The Wii is 15 years old this week. That's not too bad, right? It feels like it came out around a decade and a half ago, right? For context, here are some other things that happened in 2006: The first Cars movie, the first Daniel Craig Bond movie, Casino Royale, and we met Dr Kawashima in the very first Brain Training game.
But with this news comes some slightly more distressing news: Twilight Princess is now also 15 years old, which, fun fact, makes it older than A Link To The Past was when Twilight Princess came out. Let's do the maths together:
A Link To The Past came out on November 21st, 1991.
Twilight Princess came out on November 19th, 2006.
When Twilight Princess came out, ALTTP was 5,477 days old (or 14 years, 11 months, and 29 days).
On Wednesday, Twilight Princess was exactly 5,477 days old.
That's all. Have a nice day! 😊
Comments 61
Also 15 years is the Wii VC console, my gateway into PC Engine.
D… does that mean the Wii’s 15 too? Oh god.
Wow, 15 years...I was in my second year of art college at the time. I remember the wait for this game to come out was absolutely excruciating. Although I suppose that's the case for most Zelda games, ha. But yeah, spent the Christmas holidays of 2006 playing TP, good times.
It's too early to be reminded of my own mortality. Let me have my coffee first.
I recall I rushed out and bought the GameCube version after work on release day. I still have it. Much preferred this game to Skyward Sword.
If I remember it was meant to be released about a year before in 2005 for GameCube (I was really looking forward to the game), then it was delayed for a year to launch with the Wii.
It would be a good week for Nintendo to release Twilight Princess HD on Switch - oh well, here's hoping for that to happen in 2022
Still remains my favourite Zelda to this day. I love BotW, but TP holds a special place in my heart (Hmmmm TP.... I need TP for my bunghole)
Okami has a cult following & a reputation of being as good as or even better than twilight princess. I took the plunge & played it a few years ago to see what all the fuss is about. A stylish, unique and beautiful game no doubt, but it can’t compare to the majesty of Twilight princess. So much imagination and atmosphere, fantastic dungeons with constant originality - the winner by a country mile.
Time for a Switch version? Please?
I was 17 when this came out, now that is a little distressing. We'll all be decomposed in the ground before we know it ☠️
@Mattock1987 omg please. wind waker too. just double pack that shizz
To date Twilight Princess is my favourite Zelda game. It was my first one but it had amazing dungeons, a decent story and a very compelling companion in the form of the sassy but sincere Midna. I love this game.
This is still one of my favorite games of all time. I will replay this and usually another zelda once a year so I guess I’ve beat it over 15 times.
While not my favorite game in the series, I do really enjoy it. Happy birthday to Wii and TP!
Best The Legend of Zelda game ever made. Can't believe it's been 15 years since the launch of the Wii. It seems like yesterday when I was counting the days for Christmas 2006.
@andykara2003 I’m going to have to go with Okami. Twilight Princess was my first 3d Zelda game and while at the time I enjoyed it, looking back without nostalgia it was just an Ok game.
The dungeons were linear with some being forgettable, a lot of items had niche uses and were pretty much tossed aside after a dungeon was completed.
Wolf Link felt more like a gimmick than an actually well thought idea.
The story was just eh... It started out wonderfully, but the big twist was a letdown. Zant and Minda were wasted potential.
Zelda felt shoehorned in there as well. You meet her briefly and she vanished for the majority of game and just suddenly pops up towards the end because triforce, reasons.
It was fun for a first play through but imo a slog to try to replay again.
@Ocaz the leaker that correctly predicted the Mario 35th collection is still adamant that TP and WW are coming to Switch, along with Oracle of Season/Ages so there’s some hope https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/nintendo-switch-lite-oled-games-zelda-metroid-bayonetta-fire-emblem-leak/
@TheBigK I was 6 😂
I would love to see the kind of dungeons from TP incorporated into the next Breath of the Wild. One of my favourite Zelda games.
Absolutely loved that game.
Never would've guessed at the time, that it would be the last good 3d Zelda game I'd play until skyward swords rerelease
I'd appreciate it if it didn't take another decade, Nintendo
That's funny. I just started replaying Twilight Princess HD a few days ago. It's still one of my all-time favorite games. I have all three versions sitting at home. I would love to add a fourth with a Switch release.
Of course not, Breath of the wild is a much better 3-D Zelda title.
My favorite Zelda. I'd love any kind of port to Switch
@johnvboy botw in the opnion of many people (including me) is not a great Zelda. For me it's a great game, one of the bests of all time, but don't have the "feeling" of playing a Zelda game. There is absolutely no sense of evolution. After the Great Plateau, that's it, you're ready. And I didn't even talked about the dungeons... It's not a great "Zelda" at all
@johnvboy No doubt. If I had rank the games I would put TP and SS at the bottom with Skyward Sword being one level above Twilight princess.
BOTW may be weak in the story telling department but it beats TP and SS in gameplay by miles. TP felt like have-baked ideas while SS was too on rails.
This game was released in my senior year of high school. o.o Oh my god.
I loved it and hated it a bit.
Nothing beats ocarina of time and majoras mask.
I soooo wish they would make a Majoras mask 2.
Every bit lf that game i loved the mysterious parts and masks transformations etc.
In Ocarina lf time i loved (yes the ocarina) and also where link had some amazing powers, like the Dins Fire attack, Farores wind and nayrus love. It made link almost feel godly. Same with majoras mask where he put on the Fierce Deity mask, oh man my heart stopped fo seccond, or putting up a goron mask and roll true hyrule. Man please bring that back!
