Nintendo has shared a quick overview of the major releases headed to Switch over the next couple of months and into 2022. We don't know about you, but we're starting to think that 2022 could be one of the system's best years yet.
As you can see in the handy image below, there's an awful lot to look forward to for fans of Nintendo's biggest franchises. We've got a brand new Zelda with the sequel to Breath of the Wild, a new Mario + Rabbids, a new Splatoon, a new Kirby, and three new Pokémon games, and that's before you take the likes of Bayonetta 3, the Advance Wars remakes, and more into account too.
Check this out, and try to tell us that you're not excited for at least some of that impressive list.

The only thing missing from the list? Metroid Prime 4. Sadly, the latest word from Nintendo is that Prime 4 is still 'TBA', so we could be waiting a little while longer before we get our hands on it.
Which games are you most looking forward to from that list above? Are you hoping to pick up a good handful? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 93
Certainly, 2022 is looking quite heavy in terms of blockbusters. Let's hope most of them land that year
I hope that isn't the title of Zelda BOTW 2...
@thiz Yeah, normally I'm not a big fan of the Kirby games, but that one actually looked pretty good. Definitely going to pick that one up!
Splatoon 3, Rabbids 2, and BOTW2 are sequels that have taken 5 years to produce, and Bayonetta 3 was announced in 2017, so that'll take 5 years as well. Shin Megami Tensei 5 took 5 years from announcement. With that logic, I would guess there is a possibility of Xenoblade 3 and a followup to Mario Odyssey as well?
We aren't quite at the point where people are upset that we don't know about the lineup next year so "there's nothing coming out!" I would normally say January is that time but we have Arceus. Although I guess there are enough people who are indifferent towards that game for it to happen. Then we get a Direct, wait a few months and get some random presentations before E3. E3 shows us the rest of the year and then September shows us 2023 and we're back to where we are now.
Patiently waiting for Pokémon BDSP and Shin Megami Tensei V!
Next year is gonna be insane for my gaming life: Legends Arceus, Kirby and The Forgotten Land, Triangle Strategy, Rune Factory 5, Mario+Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Bayonetta 3, the sequel to Breath of the Wild, not to mention all the rumored and unannounced games, can't wait!
I will be the happiest broke person ever in 2022. DAY 1 SPLATOON 3 BABY
Got my copy of SMT V early. Reaaaally enjoying it so far. I'll maybe play BDSP at the end of the year. Looking forward to Kirby, Splatoon, Bayonetta, and Arceus next.
In terms of 2022, looking forward to Kirby and Advance Wars. Not too bothered about the rest. Even if I was excited for BOTW2, which I am still not sure about, I am not convinced that is coming out next year. Thankfully, WarioWare and Metroid Dread have been great so I don't feel quite as negatively as I did a year ago.
Eh, not that interesting to be honest.
Shin megami tensei 5 tomorrow then the next game I'm getting is likely Advance Wars with that rumored April release
@Mauzuri if these were the same people behind Octopath Traveler and Triangle Strategy, then "The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" would be the game's actual name
@IronMan30 I think we'll mostly skip the 'no games' people this year. Whether or not we have exact dates, Nintendo has already announced publishing 8 games in varied genres. Usually we go into the year knowing 2-3.
Not much of a holiday season if you're not a fan of Jrpgs. Can't wait for Kirby in the new year, looks great.
TSttLoZ:BotW rolls off the tongue like a mountain of crumpled up aluminum foil. I’d still buy it though.
Advance Wars, Triangle Strategy, Bayo 3, and absolutely Splatoon 3, 2022 might be the year I buy the most full priced games on their release days.
Looking forward to Bayo 3 and Advance Wars 1 & 2.
Still hoping against hope for a new F-Zero, Wave Race, 1080, or Excitebike. Hell I'd even take a Starfox Zero Remaster!
Just AW and BOTW2 to look forward to then, and as it doesn't have a title yet I can see it slipping to 2023!
2023 will be good. Now playing most of the games from last year that have become cheaper, but I couldn't wait for World War Z and Dying Light, and also Metroid Dread. All three got ahead of my 'backlog', together with Strange Brigade that was on sale recently. A lot of undead shooting going on here lately. But one campaign in WWZ often involves more undead shooting then three entire zombie games, so there's dea- I mean that.
Nintendo always reminding you what games are not coming out until the year after you expect it.
I can't wait until Splatoon 3 comes out. I've been saving up to get that game since it was announced.
Prime4 will most likely be the BOTW of the wiiU meaning it will be on the Switch and on Nintendo's next console. I don't see it launching on Switch anymore
Come on Splatoon 3 and BotW 2!!<33
...and Mario+Rabbids!!
...keeping an eye on new Kriby.
It's not that mighty tbh. Remove the dlc from 2022, then you have solid games, BUT let's say 1 per month and then you still have a lot of empty spots!
