Sonic Colors Ultimate isn't far away, gracing the Switch and various systems on 7th September; as a shiny HD version of arguably Sonic's best game in the Wii-era, it's certainly on plenty of wishlists.
Rather pleasingly SEGA unveiled some new footage over the weekend as part of the E3 festivities. First up, as part of the IGN Summer of Gaming, there was a look at Asteroid Coaster (Act 1).
Sonic Colors Ultimate also made an appearance in the Future Games Show, this time with Tropical Resort (Act 2).
We think it's looking decent, and we wouldn't anticipate the Switch version to be too much different to this footage; it's a relatively modest HD upgrade of the Wii original, after all.
Are you excited about playing Sonic Colors Ultimate in a few months?
Comments 26
Hmm... actually does look good. Ya no.. for a sonic game that's not adventure 2
I wouldn't be surprised if the Wii version runs better than the Switch version. I want to see some official Switch footage.
I’m substantially less excited for this after seeing gameplay. Forgot how stiff and awkward the sidescrolling sections are!
Just can't please some people 🤣
Still have my Wii copy but never finished it maybe I’ll double bit.
I own this on Wii, present tense, but I still want to buy this game. Send help.
I never played the Wii version. I think it was the only Sonic game I didn't actually play on the Wii funnily enough. Always heard good things though and this footage looks good. I'll probably give it a try. Would be good if Sega put out a demo
Ah, my fav 3D Sonic game bar Adventure 2. Looks great. I enjoyed the Wii & DS games so I will be up for this HD'd one of the Wii version
Visually comparing the Switch remaster to the original Wii version (on original hardware, not emulated with enhancements), it's weird how the visuals are actually less vibrant and colourful.
Tropical Park has good contrast but it doesn't seem saturated enough for a place loaded with Vegas-style lighting, and the color balance as a whole seems to be lacking magenta.
"This New Sonic Colors Ultimate Footage Looks Rather Good"
You forgot "Great, Awesome, Outstanding, Amazing"
It literally looks like... every other 3D Sonic game for the past 15 or so years.
Super Sonic Galaxy?
I could never get far in the Sonic games but always like him and the settings.
Wow. I'm surprised that so many people seem to think this looks good? Colours isn't a bad game, but IMO it's hugely overrated. It got all of it's praise for being the first 3D Sonic game without any major design flaws (like fishing or fighting), sloppy gameplay (as in Shadow) or bugs out the whazoo (as in '06), but entirely by its own merits it's just not that great. For a supposedly 3D game, well over half of your time playing is spent in 2D. And what little 3D areas there are tend to be wide, empty corridors. Sonic's controls are also really stiff, the platforming is bland and the Colour Powers are pretty intrusive to the overall flow. Colours isn't bad, but it's far from being "the best 3D Sonic game". It's BARELY 3D.
That said, there's absolutely no faulting the graphics and music of Colours Wii. The game really, really shone in those departments. It looked absolutely fantastic for a 480p Wii game in 2010. And the soundtrack was just sublime. It seems like they've remastered or remixed some of the music for Ultimate and I'm not sure how I feel about that just yet...
On to Colours Ultimate specifically though... oof. No, this doesn't look good. The lighting is dreadful, especially Tropical Resort. The bright, vivid colours of the original Wii game have been washed out by bloom, and shadows are so dark now that they make things appear black. Sonic's animations haven't been improved at all, and in fact now look worse because his eyes don't move even though they did in the Wii version. Even his mouth is is painted on instead of being fully modelled. Certain shadows are even missing in Planet Wisp (such as on the polluted river under the grind rail) and the level of pop-in is embarrassing. I encourage you all to look up some comparison images of the game and see how the two versions stack up.
Like this here, comparing Planet Wisp https://twitter.com/LotteYanson_/status/1404197968480198665
And Tropical Resort:
Why is it do dark? The Wii version should not look this much better, but it does! It's shameful.
Does it look awful? No, certainly not. I'm so obsessed with Sonic that I'm going to notice and critique things that others may not bat an eyelid at. But it looks like an upscaled Wii game with broken lighting. And considering just how gorgeous the original was, this is a huge disappointment.
Colours paved the way most Sonic games that came after it, with Forces superficially resembling Generations but practically playing a lot more like Colours. And Forces was trash. SEGA learned all the wrong lessons from the success of Colours. I don't want this game to bomb or anything. But I hope that reviews come out and say "Colours is alright, but not as good as we remember it being". Cause I really don't think it's all that hot. It's just alright and nothing more.
Colours isn’t a bad game, but was refined by Generations. The 2D sections were frustrating, they were too zoomed out and the movement stiff. I assume this is why they compensated for this with the double jump. The same mistakes were made in Forces too.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is essentially just the PC port. Bet the Switch version doesn’t run at 60fps either!
So many materials made self-illuminating or glowing, yet Sonic, the main character, is poorly lit much of the time. And he's still so small on screen in the side-scroll segments, compared to the 2D classics.
I feel this is yet another case of somewhat mistunderstanding what would constitute an improvement to the visuals.
@Inaroomalone You'd be right in that assumption. Check out the product page for this game on various shops; they're quite clear about the face that only the PS4/XB1 versions actually run at 60 fps! https://www.game.co.uk/en/sonic-colours-ultimate-2859379
And just putting this out there...
I have the Wii and DS version of this game. Sign me up for this game if there's some new levels and the secret boss of the DS version is added.
"Looks rather good." Meaning IGN will give it a 7 when it's released.
Ahh the glorious Eggman PA announcements are back.
@BlueBCA You hit the nail on the head. Colors is okay, but it's really limited and full of blocky 2D sections that don't suit Sonic. I also hope that the critics come out and say "this game isn't as good as we remember it" and give it a lower score. Just being a decent Sonic game isn't really good enough when we have a much better Sonic game in the form of Generations (why was Colors remastered over Generations again?).
I can't wait for this! Such a good game
"I think this will be a sale purchase for me. Or wait until it appears on GP."
Hmm...there are sections that have darker textures and look less vibrant compared to the oroginal
Wow...... what a trip
Looks good. I'll probably be getting it. Played through the DS version recently and enjoyed it.
The word “good” and “Sonic” don’t belong together. Never have. Never will. I didn’t know on-rails games were considered platformers.
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