Sega has shared quite a bit of footage of Sonic Frontiers now, but one thing blue blur fans haven't seen yet is the title screen.
If you have been wondering what it might look like, you're potentially in luck. Screenshots are surfacing on social media of the demo's title screen. It comes via the in-person Summer Game Fest 'Play Days' event.
This screen looks to be a cloudy sky, with a logo and menu options. There's no saying anything on display here is final.
It seems some other people in attendance have also taken photos and recorded footage of the demo. Some of the more interesting screenshots include a possible look at the game's HUD display, a cinematic, and what could be Sonic speeding through a cityscape-like environment.
Keep in mind, that this is all subject to change between now and the game's holiday 2022 release, and the demo may not even be reflective of the final release if it is based on an "early build" like IGN's preview footage.
On a related note, we've also got some impressions of the same demo from G4TV host Goldenboy. While he can't say much, he did note how the controls felt crisp. It follows on from some other media impressions earlier this week.
Are you excited about Sonic Frontiers? How are you feeling about the early build previews so far? Share your thoughts below.
Comments 38
Everything about it just screams 'Sonic', doesn't it...
The question is what is the objective on this game?
"Huh-oh worth a look!"
...A quote from Sonic Generations 3DS.
I'm just going to wait and see what happens but overall I'm pretty enthusiastic.
This ***** show will be LEGENDARY!
I've got so much respect for you people, hyping yourself up ever time a new entry comes along even though only 1 every 5 games is even playable... Not bug and lag free.. Playable! 😂
@garfreek Glad you find people's disappointment over the years amusing. Don't stop being you 👍
I'll take a hard pass on this. It's not really impressing me...YET.
@RubyCarbuncle sorry! I'm actually being amazed and partly sincere. The love in your Fandom is so strong, and they keep giving you guys Sonic Booms, 06 etc. And you all go ahead and keep faith. Which resulted in two really praised movies, sonic colors, sonic mania and hopefully a great open world one... Although I not holding my breath for this one! 😕
I'm a big fan of Sonic, but I have no hope for this game based on what we've seen.
It is so baffling how Sonic Team continues to miss the point so drastically with every new release.
@garfreek No it's fine I was just mildly annoyed. I get what you're saying but really I don't see it as something to joke about.
"Some of the more interesting screenshots include a possible look at the game's HUD display, a cinematic, and what could be Sonic speeding through a cityscape-like environment."
So... where are they? Please dont make me go back to Twitter, the world is too depressing right now.
I'm cautiously excited for it!!
@Anti-Matter to get the chaos emeralds.. again
where’s that damn fourth chaos emerald
I mean, that screen is pretty representative.
It's lifeless, boring and desaturated.
It's the hedgehog with an attitude afterall, the attitude of a 50 something accountant...
I love it honestly. I hope they can give some much needed polish to smoothen out the game, and they will guarantee a purchase from me.
I'm not in the Sonic fandom but I think I get that nostalgic pull for a beloved franchise that constantly disappoints.
I'm definitely curious to see if they show the game running on the switch.
“crisp” is the strangest way to describe how a game controls
Yeah it is!
But I think I know what it means. I've played games with crisp controls. I personally prefer chunky lol.
@jrt87 You don't know the fanbase very well if you think they think any Sonic game, especially mainline 3D ones, are GOTY contenders 😂 They just hope it'll turn out "not bad" or perhaps, even "Good enough".
There's probably a few who get that excited, but the majority know Sonic games often turn out deeply frustrating. But we live in hope that the good will outweigh the bad in each release. Occasionally it happens (Colours, Generations, Mania). But usually not.
@Purgatorium @larryisaman I believe in the States they call them "chip controls". Whereas in the UK, that would indicate the controller is fried.
This really don't feel like Sonic game the trailers really looks so underwhelming I hope when demo comes out it's something better so far not impressed.
This whole game seems like an attempt to copy Breath of the Wild. Even down to the title screen.
I'm excited about this game. Back when Sonic Adventures came out, we could only dream of a day when graphics would allow Sonic to look this good in 3D. Well, we're finally here! I'll be buying this one!!
@Grail_Quest You sweet innocent soul
A demo? By the looks of this I don’t even want to download or waste a free moment of my life on a free demo. This game reminds me of the origin of Kellogs Corn Flakes. Designed to be as bland as possible to dampen the sexual desires of the committed.
@Gravitron lol No, no... I'm not really under any allusions. I'm expecting glitchy combat against unimaginative enemies, a wonky camera and a fairly bland, sparsely populated open world. But... Sonic looks cool, the environments look crisp and detailed and the sense of speed that will be possible in those open environments seems promising. I was a fan of Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast, and this looks like (maybe? possibly?) an evolution of that game. I still enjoy NES games, I don't require too much to find the fun in something.
@Grail_Quest lol as long as you know what your in for. I'm only kidding anyhow. I would love for Sonic video games to be good again.
@blindsquarel Nah man, that's the Final Fantasy XV title screen.
I like what i see but i was a Nintendo kid so i have no foundness on Sonic, good or bad either way i think this game is going to tank, sonic fans are so divided its not possible to please them
Can't believe they showed the new Final Fantasy game's title screen 😱
I am looking forward to this game and am hoping it is good and I also like that they are trying something new with an open world but I am hoping we get to play as other characters like Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow too 'cause I have always liked playing as the other characters more especially Tails.
@RubyCarbuncle I also find it amusing. It's like they're such simps for the franchise that they'll take anything up their ass for it lol.
@larryisaman That's because the game is bad but they can't say anything bad about it until it releases.
In Sonic Frontiers you need to save Sonic’s friends from whatever brought them to the mysterious Star Fall Islands, and figure out the what secrets they are hiding. You beat up different enemies with a range of combat moves to gain experience, then buy upgrades to become powerful enough to take down a colossal boss and take their portal gears. You then use portal gears to open a portal to cyberspace and play through linear boosts stages to find keys that unlock a Chaos Emerald. Completing puzzles and speed challenges unlock more of the map, you repeat the gameplay loop until you have every emerald and are powerful enough to beat up a mega boss which would be holding Sonic’s friends captive.
According to leaks you actually have to collect all 7 emeralds on every island, which would mean much more levels and multiple mega bosses.
IGN Japan has also said as you explore you find hearts to give Amy for a reward, and IGN trailers have shown other collectables that you probably give to Tails & Knuckles in the same way for more rewards.
I’m very excited for Sonic Frontiers, I love everything we’ve seen and heard so far and every little detail that comes out makes me even more excited. I just wanna play the game now, I wouldn’t even care if the public demo was an early build.
I am still not a big fan of 3D Sonic games. The only exception is Sonic Adventure 2, but that's because of the Chao Garden, which I spent an insane amount of time on. I really hope this game will be good, but from what I've seen so far, it'll probably end up being one big letdown to the fanbase. Again.
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