The Zelda modder Waikuteru is at it again - this time announcing a brand new expansion for Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
It's titled 'The Lost Records' and tells the story of Link's original adventure in the timeline by transporting him back to the Skyview Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It's all very timely considering the release of the HD version on Switch is just a few weeks away.
As shown in the trailer above, there are all sorts of additions such as classic vines and chests, new enemies and even the Demon Lord Ghirahim makes an appearance. It'll be made publically available on 14th July - just a few days out from Skyward Sword HD's release.

Here's a description, along with a full showcase:
The player loads the game and an unfamiliar voice prompts Link to go to the Spring of Power to look for a book. Once there, the player interacts with the "Lost Records" book and a sequence is started (from 03:02 in the video). Link remembers the earlier adventure and the player is finding himself in the Skyview Temple - immediately with suitable armor, sword and two apples (from 04:07). A new quest starts and the search for Zelda begins; Fi makes it clear to the player that she should be at the Skyview Spring.
The player will be able to find new objects from Skyward Sword such as the normal, small and the boss chest(s). There are also new opponent alternatives such as a Lizalfos (from 13:20), which is immune to bomb damage and electrical attacks, but it receives more damage from spears. Or the strong Lynel (from 21:40), which is immune to headshots and bomb damage, and runs faster. However, it cannot withstand electricity and becomes paralyzed.
The player arrives in the boss room where Thunderblight Ganon is already waiting (from 28:08). As soon as Thunderblight Ganon has been defeated, and the player wants to go on to the Skyview Spring, the door that has just been opened closes again and Ghirahim laughs wickedly (from 32:39). The highlight in this expansion is probably the boss - Dark Lord Ghirahim from Skyward Sword. There is a first, slow phase (from 33:18), and a second, quick and critical phase in which Ghirahim makes doubles appear (from 34:46). As soon as Link has defeated all doubles and the real Ghirahim, the final door opens and Link continues towards the Skyview Spring where Zelda is still located. Link manages and saves Zelda (38:10).
Waikuteru is the same Zelda modder who earlier this year released "Second Wind" - a free large-scale DLC expansion mod for Breath of the Wild. You can read more about this in our previous post.
What do you think of this new Skyward Sword-themed mod for Breath of the Wild? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 48
Heh. If there were a way to play stuff like this without having to mess with the game, system, or piracy, it'd be great.
Classic Fence
@Mariotag I'd love for Nintendo to allow mods in their games, Steam-style.
Hell yeah, i would love to play this mod.
why do people even waste their time doing this? you know Nintendo is going to take this down and it will be all that work for nothing.get game builder garage and make zelda levels that way. go crazy. people are making some pretty amazing stuff.
@tntswitchfan68 spoken like a true Nintendo rep.
@tntswitchfan68 because they can.
I would love to have the patience and skill to be able to do this kind of stuff!
At least this is more interesting than them sucking the soul out of the game by making it look more lifelife and realistic.
Seeing the dungeon and Ghirahim from Skyward Sword in this game just proves to me that the original Skyward Sword has much nicer art direction, because none of it looks as good inside Breath of the Wild, especially Ghirahim.
The video: "Fi integration"
Everyone who played Skyward Sword: "Oh no"
@GalacticBreakdown I am not a rep, I am a realist. I am just being honest. If that bothers you, too bad.
@Friendly then get sued or get it taken down. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@tntswitchfan68 i see what you mean. The person is at risk of it being taken down. But we’re talking about video games. We’re all wasting time getting trophies or finishing a playthrough.
Let him/her ‘waste his/her time’ and be creative in a different way.
I like seeing this creative stuff. And if done respectfully to the source material, I’ve seen developers even offering a job to very creative minds. So it doesn’t have to be for naught.
A real downer
I don't hack my consoles but I love seeing this setting in the more traditional Zelda format. I enjoyed BOTW but I felt the absence of the magic of traditional dungeons. The camera work, the discoveries all felt special. Of course BOTW is a different game and is excellent in it's own right, but I hope Nintendo can redress the balance a little in future games. Top of the list is extensive puzzle based dungeons.
And for everyone worrying about this getting taken down - it'll never be taken down. All this kind of stuff lives forever in torrent form, I don't know why everyone always freaks about it.
Hasn't the whole "SS in BOTW" thing already be done... like ten times?
@tntswitchfan68 Nintendo sycophant much?
@impurekind It actually looks a lot better than the HD port, as the art style is still intact. Of course Ghirahim looks a bit off, since he's a completely new character with custom moves for BotW - which by itself is still an incredible accomplishment.
@tntswitchfan68 Why does anybody make art? Same answer. I agree that it's likely Nintendo will have it taken down if they can, but im the meantime a lot of people will see what the dude made. His name gets out there, his work gets seen, AND he had the experience of making the thing in the first place. Making things is fun.
Best case scenario, something like this can lead to a job offer.
@GrailUK think you need your eyes checked if bow is more life like and realistic to you
@Williamfuchs420 I think you took my comment the wrong way, man. It's the stuff folk remake in Unreal Engine that I find boring. Never said BotW looked realistic. Just saying I'm glad they didn't dump it into unreal and make it realistic. So I don't mind stuff like this. Kay?
