Another week in the world of video games has come and gone. This week we saw Nintendo acknowledge an evergreen meme, we learned that a 'realistic' F-Zero was on the cards at one point, and Nintendo dodged a bunch of questions at a shareholder Q&A (the respondees also revealed their favourite games).
It's now time to unwind a little and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Thomas Whitehead, deputy editor
I don't think I'll have loads of time this weekend, but definitely have a couple of games in mind. First up I need to get back to Metroid: Zero Mission on the good ol' Wii U Virtual Console; if I get through it (a big if admittedly) I'll move on to Metroid: Samus Returns, as I'm playing through the 'best versions' as I see it of the four mainline games.
I'm also tempted to jump into a bit of Ace Attorney on my 3DS, too. I'm very much looking forward to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles later this month, so perhaps a little warm-up and reminder of the other games is called for. Besides, I still love my little 3DS, so it deserves a bit of playtime.
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
Where did the first half of 2021 go? Fells like it was New Year’s Eve just yesterday. It came home alright, but not the EURO 2020 cup, just the Portuguese national team. At least I am once again scary good at GameCube’s Virtua Striker 3 v.2002. On more current generation of hardware this weekend will be spread between Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, Destroy All Humans!, Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny (Dood!) and the beautiful landscapes of Sky: Children of the Light.
Game of the week is Arcade Archives Raiden. Despite already being 31(!) years old, Seibu Kaihatsu first game in the series showcases so much hidden depth and secrets that it remains a timeless masterpiece within the genre, one I am more than pleased to welcome back into my weekend indulgences.
Gavin Lane, editor
Having recently got my hands on a copy of Excitebots: Trick Racing (which never released in PAL regions, for shame), I hope to sit back and relax with that this weekend. Excite Truck remains one of my favourite Wii games ever — something about the chilled motion-controlled experience and the satisfaction you get from nailing a landing and getting a speed boost really struck a chord with me in the months after the Wii launched, so I'm itching to recapture some of that feeling.
You might not be able to add your own soundtrack via SD card, but I've got headphones for that. Time to put on some Gwen Stefani and hit the track like it's 2007.
Ollie Reynolds, reviewer
Hello everyone! Hope you're all well. I've got a busy weekend ahead of me, so gaming might be taking a bit of a backseat unfortunately, but I definitely want to plug away at the Adventure mode in Mario Golf: Super Rush. So far, I've just been playing standard matches and unlocking the new courses as I go, so it'll be good to see what the main campaign offers up. I've been a bit torn on the game so far, though… Like, it's good, but not good, y'know? I'm not sure, it just feels like it's missing something at the moment. Anyway, hope you all have a cracking weekend!
Kate Gray, staff writer
This week, I've been playing Doki Doki Literature Club Plus for review, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for a preview, The House In Fata Morgana for my ongoing diary series, and... between three visual novels, I've barely had time to eat. I haven't been outside in days. I don't remember my own name. All I know is "press A to advance text".
Liam Doolan, news writer
My weekend gaming plans are all of a sudden looking a little more exciting following Nintendo's surprise update for Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. As you might have already seen, it adds a new cup, 3 new environments and a Yoshi kart - so it's time to sweep those floors and move some furniture about. The other Switch game I intend on spending quite a bit of my spare time with is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Instead of playing as Tekken's Kazuya, I think I might spend the next few days versing him after hearing about his Level 9 CPU version.
Alex Olney, senior video producer
I'm diving back into garden renovation for all of Saturday, so that's a gaming write-off. Sunday is another game entirely though; I've recently been drawn back to Ghost of Tsushima (before the recent announcement in try hipster fashion) so I'll no doubt be dumping a whole mess of hours into that, but I'll also probably fire up the Xbox if it doesn't turn itself on to play some Halo: The Master Chief Collection. A whole weekend of no Nintendo games? It's more likely than you'd think...
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 108
Close to finishing BoTW, just got the goron and hyrule Castle regions left to do.
Il also try some more mario golf but honestly don't know if it's a game for me.
On playstation il start doki doki literature club and play some more scarlet nexus
Ninjala. game is really starting to grow on me.
Drum n fun.
Whatever comes up. It will be a fun week.
