesn't matter how fast the service is fixed or many people are affected, it is an unnecessary inconvenience that does nothing fir the benefit of the game.
@tkdboy1889 I'm not defending anything I'm merely stating how things work. I hate it as much as the next person but that's the way it is. I had no issues with my Primary Switch it was only secondary systems that were affected unlike Xbox that time.
If we PAY for a game, and we PAY for a system, or even five systems, then why do we have to get online to validate our PAID game every time we play it from a system we PAID for? Nintendo is greedy and controlling, that’s why. When they wouldn’t let me play MY game last night on MY system, I played 3ds instead, and I enjoyed that very much. Games that do NOT require being online or submitting to their control. I miss when Nintendo was a customer centric company. Sigh.
@Kiyata If you buy physical, you can only play it on one system at a time.
If you have digital you have to have some way of proving if you have the right to play the game, otherwise (theoretically) everyone in the world could share one account and only pay once.
Did it affect the online part of the Mario Strikers: Battle League demo? Or it didn't occur at that time?
I figured something was wrong when I was trying to buy a game to download from Nintendo's website. I was able to succeed eventually.
Never ever will buy digital only games. Tindo got me once wont do it again
I have a lot of physical games and I like to collect interesting things, and so what ?
Viva Physical games ! 🤟
The only digital game that I have is MK8D and that was bundled in with my Switch. What can I say? I’m a physical collector.
@ChromaticDracula And here come the sycophants
Didn't this just happen with Xbox recently, too?
Except with Xbox you couldn't access purchased games on your main system. This seems to only affect secondary systems which need DRM verification, since you can play digital titles offline or in airplane mode on your primary system without any verification required (except the initial unlock for a preloaded game).
Explains why I didn't experience any issues. I stopped bouncing between multiple systems once I got my OLED. Now I just use that for docked and handheld.
@Dragonite89 I mean, if it's $4 and like, 2 days out of 364 I have issues playing it, or $40-120 from LRG and 9-18 months later they ship me something that may or may not work in the future (Doom), I'll take the digital license
Don't take a company's word for something that they benefit from u believing, especially when courts have said they are wrong. My 2 cents.
If anyone has ever wondered why people would rather emulate and download ROM files than purchasing those same items using the official store front or by using a subscription service, look no further than examples like this one.
Strange, this stuff happened at the exact same time as last year, around E3. But last time it was because of a faulty system-update, and it took ages before they repaired it.
What's super scary though is that our downloaded games still need to go through a "license" check, meaning that when the eshop stops and all licenses dissapear, then we lose all our games?!
@ChromaticDracula Oh how right you are...
Happened to me like once when I was looking through random games in the Recent Releases section... There are a LOT of girls btw
@ChromaticDracula All digital is fine as long as online connection is not required for games that have single player modes, it is quite easy to assign a unique code per console/user at the time of purchase. My guess is it was games that require a persistent connection.
Sooo it has to do with secondary systems? That's still stupid. And even ironic since Nintendo is bragging all the time about people owning multiple Switch systems. They now kicked te same people in the teeth. Though I not understand it completely: Your games are linked to your account, and your account is linked to your system? Meaning you can't use your account with your games on every system, so what happened?
@RubyCarbuncle I think you and @Yorumi are talking about two completely different things (But still somewhat connected in a way) by the looks of it.
@ChromaticDracula This is why I play all my steam library offline, not gonna lie. Steam can go bankrupt tomorrow and I won't be impacted. Digital dependency is not in my MO.
@JaxonH Glad to see you comment on this, someone who has years of experience with both digital and multiple systems at once. Sticking w/ OLED makes sense, I guess you jus tell Nintendo "this is my primary now". Did any of your old Switch get modded enough to replace your bionic Wii U or is that not possible with Switch yet? I can't imagine you would mess w/ the new model too much and risk an offline ban.
