The Nintendo 64 Mario Party games are fondly remembered, despite the fact they led to many destroyed analogue sticks. In any case, Nintendo is setting us up for the festive season with Mario Party Superstars, which arrives on 29th October.
As you can see in the trailer above it'll have 5 boards from that N64 era, promising over 100 minigames and support for button-only controls. Like the recent Super Mario Party update this entry will support full online play.
Are you planning to party with this over the Holiday?
Comments 105
Now my palms can bleed in HD!
First thought this was DLC for Super Mario Party.
Really excited for this!
I guess all the complaining about no DLC for Super Mario Party can finally be put to rest now.
This is what Top 100 for 3DS should of been.
People are complaining that it's only 5 maps...I honestly don't care...I loved the original games in general. (3 being my favorite) I do wished they included GCN as well since I loved 5, but whatever. I wasn't too interested in Super, but this does interest me.
Looks good. Too bad it only has five boards.
Cash grab whilst mario party got bare bones and no extra content.....avoiding this completely
I hope it's good! Rather boring name though.
This is good, but not really must to get now.
I will wait several years later until I found cheaper one.
Ruining friendships and relationships since 1998.
Part of me thinks this looks pretty promising but there's a voice in my head telling me that they'll still manage to stuff it up somehow so I'll wait and see for now. Hopefully it might be alright though. Better than 9, 10 and Super at the very least I'd imagine.
Welp, turns out I wasn't wrong to sell Super Mario Party as it was utterly disappointing. Looking forward to this one, hoping Nintendo keeps it alive after release!
These old boards and games would've been cool to add on to Super Mario Party - but a new release is fine too.
I noticed you can play online and pause games to play later so that's awesome.
really need to fix up the UI on these games lately, so sterile
Nice to see more content, really wish it would’ve been an addon for super Mario party tho.
This was a big announcement for me personally as I loved the N64 Mario Parties back in the day (and still do), but part of me also worries they'll screw things up by having certain Super Mario Party rules (like having gold pipes available regardless of your positioning and such things).
I mean, why not offer this as dlc for Super Mario Party instead of a new game? It would make more sense right?
Besides that, looks really fun, hopefully they won’t add those rotate the stick games that made you bleed lol
Button controls, finally a Mario Party I can buy for the Switch Lite
I got really angry when I realised they were showing this as a new game, instead of as an added DLC to the existing one. The existing one was fun, but lacked some critical things (such as a fun main game). It first seemed they were finally going to add it when they showed this... only to show they were throwing the old one in the garbage and now expect me to spend another 60 on this one. No way, I'll buy mine second hand.
Obvious game that was needed on the switch. Best announcement of E3!
This is a guaranteed way of experiencing joy con drift.
I'm quite excited for this game. I always wanted to experience Mario Party 1, 2, and 3, and now I don't even have to buy an N64!
Nice. Will get it soon.
This 1 game kind of sums up the entire Direct for me.
Old compilations - Monkey Ball and Advance Wars
Could have been DLC - HW:AOC DLC showed more gameplay than new game BotW2. Doom DLC
Other ports like Kakarrot.
They just announced online for Mario Party, why this now?🤷
I've always wanted to lose friends like it's 1999!
@Joeynator3000 I don't understand the limited amount of maps, though.
Wasn't there some sort of licensing issue with Hudson soft/Konami that lead to there not being any good Mario Party games after they stopped making them?
I actually kinda like this. I have a lot of nostalgia for the N64 Mario Partys and the boards and minigames remade look really pretty. Might be fun.
My guess is that this was originally planned as DLC for SMP, but they changed their mind for some reason (like because they realised they could make more money from a full standalone release).
You only have to look at what Birdo says in SMP, and the data mine that occurred a few months back with revealed DLC plans.
Yeah, since ND Cube is unable to make a good MP game by themself they just take the ones from Hudson Soft
But the will still find a way to screw it up
Mario Party for N64 was my life at one point.
I want it done justice. Not a half measure.
What's this about datamined SMP DLC?
I actually like that it's not DLC, I have no interest in Super Mario Party. So requiring to buy it and the DLC would've been way too much for me.
i'm Excited for this one, as a fan of the Mario Party games from N64. can't wait to hear more.