Rage 2 (ps4/ps5) - this game is much much better than reviews let on. Love it. I’m trying to get the platinum for it and also 100% the map.
Zack and wiki (wii) - my crohn meds worn out so I had to get a new dosis for the next 7 weeks so I didn’t have the thinking power for the last 3 stages last weekend. Hope I can beat it comming week.
Vader immortal (psvr) - really excited to play this.
Metal slug 3/marvel vs capcom 2/need for speed underground/tom and jerry and the war of the whiskers/several other co-op ps2 games (ps2) - gonna stream these with my boyfriend today.
I picked up Doki Doki Literature Club and completed act 1 ( first play through) - I’ve just started a second play through now, it’s interesting and sucked me in and very curious to see where it’s going but heed the warnings around the game
This week I will be mostly playing
Mega Man 6
Age of Calamity
Pokémon White
New Horizons
Tony hawks pro skater 1+2 and a bit of Mario golf it’s not great and I’m trying my hardest to get into it but there is just something missing compared to past releases but I’m sticking with at least until we get some dlc
Switch - Smash Ultimate trying to get better with Kazuya!
PS4 - Picked up Tekken 7 recently as the last Tekken game I played was the 4th one, so I'll be diving into that!
PC - Trying to finish CrossCode before it leaves Game Pass!
Have a good weekend everyone!
I'm going to continue playing lots of Mario Golf: Super Rush with my friends, a few more of whom have picked up the game since last week. It would be fun to actually dive into the story mode this weekend as well. I also want to get back into Dragon Quest XI and make a lot of progress on it if I can.
Miitopia, Mario party and Kart, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Sam & Max, a few Xbox Game Pass games.
I’m played Super Robot Wars T.
The upcoming Super Robot Was 30 stream following E3 has make me excited to come back to my copy
@The_New_Butler if you like tempest give TxK a go one of the vitas finest
Nipping through the lovely Uncharted 4 and also a bit of Conduct Together, Bomberman R online and Pac-man 99!
Tony Hawk 1 and 2 (PS4)
Ghost of Tsushima.
Mario Golf
Tony Hawk 1 and 2 on my N64 as well just for comparison.
Trying to slog through to the end of Layton's Mystery Journey so I can move onto something else.
Continuing with Travis Strikes Again, just got past the 4th Death Drive game so only 2 more to go, not counting whatever the DLC has in store for me
Playing the new Metroid game, metro exodus looks different to other Metroid games. Rubbish joke xxx
This weekend I ll be playing bit of BOTW astral chain (really enjoying this) and maybe yoshi crafted world and paper Mario as well. if I have time super rush too. Have a good weekend guys!!!
All about Switch this time. Finished the MH Stories 2 demo earlier in the week so now onto Mario Golf Super Rush. I've reached the infamous Cross Country Golf part of Golf Adventure which from what I've heard is very bad.
Still playing ratchet and clank rift apart
On Nintendo switch i'm gonna play Mario Kart online
Age of calamity
Super mario allstars on snes
I'm gonna try to replay Metroid Fusion on my gameboy
I''m continuing Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town and will try to do the third game in Game Builders Garage.
