A few months ago, WayForward officially announced River City Girls 2 - a follow-up to the original 2019 beat 'em up.
Now, in a new update, it's shared a first look at the second game and some of the new characters joining Misako and Kyoko. First up we've got Marian from the Double Dragon series and Provie from River City Ransom: Underground.

WayForward also revealed the Dragon Twins, Ryuichi and Ryuji, from River City Ransom and other previous entries. In the second River City Girls game they'll be bodyguards for one of the game's main villains.

And last but not least we've got the first screens of River City Girls 2 - showing off new characters, enemies and environments.
River City Girls 2 will support local and also online two-player co-op, and is arriving in 2022. Limited Run Games will be offering a physical release, too. And don't forget - River City Girls Zero has also been revealed.
So, what do you think? Will you be returning to the streets for River City Girls 2? Have you played the original? Comment below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 58
Still have to play the first game.
Played the first one… meh… I don’t think I’m getting this one.
Still need to play the first one. Maybe I'll get on that once i finish axiom verge 2.
Definitely looking forward to this, the first was probably the most fun I’ve had with a Kunio-kun game.
Loved the first one so I will be getting this one for sure.
I'll definitely pick up both this and Zero when LRG releases them! I've never played any of the other River City games (or other beat 'em ups for that matter), but I really enjoyed River City Girls.
@nessisonett Same. It's my favourite game from the franchise and it became my favourite beat' em up of all time.
Just tell me where I can pre-order the physical version so I can give you my money.
I really wish I would have bought the first game from Best Buy when I had the chance. Won't make that mistake with this game. I'll definitely pre-order a copy of River City Girls 2 from Limited Run as soon as it's available.
I fell off the first game pretty quick after the first stage. And I wish they made the sprites bigger like the sailor moon arcade beatemup
Hope the second game will not have that of a bad ending. The ending, at least before the patch was really atrocious.
I heard they patched it, but really the bad ending turned me off...
Wait...4 characters and only 2 player co op?
Great game, like SOR4 there’s so much technique…..think a lot of people don’t ‘get it’ and give up on it.
Cool. I love the art style. Day one for me
oh 😳 hi, Marian 🥺
first River City Girls game was BRILLIANT. very satisfying combat, quests in each area that made it feel like more than a typical beat em up, and a wonderful new wave aesthetic in graphics and music. A+ stuff ❤
It's disgusting how everything from Wayforward is now exclusive to their buddies at LRG, at least in North America. Other regions like SEA sometimes have normal releases, like Shantae 5.
Loved the first one. Me and my son play this. Both this and Streets of Rage 4 are a staple in our house hold.
I don't understand why it won't include 4 player co-op. With both SOR4 and the upcoming TMNT offering this option, this game will feel very dated.
I kind of liked the first one, but it was let down by the soundtrack. It was so bland and forgettable. Had they got Jake Kaufman to do it things would have been so different.
The first one never really appealed to me if i'm honest.
For me, much of the charm of the Kunio games came from the doofy looking sprites. And while WayForwards pixel art is phenomenal, said charm is completely lost for me.
Plus, i always thought that its presentation was pretty "Hello there, fellow kids" cringy...
Probably a great game like the last one, but not my cup of tea.
I do hope it's as successful as its predecessor though!
@VIIIAxel or other best em ups? You really should play Final Fight, that can be bought on the cap on beat em ups bundle. Also Streets of Rage 4 is good but the collection can be bought on Xbox for the first three which I think are better. Start with those but definitely get Streets of Red on switch. It’s a classic 8bit style beat em up. I found it to be vert good.
@mlj11 way forward doesn’t do the 4 player option for the most part.
Hoping RCG2 will have a better ending and more replay value, eg game modes. RCG1 was fun but had a few limitations.
Will pick up River city girls 2 if its not SJW pandering. I liked the first game.
@Tobiaku well now I'm excited to triple dip on this game and buy some River City Girls merch
@CharlieGirl Not sure why my comment makes you want to tripple dip but good for you I guess. If you like beat em up and hack n slash games, the Senran Kagura games on the 3DS are excellent
Edit: fixed a typo.
@Tobiaku No, I like realized characters, not cheap titillation.
I was interested at first because I'm always interested in beat-em-ups. Then I realized, as interested as I was in RCG 1, I never played it (just like I was initially hyped for Fight'N Rage and Raging Justice and also ended up ignoring those) and the same will probably happen with this. I love the genre but only need a game or two to keep me happy. Still content with The Takeover and Streets of Rage 4 which just got better with the Mr. X DLC and hopefully soon TMNT: Shredder's Revenge will be out and that has me more hyped than almost any game right now with the exceptions of Lost Judgment, Metroid: Dread and Horizon: Forbidden West.