I cant believe this is $60 for 5 boards
Since when did Mario Party became a graphical pioneer? need this so much.
This should of been the DLC that Super Mario Party should of gotten.
Nintendo really snubbing everyone who bought it last year (Including me).
will be getting this off pure nostalgia
SMP was the worst $60 I think I’ve ever spent on a game. Hopefully this ends up being better as I’m pretty sure my wife will insist on getting this.
Don't get me wrong, I want to play this.
But why is this a new game? I'm watching them play it on Treehouse right now. It looks like it's clearly built off of the Super Mario Party engine.
I'm gonna say it. This should have been a DLC expansion. It might be remaking classic boards, but there is no reason to have it be a standalone game anymore.
Wow another recycled game. Nintendo isn’t trying anymore.
@JeanPaul I think they want to wash their hands of Super Mario Party... The way the announcer was like BUTTONS ONLY! sounded almost apologetic, lol
100 games isn't a lot for a compilation. It feels like any regular MP game has more than 100 mini games.
@sixrings lol, I'm guessing they didn't include THOSE games.
Same. The number of boards doesn't matter to me at all. I really liked Super Mario Party. The boards it had were really good and all of the modes felt different, making the game feel a lot more interesting.
@Patendo yes cash grab, I agree, like so many Nintendo releases on the Switch.
they seemed to drop the SUPER mario party brand pretty quick, but this is a remake anyway. this might feel new enough for me since i havent played the 64 games
but still, the fact SMP was barren and dropped so quickly is iffy to me
thank goodness they got rid of the motion controls only. this will be a far more fun Mario party game for me.
Here are the number of minigames from each game.
Mario Party - 50
Mario Party 2 - 65
Mario Party 3 - 71
Mario Party 4 - 60
Mario Party 5 - 77
Mario Party 6 - 82
Mario Party 7 - 88
Mario Party 8 - 73 minigames (81 counting the repeated Duel games)
Mario Party DS - 73
Mario Party 9 - 81
Mario Party Island Tour - 81
Mario Party 10 - 75
Mario Party Star Rush - 53
The Top 100 - 100
Super Mario Party - 84
Taken from Mario Wiki.
You are aware things like this do require effort and people have been asking for a game exactly like this?
They did say you can play online against randos, right? If so, this may be the first Mario Party I'll purchase since the N64!
8 is far and away my favorite Mario Party. I would LOVE a re-release of that. I still have it on my Wii and play it from time to time. Excited for this one though!
Day 1 and a half
Excited for this, but will they finally utilize the invite feature on the Switch?!
Gonna break a lot of joycons.
Should have been DLC.
Cannot wait! 😊 Woop woop!
This is just..... Lazy
This could of been added as dlc for super mario party but greedy Nintendo went their usual path and will charge full whack
This and Warioware were standouts for me personally; I hope it isn't solely 5 boards, and if it is JUST 5 we better get Wario's Battlefield on this one.
Only 5 boards is a bit underwhelming, but other than that, the game looks solid.
Glad that it also supports standard button controls so Switch Lite players and those who prefer the Pro controller aren't forced to use or buy a pair of JoyCons.
Super Mario Party was a massive hit - I'm expecting the same for this unless the quality is unexpectedly bad.
@lighteningbolt79 Expected more, but it's barely above the average.
This is a big winner. I thought the first Switch Party was nice, but the lack of button only support eliminated all Switch Lite players and the lack of decent online support was dreadful. Picking this up.
Initial thoughts: Annoyed it's not DLC for Super Mario Party
Further Reflection: Probably for the best since Super Mario Party doesn''t work on Switch Lite
After getting the very weak first Mario Party, I'll wait for this one to be on sale.
Why didn’t they just make this a DLC for Super Mario Party?
Sorry but the entire Direct was disappointing to me
@Octane While it might seem like a small amount, you have to keep in mind that across three games, there really isn't any more that they can pull over to add to the total of "over 100 games" that already exist. 50 games in MP1, 65 in MP2, and 71 in MP3 might seem like a lot, but MP2 reused many games from MP1. Also, there are games that don't quite fit the current Mario Party structure (the 1-Player games and coin stealing games from MP1 come to mind).
