Today sees the launch of the Nintendo Switch OLED, the third member of the Switch family of systems and the latest console to give us that warm, hardware launch day feeling.
Following the original Switch and the portable-only Switch Lite, the OLED takes up its position at the fancy, premium end of Switch spectrum. Boasting a fantastic, gorgeous new OLED screen, an improved kickstand and better audio quality, it really stands out as being a great upgrade for handheld players – even if it does have its faults.
We've already shared our thoughts on the Switch OLED, but how do you feel? Are you planning on picking one up? Are you booting it up for the first time as we speak? Or does it just not interest you in the slightest?
We'd love to hear your thoughts, so make sure to cast your votes in our launch day poll below, and feel free to expand upon your answers in the comments. The system is available today both online and in-store at a variety of retailers, priced at £309.99.
Need more convincing? Here's what the critics have been saying.
Comments 95
I plan to get one sooner or later but I'm not in a huge rush due to the current lack of Flip Grip support.
Nah, I'm waiting.
I’m not getting the OLED, I only play in TV mode. I’m going to wait for a more substantial upgrade.
Wow. Pretty variable responses in that poll. I'd like to have one since I primarily play my switch in handheld mode and mine is aging, but I'm not sure that I want to drop $350 on it right now.
My LCD Switch is working just fine for me and I got it about a year and 1/4 ago. I’m have no need for a replacement - and my Joycons are still working well too.
It's sitting on my desk right now, redownloading my library of digital games.
I've trialed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on it with it also running on the old Switch side by side, and the difference in both the picture and sound quality is palpable and exciting.
Not for me. I do want one of those docks tho.
Mine was pre-ordered for me back in July as a birthday present from my lovely wife! It arrived this morning and it’s way nicer than I was expecting.
Redownloading over 80 games onto my new system as we speak… well, type.
Not at the moment, the standard Switch will do
There should be a 6th option in the poll.
"I'll get one if / when my original Switch dies"
@RupeeClock that side by side comparison is amazing. Maybe I can still get one...
Didja all at NL forget about the scalpers, suddenly?
Nope, no point in upgrading for primarily docked players like myself. Only gonna get one if my current launch era switch breaks completely, which hopefully isn't the case despite it seemingly degrading for no real reason at all.
Will pick up my preorder after work.
Still going strong with my launch day Switch. Hopefully it will last until the Switch U, New Switch, Super Switch, Switch 2 or Switch Pro or whatever they do comes next.
i would if it was y'know actually in stock
I'm going to wait.
Great for new gamers, just not for me as I'm happy with my older model. I will only part with my cash when a pro is possibly released or when the next gen is released.
Hopefully will get mine next week if my Amazon pre-order turns up. Currently been told Wednesday, but we'll see. If not I may have to buy one off eBay.
The only reason I'm not getting it day one, is personal finances.
It's an upgrade too good to pass up, especially since I play handheld 50% - 60% of the time.
A second switch could be useful, but at the moment, it makes no sense for me to buy the OLED at present.
not Day one for me... because my friend/retailer gave me mine on Wednesday 🤣🤣🤣
My OG Switch has served me well. Upgraded today for the OLED model and it was worth it. Screen is amazing and only going to hook it up to the TV for multilayer purposes. Redownloading all my games at the moment and a busy night ahead with Metroid Dread
If I can exchange my old one for the OLED then I will get the OLED and if I trade in some other things I hope it would also go to getting the switch OLED but I haven’t tried yet at GameStop so I might give it a try.
Shorter power cable annoying. LAN Speedtest big improvement. Getting full speed now. Dock software updates in the settings is interesting.
For me its not worth it, especially not for €350 way too expensive
If my OG Switch pops its clogs I most likely will, but I rarely play it handheld. Last time I spent long periods playing handheld was grinding away in DQ XI, whilst lounging on the couch…
I would have one by now if it wasn’t for those dirty scalpers
@The_Pixel_King Lucky man having a wife like that, I get socks and underwear for my birthday, but I guess I should be thankful, at least there not used.
I'm not interested, I can't justify a console purchase just for a brighter screen. My OG Switch will play games just fine
If I needed to replace my Switch, I'd definately replace it with an OLED. If I had loads of disposable income, I'd definately get an OLED. Sadly, I'm flat broke and my launch Switch is still working fine!
I've just purchased the OLED Nintendo Switch to replace my old V1 model, and it was THE BEST Choice I've made in a long time! So happy I decided to to it!!!
I most likely won't get one unless my Switch breaks, because there's just no reason for me to upgrade when my current system works fine. Still, I'm happy for everyone who has upgraded and is enjoying theirs so far.
@SeantheDon29 @ZeldaGoat
What scalpers? This OLED model was widely available and easily reserved when they first went live. 🤷♂️
I am happy with my old.
Maybe if my current switch dies but I'd rather wait for a steam deck.
I plan to wait and see if they do a special variant for BOTW2.
