Sometimes companies send out special packages to social media and YouTube influencers to get some extra exposure.
While Nintendo doesn't always do this sort of thing, it seems this year's E3 is such a big occasion, it's decided to gift packages to certain enthusiasts - with the words "break in case of extreme excitement" on the front of the box.
Included, as you can see, is a hoodie and more. As noted in a message - nothing in the box or the attached letter is apparently a hint at the announcements to come at Nintendo's E3 Direct.
What sort of exciting surprises do you think Nintendo might have in store for us at its E3 Direct broadcast this year? Notice anything else about these special excitement packages that we might have missed?
Share your thoughts down below.
[source twitter.com, via mynintendonews.com]
Comments 71
"Winning" E3 is so easy for Nintendo to obtain. All they have to do is a have a decent Smash reveal, show some BotW2 footage, and 20 minutes of Mario Golf.
That's how low the bar is this year💀
Please tell me where to get that hoodie!!!
like I said. this is going to be something big. maybe Mario galaxy 3? why did they do this? they are letting everyone know that something HUGE is coming. I cannot wait.
@JuiceMan_V don’t agree. Xbox and Bethesda’s showcase was very solid.
It was cool, but they needed to have that show more than anyone else at E3 to prove why XBOX is relevant.
Personally, it was filled with an abundance of CGI and first person shooters and that doesn't quite do it for me, but their future looks bright.
@Longondo Actually, Nintendo could barerly show their new gen of Pokemon games: Pokemon Crap Version and Pokemon Urine version and barely mention their Vomit DLC and fans would go crazy about it.
Fans have reached that Point, were game quality is no longer required, only the brand matters.
No hints, no forecasts, no previews. Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be proud.
I bought my 3ds on launch day. Where's mine? 😤
Ok my money is on Zacian for Smash.
I literally just want a new trailer for Metroid Prime 4 and that would be it. I don't even need a release date, just show you haven't given up on it Nintendo. Everything else would be a bonus.
I was thinking the same thing. The amount of FPS games is mind boggling. I mean , Xbox is starting to diversify...but wow. How many post apocalypse fps games do you need?
Smashbros characters reveal, metroid 4 short trailer. Zelda trailer. Nintendo won everything.
All I want is another Mario Strikers... But I know I'm never gonna get it!
Oh wow, this actually proves that big companies like Nintendo are indeed our friends!
Hey my friends at Nintendo can we get Gamecube games on the eshop or a (new) F-Zero?
@DominoHurley Mi too brudda, mi too.
I think after the past 3 days, Nintendo will have the easiest time in the world to get people excited for anything that's just...anything at all.
"Nintendo puts on competent Direct" FIREWORKS APPEAR
"Please clap" package
Nintendo direct.
We have no games but you can have these novelty pants I wore last week
@Friendly ahahaahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhaha
...good one.
@iuli Totally agree. But they already just spoiled one of the games, so I'll just keep off internet for the next ten hours.
@CorvoRevo ok big boy.
Wow, talk about setting themselves up to fail!
Show the games they announced years ago and they’ll win.
Botw2, bayo3, metroid 4 etc.
@Friendly wait...you was serious ??!?
Oh boy.
@JuiceMan_V it was pretty solid, I can easily fill my gaming year with game pass right up until Elden ring comes out. Would like to mix it up with some handheld action so high hopes that Nintendo bring it today. Although while the bar may be low(every showcase bar Xbox has been disappointing imho) there is plenty of scope for them to disappoint for example if this years big game is Pokemon remakes which we’ve already seen it will not go down well.
@Euler I don't know. I think 4 Celtic crosses in the corner is hinting at something.
"It'll be a SUPER time!" - Super Nintendo Switch XL Pro confirmed.
Besides that, E3 stinks this year. Nintendo already "won" it.
@ares9090 at least Nintendo has quality games you are wrong
@ares9090 I totally agree look at the garbage Sony puts out. the last of us part 1 and 2. Death Stranding. Returnal. God Fall. Demon Souls and Rachet and Clank all Sony does is put out garbage. no real game play. just video game movies and Sony fans buy these games with all the messy bugs and system crashes and they keep buying garbage. the ps5 is a 500 dollar door stop with no real games. and people are still buying it. you are right. there is no quality any more.
So many of the presentations being so barebones is waning my hopes of Zelda news. I guess it's to be expected. Hopefully Nintendo can top the announcement that got me the most excited this E3, which was literally pants.
OJ PLAYER ESSANCE did a video about what was in the package. There are 3 party poppers and one pair of clapping hands. One item for each announcement. I hope we see some good stuff later today.
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone...!!!
Hopefully we get to hear about some new games coming this year and not just the same handful of known releases and more Ports.
The switch is getting hardly anything from third parties so its all on Nintendo to provide the AAA software releases.
What if you only reach moderate excitement?