Fair enough, for me it was the Zelda adventure I had always dreamed of.
By far my fav modern Zelda game.
The story and absolute adventure the game sent you on. Superb!
I very much enjoyed this game, although it felt a bit save and by-the-numbers. Also the non-existent difficulty was disappointing, especially given the relatively "adult" presentation.
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess have one of the franchise best soundtrack,the companion on Midna and a very good story.
Um, ok then. I would like to see the HD remaster ported to Switch now please.
Wait... 15 years? Just realized I have a savefile on the MC that dates 11/15/2005. How's that possible?!
Here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWVq41HLPQgtWU3UoLhBhPcq9dSRTc-GWuuArM0/
@moodycat A proper Zelda game is whatever the devs want Zelda to be.
“ A Link To The Past came out on November 21st, 1991.
Twilight Princess came out on November 19th, 2006.
When Twilight Princess came out, ALTTP was 5,477 days old (or 14 years, 11 months, and 29 days).
On Wednesday, Twilight Princess was exactly 5,477 days old.”
I like how you think.
they should just re-release for the switch. same with wind waker. not everyone bought a Wiiu, so a re-released port of the remasters would make sense since more people now own switches.
I recall finding the game sort of middling back in the day but I haven't played it since release so I'd be up for a revisit. Not with the Wii version though... Waggle controls are not something I want to deal with anymore and buying anything for the Wii U at this point seems like a waste.
Gamecube version costs an arm and a leg though and I dunno if I'd really want to pay too much for a game which I don't recall being that good. I guess maybe once Zelda gets its next anniversary or something nintendo might make a new ****** compilation available for half a second or something and that's when I'll bite.
@Mattock1987 well that’s something. It’s not great but it’s something
@Ocaz I know. That’s all we have for now
I think Breath of the wild is a proper Zelda game, it's not held back by the older technology of the older more restricted games, finally a game where you can pretty much go wherever you can see,
@BispoSnake your Instagram is blocked. But the answer is easy: your GameCube was set with a wrong date at the time of the save.
@johnvboy Hah I agree. It's funny they say it's not a "proper" Zelda game when breath of the wild is very much like the very first Zelda game. The devs themselves even stated they wanted a return back to the series roots and took inspiration from the nes title. If anything, Breath of the Wild is the truest proper Zelda sequel of them all.
my favorite 3D Zelda game and god I need to replay it someday.
Temple of Time is my favorite temple aesthetically.
I read an interview with Miyamoto in which he said they were planning A Link To The Past to be a (Super Famicom) launch title, but it ended up being released on the console's 1 year birthday (21 Nov, 1991). I believe it is on the Shmuplations website.
@johnvboy i agree that BOTW is easily the best 3D Zelda game, but i think TP is quite decent too, a lot better than Skyward Sword in my opinion.
I think in terms of 3D Zelda games, the general consensus seems to be:
2: OOT
3: TP/WW (tied)
4: MM
5: SS
I would give it a 8.8/10
Not great not terrible.
Easily my favorite Zelda game, its one of the few games I can barely think of anything bigger than a nitpick for.
1. TP
2. MM
3. WW
5. OoT
6. SS
7. BoTW
@moodycat what about botw did you not like?
Twilight Princess is one of the most perfect games that Nintendo has ever developed and the Wii U version is beautiful. Along with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, the best The Legend of Zelda games.
Clearly game ranking is incredibly individual with the Zelda series.
I first played TP with my girlfriend of the time (now wife) and I loved its ease of play and storytelling. It was a special experience I’ll never replicate, being able to ease my wife into the series when she had limited gaming experience. I loved the black and white scene when you go back in time to the old forest temple, and love the ganon imprisonment scene. It’s one of my favourites, probably because of nostalgia and my personal experience.
WW on the other hand I really didn’t enjoy. It felt like a chore with all the sailing, and when you went below the ocean, my mind was blown and I thought I was like halfway through the game… only to be at the final dungeon. Real missed potential there to have like a light world/dark world parallel.
Strangely I loved adventure of link, because it was my first Zelda. And a link to the past I’m looking forward to trying to get my kids to play through in the next year or two when their coordination is up to it. Ocarina… they’ll have to earn that experience lol
@Mattock1987 that article was from back in July. It's not happening.
@moodycat BOTW was 2017
Ha this can't be accurate, that would put me in my 30s
I loved Wind Waker, even the sailing. Unfortunately, Twilight Princess didn't have the same effect on me. From the very beginning, it felt super padded and slowly paced to hit a specific high target for how many hours the game should take. By the end, the game felt like work to me instead of being fun.
@DazzaS while you’re almost certainly right, I’m choosing blind optimism on this occasion.
Without a doubt, I get serious Switch vibes with Twilight Princess as it was a cross generation launch game on the Wii, just as Breath of the wild was on the Switch.
So true, and Breath of the wild seems like a visualisation of the ambition shown in the very first Zelda game on the NES, which was only held back by the limitations of the existing technology.
Could 2021 be the year of the Wolf? We want the HD Remaster on Switch!
To me, Twilight Princess is still the best Legend of Zelda! It had a great story, vibrant and original characters who expressed genuine emotions, a lot of tradition dungeons with great items, plus a cinematic vibe that featured the most adult Link, making you feel like you are a true hero. At the same time, the world was large and diverse and didn't make you feel like wasting your time wandering around to hunt redundant items. These are qualities that I am missing in the overrated BotW.
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