My switch is from launch day in 2017, so I'm ready for an upgrade. I passed on the version with the new battery, but now I'm ready. I really like the white dock and joy-cons.
Original Switch will become the dedicated Ring Fit Adventure machine for the family room in the basement.
@Judgedean shorter power cord? Hmm. That could be trouble.
Is the OLED dock's power cord compatible with the original dock and vice versa?
Not for me unless my current, launch day Switch gets busted. (Also, no Steam Deck for me either)
Nope, its not really an upgrade and they haven't even fixed the Joy-Cons.
Also the colour choice is not great, so will wait until my day one original starts to die
I am tempted because I love new and pretty things, but considering I mostly play in docked, I don't think it's a necessary, justifiable purchase for me. Even the 3DS XL to New 3DS XL jump I made was more excusable.
Plus I don't want to grab it and then a year from now see a Pro coming out
I will be getting one soon to replace my Switch that was stolen a few months ago.
To be honest I LOVE IT.
But... I fought hard and long to obtain my Animal Crossing Edition Switch, and though I'd like an upgrade -the price point and not enough NEW is keeping my money in my wallet.
A larger OLED overall would have sold me though, Text sizes on Switch handheld play is way too small for me on most games. And that is an issue I never have with any 3DS gems, because those games were designed to be seen/READ on small screens.
got mine today and i'm currently transferring user data over, cannot wait for tetris effect!
I don't think this pole is really reflective of my position. I'm not getting one not because it isn't for me. It certainly is. However the ever impending prospect of a Switch 2 or the less likely Switch Pro lends weight to the possibility that this thing is a waste of money. I can feel it, a switch 2 will get announced next year. I'll just enjoy the handful of games I have and wait till the new Backward Compatible Switch 2 releases. Which I'm sure will have the OLED display.
If I can find one at a later date I will. I’m getting a second Switch for me so I can give my Switch lite to my son Aiden. Using birthday money to get it so I have to wait until the 20th at least.
I went to my Walmart and the GameStop in my neighborhood and neither had any. Looks like a pass for me until I can find one without jumping through hoops….
Hell no, this silly thing is a pointless layover until the Switch 2 for people with money to flush down the toilet.
@jello64 Hahaha, yeah, I’m ridiculously lucky. We’ve been married for 27 years this coming January. We’ve had downs as well as ups in that time, but I’m constantly amazed by how kind and thoughtful she is.
If I didn't have the PlayStation 5 as my main priority and if upgrading wasn't such an expensive process, then I would get the OLED.
I use it on the TV more than in handheld, so the only advantage would be the new dock with the LAN port so I do not need to have a dongle sticking out.
The 64 GB is still a paltry amount. The number should be 256 at an absolute minimum.
i have no need to get one
my normal Switch still works great
OK i have got to mention it as no one is talking about it there is now 64gb on the oled model as to the old 32gb a bit rubbish I know
Just one wanted to point it out
And no I'm not having and oled anytime soon
My Switch oled should be arriving today. Patiently waiting for FedEx to update tracking information. Meanwhile, UPS has Metroid Dread and Doki Doki Literature Club out for delivery.
Chances are I won't get one. Despite what some say, I still don't think we're too far away from a Switch 'Pro' or possibly even the Switch's true next-gen successor.
Got mine earlier today. It looks and feels much sleeker then the Original 2017 model I've had up to now. The extra battery life and bump on the screen is what I'm really looking forward to. And because a buddy is buying my old model off me, I technically only spent £160 on this upgrade. Which is awesome! Friend in turn gets a used Switch for £150 thats in good working condition for someone in his family - so all in all a great deal for both sides.
Still really happy with my 2017 switch, still works fine. Plus I think it's way over priced for such old tech and a fancier screen.
The money for a Switch OLED is already being put towards a Steam Deck, which seemed like a more interesting investment. If it offered more than a nicer screen and a better kickstand, I'd have certainly looked into it.
I'm very tempted, since I almost exclusively play handheld and still have my 2017 switch, so the battery upgrade would be nice. On the other hand, my OG switch is still in optimal state, so it feels a bit like money down the drain.
@EVIL-C I would love for you to show me where to order one.
Tracking tells me it's being delivered today. Tracking also tells me it arrived 4 states away yesterday and never left......
oh well...
@ZeldaGoat Right now? I was referring to this past summer. They were plentiful and available at major retailers for many days.
EDIT: https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/nintendo-switch-oled-model-console-neon-red-blue/15598574
Readily available right now, at least locally for me. NIntendo fans screaming scalper every single time is lazy. The OLED model isn't limited, and it isn't Switch 2. The demand for this will be much lower.
I’m a Switch Pro truther, so I’m waiting a year before deciding on OLED. There was a ton of 4K Switch smoke coming from otherwise reputable sources, and the reasons for Nintendo’s denials are valid -they don’t want to kill the sales of OLED, and they don’t want investors to freak out if Switch Pro gets delayed or shelved. If Pro is not announced in time for Holiday 2022, then Switch OLED it is. I mostly play docked on an OLED TV anyway. I don’t want to buy two new Switches in two years.