Woah, what is this esoteric "close to finishing BotW" state of existence I'm reading some report in the comments here...😳🤔😆
Anyhoo, this week, besides seeing me wrap up some backlog parts like Gravity Rider Zero (well, I did gave up on 3-starring last stages because they're insane) and Mugsters, has not atypically added a lot more instead. While my eventual Switch investment plans this summer still have fresh/upcoming full-priced releases like Great Ace Attorney, Fuga and Subnautica (although the latter might go on sale in the meantime), I have ended up with a different, ne'er-discounted adventure today in the shape of Of Mice and Sand. Between this and the other recruits like Sakuna, Mr Driller Drillland, Behold the Kickmen and CyberHive, Vambrace: Cold Soul and the unexpectedly addictive Tiny Bang Story (Windscape and Grey Skies, on the other hand, might wait for now, although I'll try and give them an internal memory sampling later on), my Switch plans could be stacked even without the many usual suspects like Terraria, Immortals, FFXII and Starlink.😅
"BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!"™ Because despite Sony backpedaling on the Vita store execution for the visible future (RIP PSP one, but I could never use it even if my console wasn't CFW'd - by the time I got it, all WiFi hotspots moved on to apparently unsupported security formats), I have still ended up with a second Vita that their spring hijinks made me consider, complete with its own CFW and even a MicroSD adapter which I promptly stuffed with a 128 Gb veteran of Switch backlog wars. So besides curiously trying to bring my PSP's contents to Adrenaline domain, I've been spending a good few hours with both machines side by side, PS Store open on one and PKGj on the other, making a list of and selectively downloading everything my legal Vita library doesn't have - or, bless Russian PSN, has never had - the option to shut up and take my money for. Delisted stuff like Asterisk War and Dungeon Travelers 2, region-obscured curiosities like BunnyMustDie and Battle Rockets, unlocalized but still English-equipped exotics from Asia region like Bullet Girls Phantasia and Dead or Alive Extreme 3 Venus... even the midway results are something else. And that's before I ever got started on hunting down some patches - from incomplete but playable and gloriously portable first Nights of Azure (a grayer ownership area, btw - I do own the PS4 port FWIW) to Blue Reflection, and Phantasy Star Nova (holy cow, TIL they got tri-Ace of all studios on this one :3 ).
And yet, all these guilty Jolly Roger pleasures refuse to spell neglect for my legit turf - who would bother buying an extra console just for Henkaku otherwise? The blessing of summer vacation bonuses has emboldened my biggest investment in quite a while - granting me some overdue classics (Tearaway, Oreshika, Dracula X Chronicles and Driver) and mopping up some DLC for the long owned stuff (Gravity Rush, Everybody's Golf 6 and Valkyrie Drive). Does "Vita means life" still sound sarcastic to you?
Heck, even my PC backlog got a few more boosts, mainly on Ubisoft Store this time. AC Brotherhood and Revelations will wait their turn, but I might dedicate a bit of time to The Crew... assuming I'll haul its alleged 30 Gb to the laptop storage over the weekend in the first place. A more manageable Ubi download is the first Far Cry (which I ironically got on Steam, but that's where I first wishlisted it three years ago, before knowing a thing about Uplay etc), and I've also procured the first Rock of Ages to binge me up to the subsequent entries available on Switch. And you were wondering why I usually lament empty pockets in early September when companies like to set delisting deadlines?😂
Retro games that I’ve picked up lately, mainly:
Bart vs The Juggernauts - Game Boy
Bart’s Escape From Camp Deadly - Game Boy
Konami Krazy Racers - Game Boy Advance
Snowboard Kids - N64
Mischief Makers - N64
Will possibly dive into the hacked NES and SNES Classic Mini’s at some stage, fancy some Bucky O Hare, Sparkster, Pugleys Scavenger Hunt, Pocky & Rocky 2 and Gremlins 2.
It’s most definitely a retro weekend for me…
Mario Golf: Super Rush and some Forza Horizon 4 for me... Mario Golf has been below par the more I've played it... But I'll keep my copy just to see the free DLC that's been promised... The game desperately needs it... The title just feels as someone else said, half baked..
I went into my backlog and started Halcyon6 Starfleet Commander - Lightspeed Edition, and I’m loving it.
It takes the timed base building/research mechanics from Xcom 2, with some time sensitive missions and quests too, along with resource gathering and colony protection, but does away with the game over timer of the main mission, so you can just go do everything for as long as you want.
Combat occurs in debuff-focused turn based RPG battles. There are three main job types but each soldier you create has different abilities in their specialty. It’s really damn good, and I’m looking forward to trying it on higher difficulty once I finish my normal run.
My wife and I have been playing Boomerang Fu non stop since we tried the demo. Excellent game and on sale now. By myself I'm back playing BotW. One divine beast left.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Legend of Mana, brill game!
I'm loving being able to play DDLC on the go while taking the bus to my workplace.
I’m at the tail end of Glory of Heracles. If I have time, I’ll start up the Monster Hunter demo.
I also want to check out either the new Fitness Boxing DLC or the Mario Kart Home Circuit Update.