I'm sure there's more, just saying the headline of the article makes you think it's God tier packed
2 Breath 2 Wild
I’ve given up hope for Prime 4 just as I’ve given up hope on Beyond good and evil 2
We will watch your career with great interest.
The fact that it's supposedly a year or so away and we still don't have a name for BOTW2 is a little concerning... though I'll admit I can't remember when we got the name for Breath of the Wild.
I find your lack of racing games disturbing.
"The sequel to to: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"
At this point they should just stick with the title, sure has a nice ring to it ^^
@westman98 Breath of the Wild 2: Electric Boogaloo
2022 looks incredible. 🤤 Hello there, empty wallet. 😋
Hoping for more content for the NSO expansion soon, and for less people to go on about Metroid Prime 4.
That comment about "three" Pokémon games surely can't be classing BDSP as two separate games can it? Have you played Pokémon games before, Ryan?!
No love for Dying Light in the "Out Now" section? That one snuck in as the Port of the year for Switch.
I think i will focus on building other games (PS2, PS3, PS4, NDS, 3DS, Wii U) during year 2022.
I will build my Switch games library slowly again during year 2022.
Cautiously optimistic for Kirby!
Probably won't be getting much else from this list.
I mean, Zelda, sure. -IF- it actually makes it out next year.
Certainly some good titles, but I reeeally want a real new Mario game (2D or 3D), not just Rabbids. That might be too much to hope for for 2022, but I can dream. I'll be satisfied with Kirby instead unless it is rediculously easy like some Kirby games.
2022 is looking insanely good for the Switch. I’m excited for just about every game for next year on that Infograph.
Kirby will be a great highlight.
i think it was E3 where they talked about BOTW2. They never promised that BOTW2 was 2022. They said that they hoped that it would be.
EDIT: ”We are aiming for a 2022 release.”
@link3710 check a few comments below you and you'll see what I mean.
I'll be getting Zelda and Sparks of Hope. Wish there was more here that strikes my fancy but oh well. Given the non Nintendo games like Silksong and Cuphead DLC, I am still expecting a great year.
Kirby, TriStrat, BoTW2, maybe Pokemon. Lots of games to look forward to, yet I still crave Prime 4
"The only thing missing from the list? Metroid Prime 4"
but... but... but... what about Pikmin 4?!
Dang it still stuff already out that I need to buy. Good problem to have.
Only 7 games on here I don't want, and one of those I'm buying on xbox. Let me have my money Nintendo! I gotta get a less engrossing hobby.
Metroid Prime Trilogy might launch next year too. Prime 4 will end up as a launch title for the next console. I wouldn't expect it on Switch.
I am of 2 minds. I want to be excited about new Nintendo releases but I'm still sore about the crappy controllers and the ongoing save corruption debacle with ACNH they still refuse to patch.
@Personausermike It's not packed (yet)... but the games they have announced are major AAA titles that will sell a lot
Justice for Isaac in EU!
…&Justice for Fashion boutique thing game !
You forgot TMNT Shredders Revenge and Lego Star wars Skywalker Saga!!! Fingers crossed we get a 2022 release date for both soon!!
Breath of the Wild 2: Electric Boogaloo
Holding out for Metroid under retros management I’d say your looking at 5 years at least and they have only been working on it for 2 years + so imagine 23 or 24 release.
SMTV and Danganronpa are in the bank. On the fence about the Pokémon remakes.
2022 looks so solid already that it barely leaves room for hope of a big surprise or two.
I really hope the Kirby game has some depth to it.
Yes but we would all be calling it:
Project The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for another 6 months yet.
@AJWolfTill too right! 😆
I had completely forgotten that detail
I hope 2022 is better. Outside of Metroid Dread and Mario Party Superstars, I don't what else the Switch had on my table for 2021. I mean, I don't want to say 2021 is "bad", but I don't want to say that I was impressed either...
@gcunit Agreed on Kirby. I'm hoping there's a lot more to that game than just "Kirby in 3D". I am glad to see the mainline series go 3D for once, but so far I'm not impressed with what I've seen thus far.
@Zyph You lucky duckling.
@StephenYap3 I still need to pick up Mario Golf and Dread (and Mario Party and Warioware).
2022 seen to be 2017 part 2, i will definetely buy/play Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Bayonetta 3 and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 to release on holiday 2022?Kirby and the Forgotten Land to release on may/april 2022? Bayonetta 3 to release on Halloween 2022?
Boring. All I see are sequels and JRPGs.
How about some of your most neglected franchises were updated?
So far, Arceus, Kirby, Advance Wars and maybe Sparks of Hope for me for 2022 (I recently bought Kingdom Battle, but I'm saving it for my winter holiday, I left it with my nephew for the time being).
Also Metroid Prime 4, but that's for whichever year that comes out.