Yes just waiting the OLED to be delivered. My launch V1 Switch needs to be replaced at this point.
I don’t believe Switch pro nonsense just like I didn’t the years before “reputable websites” claimed it. ESPECIALLY after the OLED reveal which caused a lot of the “reputable leakers” to stay quiet for awhile until the fallout blew over like recently with the reemergence of Switch Pro/4k rumors.
Nintendo denying doesn’t have to be “to save OLED sales” it could just be as simple as it not existing while sites like Bloomburg just want to attract site traffic from gullible Nintendo fans that has been fooled since 2018. If you are waiting for the next Nintendo device it’s gonna be the Switch 2 or something else at this point for the next Gen.
I have no plans to get one. I see no need when I already have a Switch.
If I can buy a standalone Switch OLED tablet, sure I'll 'get one'. If not, I'll just be keeping my og Switch.
I would want gray joycons with black dock OLED model, if they ever make it.
@Arawn93 a lot of the time it felt more like a case of people being sceptical but wanting the rumours to be true than people outright taking them as fact.
its why you often saw discussion about it flare up more when a recently released game had noticeable performance issues such as HW:AOC and MH:stories 2.
definitely hoping that we end up with a switch successor (with full BC) since the idea is great but the hardware is really showing its age.
I'm more interesting in getting my hands on the new dock. Anyone know when it's suppose to go up for sale on the Nintendo Store?
While not a deal breaker, I'd love to know if the new LAN port is actually running at Gigabyte speeds.
@ZeldaGoat not sure where you are but amazon.co.uk have both colours available to order for the 13th oct.
@peterbasement I'm reasonably sure it would be. I just wanted to keep everything together for each unit.
I see no point. I prefer the form factor of the Lite, and there is no hardware-benefit. Seems like a waste of money.
I did really like my OLED Vita though
@Shade_Koopa Not sure what speed but with my old dock which was using the official Nintendo LAN adapter, I was getting around 40Mbps but after connecting to new dock directly, getting around 100Mbps (which is my internet package top speed anyway).
I'd get one, but only if it's a BotW2 limited edition. That would be a nice way to hand my original Switch down and see out what's been one of my favourite consoles of all time.
I should have mine right now but apparently the Best Buy store I pre ordered from hasn’t received their shipment yet…so just waiting around until then I guess
@The_Pixel_King Cool, today is my and my wife’s anniversary, 27 years today. Best to you both.
No option for "They're impossible to buy?"
@Zach1122 I should've been playing mine right now but Nintendo UK delayed my order until tomorrow or Monday!🙄 the only reason I’m not super pissed is because I got with a discount, otherwise I’m sure my original Amazon order would’ve been delivered on time.
Placed a pre-order last month on Amazon. Checked today and it's arriving Wednesday. So excited. My first Switch 😊
I have a launch Switch that I dropped in Osaka and the controller keeps popping off when I play. I really NEED a new Switch, just due to that reason alone, but imma wait for the Super Switch. At this point, the 2022 release is pretty much a lock.
Got my daughter one this morning. She loves it. Having issues getting her Animal Crossing data ported over though, the tool is not working. 😢
@icomma this is actually a good idea 💡
@jello64 Wow, Happy Anniversary to the both of you! Here’s to the next 27 years, my friend 🎉
@Judgedean Definitely sounds like it's using USB 3.0 speeds at least. Now I MUST have this dock. I can't get more then 30 Mbps via my USB 3.0 Ethernet adapter.
Whenever my Switch keels over, I'll replace it with this
The title should have been "Can you get a Switch OLED" Just like the PS5 and XSX these are going to be impossible to find all year and mostly next year thanks to scalpers. This ***** needs to stop.
@EVIL-C Maybe in other countries, but in the US the scalper pretty much took them all. They're being sold for nearly double the price. They're sold out everywhere here and the pre-orders closed within minutes.
I play my Switch in handheld mode like 95% of the time, but I can't justify the price... plus I get attached to my electronics (aka "lazy") and hate the idea of replacing a device every few years. Just last month I bought a new phone and went from Android 5 to 11. So yeah... I would love to have a shiny new screen, but I'll probably wait until the eventual Switch replacement/upgrade/slightly-better-than-this-slightly-better revision.
Nope, buying a PS5 on Friday instead.
Tried. My preorder is delayed.
@ivory_soul While that is unfortunate, check if Amazon Canada will ship to your address. We've got tons of them here in maple syrup land. Shipping shouldn't be too bad, as I buy from the US and Japan sometimes.
Both are in stock as of Saturday morning, ship/sold from Amazon, not a scalper. 😉
Bust first I gotta have that diamond and pearl switch lite
@EVIL-C Nope, they don't ship to the US sadly. None of the links you posted do.
ARRGGHH. I preordered from Best Buy on day one. It's now been three days since the console was released and they still haven't fulfilled my order. I'm extremely frustrated.
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