Nintendo has not had a good run with Switch game leaks in recent months, and now to top it off, the upcoming Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes appear to already be in the hands of some individuals, who are now seemingly uploading photos and video footage of the anticipated release.
One post, in particular, over on a leak subreddit - simply titled "Got it early" - shows three photos of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. In it, you can see screens of the Pokémon Center, battles, and even a cutscene. There's also some video footage in a separate post.
Another user on the same subreddit, who appears to be located in Australia, shared a post and photo - stating how they attempted to get a copy from the store they work at, but the game was locked away. At the very least, it seems to confirm the remakes are now in the hands of retailers.
"My work started advertising BDSP today. Copy’s of the game are being locked away in back room. I was gonna try get it early but I got told I could lose my job so probably won’t do that"
And if that wasn't enough, some in North America are sharing photos - showing off early copies they managed to acquire.
The Pokémon Company has previously cracked down on people leaking information about mainline releases ahead of launch, so there could potentially be some serious consequences for those who choose to share information about the remakes early.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are due to arrive later this month on November 19th. If we hear anything else, we'll be sure to let you know.
Comments 57
If anything, its nice that this can happen so people can know what the game is like before they buy it.
Usually I'd stay away from those leaks to not get new content etc spoiled but in this case I'm actually looking forward to them to see if there is more to this games than TPC has shown so far. Cause currently it isn't worth it imo since I already own Diamond and Platinum
Either it was a mistake/glitch on Nintendo's part, or they somehow pirated the game. I don't really know if I should feel that what they're doing is wrong or not.
Stop reporting on leaks and illegal stuff Nintendo Life!!!!
Good to know what you're getting into beforehand
@HenHiro They aren’t actually reporting on any of the leaked material. Come on.
Figured it would happen anytime now, since people have been posting about stores having them in storage already.
I was wondering are those leakers real time travelers ?
Not defending this or the upcoming leak of information. But considering most people seem to think these are straight up remakes with little to no new content, it's not like we'll be in any danger of something being spoiled.
Edit Unless there is actually something new and noteworthy to keep from being spoiled
@HenHiro you must be fun at parties.
@ObeseChihuahua2 The games are already at the distributors and a lot of big chains have them already in stock.
So here it's most likely some distribution / store employee that has snatched the game early.
@contractcooker parties are for low-lifes.
@HenHiro They aren't, they are reporting the game has leaked. By your logic murder shouldn't be reported on the News because murder is illegal.
Imagine if this was the game you lost your job for!
At least wait until Breath of the Wild 2 so you have something new to enjoy during your unemployment.
Why is this considered a leak when we already know what to expect. It's been available since 2006... 😉😂
Oh my god! Should stone these people then sentence to life. Lol
@ObeseChihuahua2 Or the store/delivery company part. Nintendo doesn't have direct control over every retailer.
>nintendo cracks down on leakers
>leakers "lets just accidently mess up the shipping date and let other fans do the dirty work without the legal replications"
@Jeronan Ah. So did they steal it, or were they given it early?
@ObeseChihuahua2 They work there I'm assuming so they would have just..bought it..early? No need to steal it lmao.
Why is it illegal to get a Game earlier?
I wouldn't mind someone spoiling how many Pokemon are actually in the game.
@ObeseChihuahua2 it is. Leaking into like that is illegal and Nintendo can sue them. Look at what happened to the people who leaked sword and shield
If these people leak anything then I hope Nintendo finds out who they are and sues them. Theres absolutely no reason to be that big of an *****
that you more then likely steal a copy of the game from your work and post it online.
@MagicMan But why? Why did they leak this knowing how trigger-happy Ninty is with lawsuits? They couldn't just wait a couple of weeks?
People likely risking their employment & getting in the crosshairs of a Legal team with endless resources for a few minutes of Internet fame on a game with tepid hype is particularly pathetic. Most people have probably made up their mind already about buying it at this point anyway.
@Thoughts well, it didn't say anything about Distortion World in BDSP trailers and content wise the game will have. So no, I don't think Distortion World will be in there.
Maybe they will add it as expansion or something though
Seriously, who cares? People are always getting a game before the release date. It’s a remake of an old game and I doubt there’s many surprises.
At least this isn't early footage of a brand new story. I'm still seeking justice for the Age of Calamity spoilers. Wrong people got banned.
@Azuris it is illegal, if you don't know.