@GrailUK Good for you, you flimming well told him. And I agree, much prefer this to the Unreal stuff.
@GrailUK makes allot more sense ya sorry agreed the unreal stuff looks just wrong. Zelda is better stylized we don’t need it photo realistic. Witch is why i really don’t want a live action movie it would work better as a cgi stylized one if they have to make one at all
@tntswitchfan68 except it’s not for nothing. Even ignoring the fact that anything uploaded is forever available online (any games “taken down” can still be found now, you just have to dig for them), most creators do this stuff for the process. By the time they release this, they probably already got what they wanted from it. They probably didn’t want the limitations of Game Builder Garage, and if they cared about people playing their finished product then they would’ve used actual coding instead. But it’s not for nothing if your only goal was to make it.
@Mariotag Technically, you don't have to pirate anything to play this. The emulator itself is ok, it was all reverse-engineered.
The game disks can be copied from your WiiU and dumped to a file that can then be transferred over to your computer...
So, no piracy necessary. This is how I play BotW on my PC, and let me tell you, man, it is nice playing BotW in 60fps.
How I wish Nintendo would up their hardware, so I could play in 60fps on Nintendo hardware, but, that is another topic.
@tntswitchfan68 lmao they can’t take down the mod since it’s original programming and I assume doesn’t come with the botw iso.
Great... Except I can't actually play it legally, so it's just too risky to play it.
@Harmonie You are making it sound like you will get arrested for playing a mod. Listen, this isn't piracy. I'm not talking about you, per say, but people really like to mix modding/rom hacking with piracy, and that's just weird to me. Mods do nothing to hurt sales of a product, piracy does.
@SolarisPolaris sighs
Yeah, hacking/modding isn't piracy, people just like to use it for piracy. -.- Kinda ruins it for the rest of us that just want to have fun with mods.
@Joeynator3000 Hacking / modding isn't piracy, however it's not legal either. You are not allowed to change code of a closed source program (ie. game), unless the publisher states that you are allowed to do so. For instance with Super Mario Maker (2), GameBuilder Garage and other game builders. (and even then only to a certain degree)
For Breath of the Wild that is not the case, so this is nonetheless 100% illegal.
@sanderev Maybe, but nobody goes to jail for it, and most rom hacks/mods do not get taken down (Yes, even Nintendo's). Nintendo only takes down ones that:
1. Could/Would hurt their overall sales of a potential remake/rerelease of a game (Case: AM2R and Samus Returns)
2. Generates revenue of any kind, such as donations, ads, etc (I believe this may include publicity, though I am not sure)
If you truly believe that there any super negative consequences for downloading/playing rom hacks or mods of a game, better hide in your closet because the police are out to get ya!
@SolarisPolaris Most likely Nintendo will just send a Cease and Desist order. Which will end the mod, but without a fine or jailtime.
And there is a difference between playing a mod and sharing the mod with the rest of the internet.
However, I actively seek out mods and I report them to Nintendo whenever I can. I will report this mod as well.
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@sanderev Have fun reporting hundreds of mods then. Happy Hunting! :3
Nothing will happen though, with these mods being on the internet for decades.
@larryisanassman 😁
@Harmonie No piracy here. I even built in an anti-piracy check regarding the granted amiibo items. You are prompted to prove that you owned the needed amiibo (system is checking if at least one of the needed amiibo items is in your pouch, then sets a custom flag). Gamebanana (famous modding site) approved that's within their ToS and it's a milestone that we can use amiibo items in mods from now on with this check. 👍
@tntswitchfan68 nah
@SolarisPolaris @Waikuteru I never said the word "piracy". I just know that Nintendo has a strict policy against modding and they have for a very long time. Your console can get bricked over this.
@Mariotag If you own the game you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Which means you can rip a copy or download it it's all the same thing you own the game lol
@Harmonie As long as you be smart and play it safe (aka, waiting to download updates and firmwares, not installing suspicious game files), the worst that will happen is that you can't connect to Nintendo's servers. Rule of thumb though is just have a second Switch to experiment with homebrew/mods (or just use an emulator and play the Wii U version. Way less risky that way). I've had a modded Switch since 2018 and I've had no problems.
@Lone_Beagle I still need to learn how to dump the discs then.
@Jokerwolf That's been sorta my justification for playing mods and stuff up till now. I just don't wanna go too far.
@SortingHat Perhaps so.
I'm just awkward.
@Mariotag Look up "dumpling" & CEMU ... that's what I use.
If you need an exact web link, let me know and I can dig it up. BotW at 60fps is truly amazing.
Eh. I dunno when I'd be looking.
Thanks though!
@tntswitchfan68 maybe even a stupid job from a AAA game developer who's impressed. Happens lots.
@Lone_Beagle i tried it for wii emulator a while back, but gave up since I can't use my actual Wii discs. I didn't want to pirate the games, it should let u rip the actual game discs to file &use that. No one i know could help me do that. I have no PC now 😔
@twztid13 true.
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