I think last week I was in denial when I picked up Mario Golf: Super Rush. I LOVED World Tour, and I think I wanted to love this game so much that I was telling myself that Super Rush was at least good...but it's not. It was a huge disappointment for me. It's not even the emphasis on speed golf that turned me off, but it just doesn't feel good to play. I don't like how they handled slopes and spinning the ball, putting feels terrible, courses feel very uninspired, characters look like soulless dolls devoid of expression, etc...the list goes on. Just about everything felt off to me.
Luckily, I took Mario Golf back to ebgames, and I was able to get my full value back for the game, so I picked up Crash 4, and $30 worth of eshop credit, in which I've at least bought Doki Doki Literature Club Plus with so far. Crash 4 has been awesome so far, and I've really wanted to see what doki doki was about for years, but I'm not a PC Gamer, so I'll finally jump in when I'm done Crash 4.
Ocarina of Time
A link between worlds
Samus returns
Donkey Kong returns
Fire Emblem Fates
i re discovered my 3DS and i love it!!!
With what happened to me recently... I don't feel like playing anything. I hope everybody has a better weekend than me.
@BenAV is there any sort of story to it? It seemed more like a slice of life anime than a mystery game!
I'm on a visual novel streak. So I'm going to either continue AI: In somnium, or enjoy the bloody island life in Danganronpa 2! (Hope it picks up once the first trial occurs! )
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) - Having a blast swinging from vines and shooting at baddies
Minecraft: Story Mode (Windows 10) - Replaying the first episode again.
Lines: The Game (Windows Phone) - Need to get back into this soon.
@garfreek Unlike other Layton games, there's not much of a plot to this one unfortunately. Only have one case left to go now and none of them have been particularly interesting so far.
I finished DQ 11 at long last so I actually got back into playing Minecraft lately, if I get bored of that I have Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 waiting for me.
@BenAV that's a royal bummer, are the puzzles any good to fix that?
Mario golf. Adventure mode on my way to option gold badge
@garfreek Puzzles are mostly fine, a little easy maybe. Better options as far as puzzle games to though. Should be secondary to the story in a Layton game. It's not a terrible game but just not all that interesting either.
I bought 2 games on sale yesterday, Mini Motor Racing X and Mr Driller and I really like both of them.
The racing game is far better than the 6/10 NL awarded it. That's a bit of a joke score if I'm honest. It's incredibly polished, there's tons of content, new extra modes added and the graphics are really superb. The multiple camera views, from fixed top down to isometric to behind or inside the car are all great and I find myself using them all, depending on the track. I've never played a racing game that had that feature. It's a little slow for the first few races but once you add a few upgrades, it really picks up. It has some really unique tracks too, like Safari and Bunker 51. It's available for around 3 quid right now, I highly recommend it.
Mr Driller I bought for around 3 quid, despite not really enjoying the demo
Now I can't stop playing it.
2 great purchases for a total of 6 pound.
It’s a rainy start to the 3-day weekend here, and the kids will desert me for their friend’s party today, so I’ll probably have more game time than usual.
I’ll dive back into Subnautica, try a few runs in Steredenn and The Flame in the Flood, and open up my copy of Panzer Paladin which delivered yesterday.
I may even fire up the Wii U to try my VC version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors since my preordered physical copy probably won’t arrive for an eternity.
As usual, too many games to go round...
Have fun, everybody!
I just bought the Kingdom Hearts All in one package on PS4 so I will be playing some Kingdom Hearts 1 this weekend. On Switch I will play Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory.
@PoliticallyIncorrect I don't know what happened to you, but i am sorry about that. I really hope things will get better for you.
Mario Golf and hopefully getting to continue Bloodstained.
In my second play through of BotW, my interest is starting to fade. I easily see how great a game it is: beautiful, challenging, epic. It is my second favorite of all time. But part of the game is the wonder of finding new things. I played over 300 hours and still remember much of the game. I also don't reread novels that I love. So, i might just let Link stay at the first stable. Hey, i got off the plateau!
But someone here recommended Ittle Dew 2, and i am liking that game. ACNH, Rocket League, Need for speed.
Happy gaming everyone!
I’m finally closing in on the end of the original Final Fantasy 7 (just recovered a black materia off a train)
Made it to Kyoto in Persona Strikers.