That doesn't sound bad. And I'm still in catch-up mode with past Switch releases.
Not much coming out then
Just Bayonetta and maybe advance wars for me
Breath of the wild 2 has no date so could be the end of next year.
Dying Light 2 is a cloud version so that a big NO Why pay for somthing that you will neverr own and really don't like cloud gaming at all
So thare look week four next year
I’ve been waiting for a year like this since 2017. Worth the wait. Let’s go Kirby, Splatoon 3, Zelda!
@Mauzuri or Breath of the Wild 2: Electric Boogaloo?
@Jamie_R Advance wars remake?
Outer Wilds plz!!!
Any word on Neon White? That's still TBD, with a pending "Winter 2021" release date.
KIRBY!!!!!! c(-'0'-c)
I'm most looking forward to Kirby and Silksong if that still exists lol
@Zyph how’s it compare to SMT IV? My copy comes in tomorrow I can’t wait to give it a go.
@MegaVel91 The game just showed up early in the mail the other day Lucky me~~
Story and character interaction are loads better IMO compared to IV. It's still SMT through and through but you'll kinda see some elements that made Persona so good that made it into this.
Voice acting here is great as well. Personally I thought the acting in IV was a bit passive and emotionless but I would have preferred using JP voice acting but there's no option despite people saying it had dual audio. Searching around I believe it's an eShop download but it's still not available since the game is not yet officially released.
@Mauzuri I've been taking to calling it Breath of the Sky in absence of an official title.
Some good gaming to be had on there. I hope all those games in 2022 actually turn up in 2022 though. Primarily, we want a properly produced game and not one that is released half done/too early, but still....
I'm too excited for Monster Hunter and Kirby! 2022 can't come fast enough. 2021 was kinda dry for me unfortunately
@PokemonDMG that's the thing though is that it so could.
@Mauzuri absolutely love your avatar. Lol
@thiz I'm excited for a Super Mario 3D World-styled Kirby. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun.
@IronMan30 I don't think the "there's nothing" schtick will be as prevalent next year just because so many titles are already known. Far more than usual. And a few ones expected this year (like Advance Wars, Bayonetta, etc) slipped to next year so it makes the year that much beefier, particularly in the first half. It might be a rare year we don't see people complain all year that Nintendo must not have any games simply because the news hasn't been revealed yet. Though I'm sure some will just because it seems to be a hobby at this point.
@Lyricana "Though I'm sure some will just because it seems to be a hobby at this point."
That's a good way of phrasing it. And the first half of 2022 is weirdly stacked for new releases. I'm sure many people who were anxious in the last few years around that time would agree and joke that it's because Nintendo has almost run out of Wii U games to port to Switch.
@Mauzuri Breath of the Wild 2: Breathe Wilder
left in 2021 for me: Pokemon and Danganronpa
Coming in 2022: Pokemon, Advance Wars, Triangle Strategy, Rabbids 2, Bayo 3, Kirby, BOTW2.
Also Lego Star Wars and Marvel Midnight Suns
Here's hoping for GBA games and Metroid Prime Trilogy in 2022 too
The big omissions from that 2022 list is anything new from Nintendo on Mario.
1) Super Mario movie (set for December 2022) will no doubt get some kind of major Super Mario game launch for the Switch to capitalise on all the extra Mario marketing/hype at the time the film comes out. It'll be 5 years since Odyssey so....
2) Mario Kart 30th anniversary - surely it's time for some fresh new content for the Switch.....
After SMTV, are they going to release CDUK?
@Pokester99 I think many people have forgotten Breath of the Wild was the Wii U's "new" Zelda game, people don't seem to remember it did get released, on the same day as its next-gen port.
Okay, we got Danganronpa. Do Zero Escape trilogy next and I'll never not own and have on me a Switch.
This doesn't even count titles that just magically appear out of nowhere that nobody even knew existed...
@Mauzuri their keeping the title under wraps. It’s suppose to be like a little clue to how the game is or the story or something. It’s suppose to give something away.
Nintendo keeps saying Breath of the Wild’s sequel is coming next year, so hopefully it isn’t delayed (unless the game needs more time of course)!
I am most excited for BOTW 2 100%
Anyone not interested in that line up is crazy, it is stacked. I am looking forward to Crysis 2/3, my first limited run orders, as well as the rest
The only thing that could make this better would be bringing back some classic games like the metroid prime trilogy and Zelda Windwaker would make awesome additions to the switch
Hollowknight - Silksong?
Pikmin 4?
DLC for Cuphead (Delicious Last Course)?
Metroid Prime Trilogy?
PC Remakes -
Deus Ex (Human Revolution)?
2022's looking pretty good. Reminds me a lot of 2017. I think 2017 was probably the best year of the post-Iwata era. I hope to see a redemption arc from this company next year.
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