@CharlieGirl The SK 3DS games are actually well written. One can have both great characters and fanservice, thats a good combination.
@mantarobuster300 the Kunio games are predecessors and a big influence on Scott Pilgrim, on both the game and comic. While Scott Pilgrim VS The World has nice art style and music, I think that it has weak gameplay and content compared to the likes of River City Girls, Streets of Rage 4 or Fight N' Rage. I still like it and consider it good though, but I recommend to also check this if you have the chance. Also, there are different Pixel artsyles and this one has actually quite a unique one, specially compared to other beat'em ups.
Why does it look like it could be 4 players?
Best beat em up I've ever played! I'm going to skip the limited run version though, as I'm tired of waiting 6 months to play the game. I'm just gonna pick it up on steam when it releases.
They're cute. I should play the first one. Always hoped it would get cheaper but always seemed full price whenever I remembered to check. I just got the dlc for Streets of Rage 4 also so might wait a bit more still.
@Tobiaku rather have no fanservice, personally. What turns on the easily titillated comes off as cheap nonsense to me and turns me off from the experience. Also not into underaged characters.
@Tobiaku as opposed to perve pandering.
The first game is still in the depths of my wishlist but I must say, the art is cool
I was unsatisfied with the ending for the first game, so I'm going to wait until the reviews for this one comes out. Everything else about the first was enjoyable though.
Sweet, the have Marian from Double Dragon as a playable character. The first game was fun but no online play was a big bummer. Glad online play will be in this one.
Not too familiar with the Double Dragon lore, but does Marion get killed every game or something?
I really liked the first game through completion, but wasn't compelled to keep going afterwards. The gameplay, graphics, and music were all decent but I remember wishing there were more unlockable moves or characters. But then I never did get to play co-op with anyone, either. I'll keep my LRG copy on hand and hopefully team up with with one of my daughters when they're older.
In the meantime, I'll preorder this sequel for sure. That screen layout looks suspiciously perfect for a 4-player game!
@Tobiaku As someone who has played most of the Senran Kagura games, a girl going "my parents died." Doesn't suddenly make her an interesting and compelling character.
That being said, that metric is rather subjective. I don't really find the river city girls to be all that compelling either, it's actually rather difficult to do that with games. If compelling characters are what someone is looking for they'd be better served playing a visual novel or reading a book.
@ATaco I never said that particular fact made her great. I'm saying the 3DS games have great stories and the characters are great. I only ment to say those games are great beatem up / hack n slash games. And yes the characters are great in those games.
@Tobiaku I'm simply saying that I don't have the same opinion. Sure the combat is at least decent but I wouldn't say it's particularly good. I've never understood why Senran Kagura is held up on some pedestal as if it's the gold standard. It's just another action game that gets repetitive after a while to me, there's no super deep mechanics that make it any more compelling.
I personally do think that people tack on a few points for the booba.
@Einherjar I know wayforward gets tired of hearing about it, but I really liked the way River City: Underground looked. It had an NES game with better animation look to it.
@ATaco I enjoy most of the Senran Kagura games because I also enjoy musou games. The fan service feels like a lot sometimes
@shanatenay Yup, i found RCU a lot more appealing stylistically.
It was a modern take on these iconic sprites.
@Einherjar it may just be me, but it felt like there was more to the combat as well compared to river city girls
The WOKE is strong in this one young Jedi...
played and liked the first one quite a bit, great soundtrack too. If this one is going to be fun and not hitting me with the PC-sledgehammer over and over again, I might pick it up!
@CharlieGirl Why not both!?
Wayforward makes beautiful games that I don't find enjoyable.
@Scollurio Doesn't look that woke to me, unless I'm missing something here
@Kirbo100 The first game was great, but the director has been acting woke on Twitter.
@Tobiaku ah I see
I recognize that amusement park screenshot from The title that is getting localized as "River City Girls Zero." Nice little touch, hopefully we get more details like that.
@Kirbo100 Just noticed the tough chick, the chick of color and the two twin andronynous chicks. If there's context with them being that way, I'm totally fine. If they are how they are just for woke points, I'll pass.
@Scollurio Well they're all pre-existing characters from older entries/series and not new characters so I'm pretty sure it was done for fanservice/throwbacks rather than creating diversity for the sake of diversity
@Kirbo100 I'm a rather new fan, so I wouldn't know, but thank you for clarifying this for me. I'm looking forward to playing it!
I just want to play as the main girls. Don’t waste (too much of) my time. Lol
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