And am about 10 hours deep in Yakuza Kiwani.
Monster hunter rise……pushing for 300hrs
@garfreek @BenAV Yeah, I’m a huge fan of the Layton games (the first four, at least, the last two I can take or leave and the Wright crossover I really didn’t like, despite loving both franchises) and Mystery Journey was such a drag.
I was so deflated after waiting so long for a new entry and then discovering that the story was almost non-existent. They vaguely tie everything together with the last case but it’s not satisfying or interesting at all, really. I also found the puzzles in both PLvPW and LMJ to be pretty redundant, the solutions repeat themselves quite a lot, especially in the latter.
Hoping and praying for a return to form for the series - I actually welcome the idea of Katrielle as the protagonist - I just don’t see it happening if we even do ever get a new one
Well I’m currently sat in a psych ward on section after trying to commit self-die, so I am very much looking forward to playing DDLC+ for the first time whilst in here 😊 !
Fiddling with The Longing. Just started Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. It's taken a few hours to get me interested, but I'm enjoying the exploration.
Red Fraction (Switch)
@MajorasLapdog I do quite like Katrielle as a character but that does seem to be about all it really has going for it, haha.
Tried the Monster Hunter Stories 2 demo… not my cup of tea. Back to Rise & enjoying my daily couple quests. I’ll start Monster Hunter World at some point if I run out of things to do in Rise.
Tony hawks pro skater 1+2, ghoul patrol, and mario golf
@darkswabber Hey man, I have Crohn’s, too. Just wanted to say 'Hi' and that if you ever want to talk to someone who gets it, please do reach out, okay? Have a good weekend!
As for what I’m planning this weekend, I’ll no doubt play some MK8D with the kids, but I’m also playing through The Last of Us Part II on PS5. So far, so… amazing!
Metroid Fusion on Retroid Pocket 2. It's awesome!
@utopianmachine I liked Yonder, the world was interesting and i finished the game. I did not 100% it, and there are some negatives, but i would say I was happy to play the game and it was memorable. Enjoy your time in it!
Doki Doki literature club on switch. Nothing crazy has happened yet, so I'm tempted to just stop and enjoy my memories of sharing poems with the girls.
Also Metroid zero mission on wii u vc.
I am not sure how much gaming I will do this weekend but if I do I have the last 2 bosses to finish up in Samus Returns (3DS) and started on Wind Waker HD so I may continue that.
In other news I tried my old Wii that I thought had a broken video output on an old TV at my parent’s house and found that at least the composite output works. Maybe component output or the the Hyperkin adapter I was using has an issue, or the port cannot properly power the adapter. Although the adapter worked with the Wii U (even though the Wii U doesn’t need it since it has HDMI). I don’t have actual component cables to try with the Wii (and my TV only has HDMI anyway). Knowing it worked made me feel better about how long my consoles will last anyway.
I am at the last battle of Mario and Luigi Bowser's inside story! I am so excited for it to be done! There were a lot of great moments, but it's overall been so chatty and dull... I mourn the loss of any developer jobs, but Alpha Dreams vision for a Mario RPG is so removed from anything I'd like see done with that concept
Also I'll try to play more No More Heroes!
3D Super Hang On.
And I suck at it
But I love it.
On Switch: I reached the end credits in The World Ends With You: Final Remix yesterday, but I'm not quite done yet! I want to try out the Another Day addon. I might also revisit a story chapter or two. I also picked up Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest on sale recently and am about 2/3 the way through. It's a relatively short game according to HLTB, so I might go through it again to see how the story can change.
Elsewhere: I'm reentering the world of Professor Layton with Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call. I got the UK cart CIB off of Amazon a few months ago. I tested it at the time before shelving it and am now ready to dive back into the series! I'm a big fan, though I've only played through the original trilogy.
Finally, today is Tepig Community Day in Pokemon Go, so I'll be enslaving a few dozen fire-breathing swine and renaming the keepers to various forms of bacon and ham. XD
Have a great weekend!
@dugan @utopianmachine Yonder was such a weird experience for me! There was a lot that I really loved about it, and I have some incredible and fond memories of running around and completing tasks for it. I wish the umbrella gave you a little more distance in your floating ala Breath of the Wild, but fun take on the farming sim idea!