@Lilmonix3 Pokemon X&Y was good I thought. Although nowhere near as good as what it could have been considering how well made Red&Blue were for their era.
I skipped Sword and Shield...I've heard so many negative things, and the game just looks lazy.
Pokemon Legends looks good though...lets see how it reviews.
So, there is a Law that says, that it is illegal to get a Product before the estimated Release Date of the Creator?
I am pretty sure you can show me that Paragraph
Just to spoil you, there is no such Law.
My Favourites are Black and White 2
So much Content
@HenHiro That's incorrect. Some games do get released early to some players if they pre-order special digital editions.
It's called "review codes", genius!
@HenHiro Come on dude.
Wow, it's like it's happened with every one of the last few Pokemon games.
Better stop reading the Internet if you don't want to get spoiled on every new thing before even getting a chance to legitimately play the game.
Wonder if Nintendo will banhammer another 5k+ accounts again?
@VrginX Surely there is SOME new content. Even if, yes, 95% of it is probably old news.
If a store employee got the game out from their store stock, they'd like have stolen rather than purchased it.
And if you think stealing a game (especially to play it just two weeks ahead of time) is worth the potential legal trouble, not to mention the bad mark on your employment history, you'd have to be crazy.
@nessisonett Funnily enough, even the leakers aren't reporting on leaked material. Other than showing they got the game early, none of them actually showed anything else.
@acNewUpdates You must have never heard of reviews huh
@VoidofLight I don't think these leaks are real. There is NO WAY they wouldn't say anything.
@mariomaster96, I owned all three and I'm still getting the double pack of the remakes and u mean Imo
@acNewUpdates, u mean it's
I live for the histrionic "spoiler" paranoia about a game that came out 15 years ago.
@HarvestGoddess They're real.
@ObeseChihuahua2 Well I hardly doubt Distributors and stores are taking such risks, so that's why I said "snatched early"
@Jeronan Ah. It just seems kind of silly to me to "spoil" a 15 year old game and potentially get sued by Nintendo.
@HenHiro I have nothing to say except that I am concerned.
@Azuris It is illegal to post the screenshots online.
No, it is not.
You can review it and use Images, would be cruel if not.
@Azuris I meant without permission from Nintendo.
@VoidofLight I saw some pretty convincing gameplay online.
@ViperCosmos as you very well know, this is not the case here, Mr. Know-it-all.
@Azuris you're very unknowledgeable about this topic.
When you buy a game, the game doesn't belong to you, you're buying a license to play it, that license has a date, if you start the game before the date you're breaking the user agreement and therefore your copy of the game turns illegal, in some cases, your console can get banned.
Instead of discrediting my Knowledge you should prove your Sources.
You are confusing Law and EULA (or AGB in Germany) and you are interpreting to much into "it is only a Licence".
It is absolutly Nonsense that your Copy (Properity) becomes illegal.
By buying a Copy of Software and the License to use it in a Store, your Contract Partner is the Store and not the Publisher.
You aren't signing any EULA with the Publisher that forces you when or how to use the Copy.
You can start it up, use it and as mentioned and linked above, there are even Laws for Fair Use that allow you to use Pictures etc. to report or review it.
If there weren't, they could destroy free Speech and Democracy by bombarding Journalists with Copy Right or EULA Infringements.
You should also ask a economics Teacher (BWL/VWL) about EULA, you'll see that only because there is something written in there,
it doesn't mean that it is legal to be in there.
A EULA has to be conform with Law, not vice versa.
As an Example, there was a Software where the EULA said, that the User has to send the Programmers selfmade Cookies.
It wouldn't have any weight infront of a Judge, because Paragraphs as these aren't legal (in Germany and Europe).
@Azuris the people who are playing it now are playing pirated versions of the game, so my whole point is that Nintendo Life should STOP encouraging piracy from their BUSINESS PARTNERS by informing audiences that the pirated version exists!!!
You are not allowed to play a game before the date the publisher says you should play it. Period. Not every publisher goes after that, but they can if they want to, and console manufacturers can ban your console.
You are especially not allowed to share imagery of that online, you're damaging the product's image, a guy was sued for leaking SWSH, it's absolutely illegal and the company could sue each and everyone of them, and they certainly will sue some.
It happened countless Times that Games got sold before the release Date.
It is not illegal to play them, there is no such Law.
You can repeat it as often as you want, it is not true.
Don't be so foolish to keep repeating that Point in that way, it is ridiculous.
Seems more that you are trolling.
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