As part of its month-long coverage deal with IGN, Sega has finally given us a substantial look at the gameplay for Sonic Frontiers.

Clocking in at just over 7 minutes, the footage is our best look yet at the open world that players will find themselves in when the game launches later this year. We get glimpses at various methods of traversal, including grind rails, wall running, and springs that shoot Sonic up into the air. We also get a look at some of the puzzles that we're likely to come across in the game.

In terms of narrative, not much information was provided, however we do know that the world in which the game takes place is an island that Sonic finds himself stranded on at the beginning of the game.

All in all, it's a lovely look at Sonic Frontiers' world and how we'll be navigating it, though we can't help but wonder what the point of it all is at the moment. Granted, we're sure to get a better look at the narrative and characters over the course of the month, but right now, the game looks like a great showcase of Sonic's speed and movement, but that's about it. We also assume the game's enemies were removed for the purpose of the showcase, but this choice simply exacerbates the feeling of emptiness within the world.

Hopefully we'll get more context in the coming weeks and months as we march toward the game's release.

What do you think of the gameplay showcase for Sonic Frontiers? Does it make you more excited for its release, or less? Let us know!