Try to find the Halloween town if you haven't already!!
Really want to try to get back into playing Ninjala. New season started and I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Also, Two Point Hospital on PC, since I recently picked it up and got hooked to it.
May play a couple of other games too, nothing in particular, just maybe other games I have I want to play.
This Week:
SMT IV Apocalypse
Two Point Hospital
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I recently finished Nier Automata for the third time and mopped up the last achievements in A Way Out plus completed the campaign of Outriders.
Series S: Play through route E again on Replicant before retiring the NieR games for a while.
Switch: Persona 5 Strikers and Atelier Ryza 2. I really want to finish at least one of them before Monster Hunter Stories 2 comes out. The demo is really good!
PS4: Collecting dust as usual.
Fun story. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to borrow his PS5 while he went on vacation and I said no, I dont need it. Funny how I over this past year has went from being all about PS to now not caring at all. GPU ftw + Switch for outside gaming. All I need until HZD2 or GoW2 drops... Maybe.
<Super Robot Wars T>
Could I just ask, does the game have music/theme songs licensed from the different anime?
Also did you buy the standard or “deluxe sound edition?”
I played a trial version, but deleted it when it lacked the characters’ theme music. I can’t believe generic music in SRW is a thing now - totally ruins the mood.
What fun is a super inazuma kiiiick if GUNBUSTER theme music isn’t playing??
I don’t even need fully-voiced vocal songs. The electronic instrumental versions of the songs like in the old Saturn and PS2 games would be fine for me.
I’m afraid to buy any modern SRW games unless I can ascertain the music situation...😓
@dugan Yonder gave strange first impressions. I thought I was getting involved in a Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley experience, but I was quite wrong! I don't see me 100%ing the game. Looking for some lost groffles taxed me, and unless I run across them accidentially, they will remain lost!
@Donutsavant Yonder is definitely weird. And yes, more range on the umbrella would be great. A Halloween town sounds super cool. I only just discovered that you can warp between points!
I started Danganronpa V3 this week and I just got my mind blown by the first case. This is gonna be a hell of a ride.
I finished the demo for NEO: TWENTY, Monster Hunter Stories 2, and Ys IX! I didn't expect the Ys IX demo to be so short but it was still fun nonetheless. Over the weekend I'm gonna try and make some progress in FFX-2. From looks of it, I'm at the end of chapter 3!
@dugan have you tried the master mode? It gave me a whole new approach to the game!! But I stopped at 150 hours, so maybe that won't do the trick either! 😂
Holiday weekend here in the States, so playing Streets of Rage 5, Tony Hawk 1+2, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Raiden, and even playing some Smash Bros. Ultimate again. What an excellent game that is. Have a great weekend!
Mario Golf Super Rush and Streets of Rage 4.
@Teksetter I’m not sure enough to advise sorry, I’m not that far in yet. But not a good sign as you can’t even get the premium version in other regions I hear.
This weekend, I don't have a whole lot planned, as far as gaming goes. Having said that, I might go back to playing Super Mario 3D World + Bower's Fury, just to collect any green stars, gold flags and stamps I might have missed. Also, since it's community day, I'll of course be playing Pokemon Go for a bit as well, as I try to get a shiny Tepig.
@dugan Thanks. Much appreciated. Enjoy your weekend.
Seeing new official artwork for the Dokis is still so weird to me.
Mario Golf Super Rush (adventure mode) and Metroid Zero Mission for me
Dragon Quest XI S. I'm at the end of Act 1, about 40 hours in. I'm planning to do some of the Tockington quests that I have neglected so far.
Tony Hawk has his talons in me. Currently playing through the first game with my boy Rodney Mullen. A little over halfway through Chasm, which I’m very much enjoying. Very much a comfort food Metroidvania. I’m still trying to dip into Obra Dinn when I have time, and I really need to start Oxenfree! Happiest of weekends to everyone.
I'm about to finish my second playthrough of BD2, and then I can start Everhood.
Just seen that Shadowverse: Champion's Battle has a demo on the eshop, so I'll try to find time to try it out.