@TryToBeHopeful that’s actually completely untrue. Because that same reasoning would mean everyone in the world can use all my downloaded content I have across all my iPads, my purchased iTunes music, my cell phones, smart televisions, 3ds digital games, PlayStation digital games, Xbox digital games, etc. Which they cannot. It’s just Nintendo which has this ludicrous policy of checking your credentials every single time you play a digital game. Maybe they are not technologically advanced enough to figure out how to get that “one and done” signature.
Tbh, I did mod my original model Switch but lost interest for two reasons. First being, no native GC/Wii support like Wii U, and since I buy all my games to support the devs there's really not much incentive through roms of Switch games. Secondly, you had to go through the sequence every time the system powered off, and I just didn't feel the juice was worth the squeeze. Hacking takes a LOT of dedication researching and keeping current on knowledge, fixing issues that come up, etc. I'm at a point in my life I'm too lazy to mess with it. Also, the original model has terrible battery life.
If the OLED could be modded, and I could get GC and Wii running, I'd look into it, but right now the only way is a specific mod chip imported from China, and it has to be a certain type which is rare to find otherwise it won't fit right or has issues with voltage due to being designed for the v1 model. It takes a lot of expertise in soldering and I'm just not up for all that.
But ya. Primary Switch for OLED, never have to worry about DRM for alternate systems, or connecting online via Hotspot when at work (which I used to have to do with my Lite to launch a game since it wasn't my Primary).
It's just easier with one Primary system, all games digital on that one system, no DRM checks, just play any game at any time wherever you want however you want.
@Jokerwolf in all honesty, I do agree with this. I have a few “convenience” digital purchases for games I know I’ll play at any given time that I won’t feel like swapping the cart out for haha.Animal Crossing, for example. Some are others I love and double-dipped on.
One complaint I have for this kind of thing is for how the Switch handles that weekly NSO check in. Last I checked, you have to open the NES app for it to check in. Same for SNES, Genesis, etc. My problem is, you have to open each one separately to check it in. I wish this weekly check in was either automatic or authenticated all of them in one go.
@JaxonH "I'm at a point in my life I'm too lazy to mess with it."
You sound like every 90's Linux fan who is now running Windows. 😉
"connecting online via Hotspot when at work"
SwitchWorld lives!! 😂
Have you changed jobs since the original SwitchWorld 5 years (and a month) ago? Kind of feel like we had that conversation a few years ago but my memory is garbage these days, sorry.
First SwitchWorld spotting I could find, though apparently I Started it on twitter? Need to go find that as well b/c I'm weird that way.
Twitter thread. @Spoony_Tech w/ the _ was there too. 😉
Still employed at Switchworld. Though half the ppl have since left. It's only me, my brother, my programmer, a QE and a process engineer now, that I know of.
When Switch Sports released we had a bowling tournament in my office. And every year for Nintendo's e3 direct, I bring my programmer in and we watch together. When Monster Hunter Rise was announced I may have made a fool of myself, just a bit. I lost all sense of professionalism and started acting like a Packers fan with a cheese wedge on my head.
@JaxonH I'll allow your excitement b/c it's MH. At least you didn't try to talk anybody into watching the movie. 😂
You're working w/o your brother the JRPG guy? That's cool. When the next gen console launches I guess we'll have to come up w/ a new name. Just not SwitchProWorld. 😉
@ChromaticDracula I think they should give you the games and dlc perminantly for the years you were subscribed.
@rjejr That thread hasn't aged well, I think I have over 200 games now....
So what happens when they move onto the next console and close the switch service? Are we going to be out of luck playing our digital purchases?
@Spoony_Tech I may have about 100. 2 dozen actual games and 80 of those games they gave away free or for 1c I never played. 😂
I'm guessing you have a lot of those JRPG games that are either too anime or pixelated for me. So how many of the 200 have you played? 😉
@rjejr Let's just say I have about 130 or so in my backlog. Of those I probably haven't played half or less then 30 minutes. I see a sale and if the price is right I impulse buy if I'm interested.....
@Spoony_Tech Sounds about right. I had to stop doing that when my memory started going b/c I can't play a game anyway if I don't remember I own it.🤷
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