I'm waiting for smaller or obscure new games from Nintendo Direct.
I'm sure there will be at least 1 or 2 smaller games that I have interest about.
I have Zero interest with BOTW2, Metroid Prime 4, AAA Western games.
I don't need them.
I had a dream last night that there will be a new Wave Race, gutted to wake up and realise it wasn’t real!
Plot twist: What if Nintendo and Xbox paid off all the other companies to have sucky presentations so they could come in and stand out from the croud by being the only ones with competent showings, lol.
They are gearing up for very big announcements, such as Wii music ultimate...
Come on you can’t blame Sony for godfall, that’s on gearbox. What did you expect. Another game probably used to fund more borderlands titles.
More interested in the movie that’s been made ., why oh why I hope for the actors sake it’s not trash j Curtis deserves better . Hope its not a hint that her time on Halloween franchise has ended again.
@CorvoRevo What was so unbelievably bad about the showcase of Xbox and Bethesda?
No Zelda? No Mario?
Unlike Nintendo to be trying to hype their announcements. Might not mean much in the end, Nintendo fans are very capable of setting their expectations too high on their own.
Hoping for a good show, if it’s as good as the Xbox one I’ll be delighted.
Im ready!!! Lets hope its better than the last Direct
I usually keep expectations in check. But I think them sending these may point to Nintendo being confident in their announcements.
Like if they were expecting a weak showing, I think sending these out would just be stupid. It'd just be asking for an unbroken box to be reposted next to someone's disappointed face right afterwards.
It's back.
Come on nintendo so far it's been an extremely lacklustre E3, square was meh. Capcom had nothing. Ubisoft was alright and Xbox was underwhelming. Overall just pants really. Maybe e3 just needs to die
Did anyone notice they used the word “launching soon”, not “announcing soon”?
When is the actual direct CEST?
@PBandSmelly you should stay dead with your negativity.
@Friendly forza horizon 5 was amaaaazing!
@Friendly who are you trying to convince, it was terrible, nothing more than a bunch of titles with no gameplay shown that are years away.
@Scirocco7 YNWA
@HamatoYoshi what?
You obviously didn’t watch the presentation. Most of what was shown was ingame gameplay. Of a massive amount of games.
They didn’t try to sell an individual game. They wanted to sell gamepass. And they very much succeeded in showing the appeal. A lot of very big, day one releases. They also confirmed bethesda games being xbox exclusives. And from now on every two months a very big day one xbox exclusive. Lot of bang for your bucks.
after all i watched all the conferences(Xbox/Bethesda, Ubisoft, Capcom and Square Enix) i worried Nintendo is gonna do a disapointing E3 Direct, remember E3 2015?(Nintendo worst E3).
@broskiplays it sure was. Unbelievable what that game looks like in motion. And the build and trick mode at the end might provide longevity for the game too!
That Microsoft/Bethesda conference was really solid. Hoping Nintendo's Direct will be just as good!!
Certainly was. And Flight Sim. Halo looked a lot better. And I’m really interested in The Ascent, Psychonauts 2, Twelve Minutes and Shredders too.
Oh Nintendo you scoundrels! You better have the stuff to make me go Wa-hoo!
@JuiceMan_V 20 minutes of golf? Sign me up!
Hey, I'm an ambassador too but I didn't receive this...I was there day 1 for the launch of the 3DS and I even have the ambassador certificate to prove it!!!
My expectations are lower than ever thanks to Covid distrupting the whole industry. I judge these things on new announcements and I just don't see many today. Personally, I don't care about new Zelda footage. The moment they announced that game I knew I was buying it. Anything more I see of it now only serves to spoil the game.
@Giancarlothomaz did you forget about Nintendo's 2008 E3? If you think 2015 couldn't have been any worse...
@tntswitchfan68 Thats what I thought. They rarely make that sort of effort so there's no way they would if they weren't completely sure it was going to blow us all away.
Gotta keep expectations in check. I've updated my predictions:
-star fox zero port (August)
-smash fighter, botw champion rep(July)
-animal crossing dlc (July)
-new nsmb (sep)
-splatoon 3 news
-botw2 news, no footage
Same here. This was exactly what I was thinking when they said Nintendo Ambassador
Microsoft and Bethesda have had a decent show. Im excited to see what happens there.
Ubisoft was a joke though.
@BobLong-RickTangle oh yeah, that E3 was very awful.
@pepepopo Apparently there’s a yellow and purple chair hidden on it if you wash it and turn it inside out.
@JuiceMan_V so you missed the XBox showcase yesterday? Starfield?
Wonder if anyone "broke"
@HamatoYoshi @corvorevo
Well, you two were obviously in the minority.
You probably didn’t believe what was shown was actually gameplay, and not cgi.
@Crockin It's almost impressive how wrong these predictions were, they weren't that out there
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