As an admittedly strange pick, I am playing Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Like Alex, I am playing through GHOST OF TSUSHIMA as well, but it's my first time. Also just started XENOBLADE CHRONICLES DEFINITIVE EDITION on Switch so will probably play some of that as well.
Been playing Super Metroid, despite my love of the genre and growing up with a SNES I've never actually played it before, or any other Metroid title for that matter. Really liking it so far, I can see how this must have really blown some minds in the mid-90's. Also been picking at Golf Story for a couple weeks, I'll hopefully get a few hours in on it too.
I'm playing hookey.
Ok, thanks JD! I’m curious enough now to maybe open a forum thread to ask about SRW games on Switch.
I’m willing to import a cart direct from Japan, but not if it lacks the theme music from the source anime.
Not sure what to play this weekend. I’ve recently purchased a slew of games and not too sure where to start…
Horizon Chase Turbo
Witcher 3
The Messenger
Nba 2K1
Kentucky Route Zero
Wolfenstein II
Ori Will of the Wisps
Are some recent purchases, couldn’t tell you which I’ll play first. With Euro and Copa on as well as the NHL playoffs, it’d be nice if Switch had a proper hockey, soccer and football instalments. As if I don’t have enough games to choose from already , I’m mulling over “diving” into Subnautica as I’ve heard good things. Alas, these are 1st world problems! Wish everyone a joyful weekend!
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Monster Hunter Stories 2 Demo, Monster Hunter Rise! YAY!
Disgaea 6, Fire Emblem Echos, Zelda Minish Cap.
MHS2 Demo....trying to get all the bottle caps and put my monster in my play list but can't.
Time to finish Bravelly Default on the 3DS I guess...
The last quarter has been a bit of a chore, to be honest... but i´m having a good time regardless.
@garfreek that's a good idea! I forgot about that, thanks!
@utopianmachine You are right, it is definitely different than stardew, Zelda, etc. That is part of the reason that I liked it. The lack of combat was interesting, and I think you will find those lost creatures!
As soon as I get thru the E P I C Salad Bar Tycoon I will be moving on to the amazing Pizza Bar tycoon. I plan to log at least 700 hours in both of these this weekend.
Dead Cells and Hades. Again.
Dragon Quest 11. What a game. I love being able to switch (haha) between handheld and TV mode.
And some Infamous First Light on ps4. Slowly working through the remaining trophies.
@SadHorse Yikes, man... Hope you get better soon,
After playing Thomas Was Alone for the third time, I decided it's finally time to move on to something else, and I chose Infini. And man oh jeez, it's breaking my brain, but I absolutely love it. What a weird, wonderful game.
Been playing abunch of Dragon Quest XI & Dragon Quest VIII on my 3Ds. I have planning on replaying Yo-kai Watch again so I can get the streetpass stuff done.
@thiz yhea, it's pretty straight forward in its dungeon design. I believe there's no moment in this game where you ever get 2 keys! 😂
But I loved the exploration and story in this one. That's the thing they really nailed in this one!
Have you watched "game makers toolkit" series on dungeon design? It's called boss keys and they really do a good job of explaining what makes a challenging dungeon!
@cozathemaster good luck! bravely second is way better paced thankfully! (haven't played the switch one yet. But put in a 100+ hours on both for the 3ds! 😁)
This Tony Hawk game is amazing in handheld. I have not tried it on the big screen yet but besides first party games this game might be the best game I have played on the switch. Better then it was when it was first released and so much replay value.
Pacman 99 as always plus mr driller and donkey kong country (snes) on the switch.
I 'm also playing Ratchet & clank: rift apart and Jedi Fallen order.
@garfreek Good to know!! I plan to start Bravelly second soon after finishing the "real" ending...
@cozathemaster have fun!
@thiz true! 😂
I just really loved seeing the craftsmanship behind it all! But if that's not your thing, try the next game!
(I got super spoiled with playing OOT and MM first. And now everything seems laughably easy in comparison! 😂)
Press A to advance text?
I thought we were trought these.
Who even presses buttons when reading visual novels?
Unless you want to do something other then advance the text you always just tap the touch screen.
We have been doing this since Vita times.
@thiz at least there's always masterquest to keep that one fresh. But it's so weird they never tried that with other games!
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