@russell-marlow @cheetahman91 @Joeynator3000 the fact that these are only from the N64 games and not a larger compilation like the Top 100 on the 3DS is giving me hopes that this may actually have further DLC from the Gamecube era... although that is still a long time off.
@RhiannonRune My thoughts exactly. I really wanted this to be DLC, but it definitely makes more sense this way. Only thing is now if I want to play this online with my brother and his fiance we need two copies of the game between us and this could end up much more expensive than of these mini games and boards with DLC
@SwitchVogel Except this isn't that, it's a separate $60 purchase.
Super Mario Party is fun but I hope that in this they make more ways to play besides just using a joy con.
In quote again from the 3DS's reveal trailer
"We partied like it was 1999...because it was"
As long as I love Nintendo and Mario Party, this feels (again) like another attempt to recycle successful games with not enough content (5 boards only, the original had 8), squeezing nostalgia, and thst won't change anytime soon. Nintendo is just becoming more and more lazy and they can make millions of excuses to be less risky than the competition because the nature of the entertainment industry but charging 60 bucks for everything feels like robbery if you compare all the complexity and amount of work put in other console games. The only first party games that felt complete in content and effort were breath of the wild, odyssey and Xenoblade. Switch is filled with WiiU ports and indies, they playing very safe and innovation is falling behind.
@Noel360 You can. During the Treehouse gameplay they said it’s button-only and can be used with all controller types.
@Yoshi @LavaTwilight the minigames are taken from "across the series", not just the first three. They even featured "Booksquirm", from MP4, in the trailer and promotional material.
Also I might be wrong, but I think the cover art on the eshop/this article's thumbnail shows a brand new board?
This looks like one of the better Mario Parties from what I can tell, unfortunately probably won't be getting it since I have no one to really play it with.
This is 1000% what the first one should have been!
@Eel really? That would be annoying... although that doesn't mean they can't include extra boards and added minigames still. I watched the Treehouse and it seemed like all the games were from the first 3 MP games... unless I missed one. It does seem heavily stacked to the N64 era though
Should be $20, maybe $30 tops. Will wait to see if it ever reaches a reasonable price tag.
Ive not watched the trailer yet but Boiii I sure hope they raised the challenge / difficulty by alot. The last Mario party on switch had absolutley no challenge what so ever boring asf was literally made so a 2 year old could beat it with their eyes closed. Was 100% trash of a game. They better have brought back the n64 mechanics. 🙄
Getting it. Still play Super Mario Party with the wife and kids, so this was an instant no-brainer to be added to my wishlist.
Mario Party the Top 100 but good.
I notice the UI has the N64 system next to the title of the game on the minihame screen. This seems like a possible nod to future dlc or updates with GameCube minigames or boards. Atleast I hope so. The current offering is too sparse.
@SwitchVogel well, it's not $20 Mario Party DLC (which it should be), but instead a $60 remaster cash grab.
I’ll never understand the people who are calling this a cash grab for not being dlc, one of super Mario party has a different dice system make it Super Mario party dlc!, has an entirely different board structure to super make it super Mario party dlc!, one of the playable characters in super Mario party wouldn’t work in this game because he’s also the villain game has to be super Mario party dlc!, game has twice the amount of content as super and would be the equivalent of new horizons level of finishing the game later…… SUPER MARIO PARTY DLC!!!!
@Eel the eshop shows woody woods a board from Mario party 3 and it seems as though the minigames span as far as mp7 from what we’ve seen so far
@Dizzymario Ah so that's from 3? Interesting I didn't remember that one. Looks like a really nice "naturalized" version of that board, with actual trees instead of paper cutouts and without the white track. Interesting!
Kinda torn. On the one hand, a "greatest hits" collection from the N64 era sounds absolutely perfect. On the other, I already have Super Mario Party and haven't yet played it as much as I'd like.
@MS7000 hi, silly quetions, is this same as 3DS or just N64? there are some great minigames from cube parties, 4, 5 and 6. In fact I saw one of those from cube games on the trailer...
@JAPBOO I can't vouch for the minigames, but my understanding is this new game is 5 boards from Mario Party's 1-3 (just looked on the game page on Nintendo UKs site, mentions gamecube games as well so minigames from 1-7 look likely, I am unsure if the minigames will be exactly the same at present as wording is ambiguous).
Top 100 on 3DS was 100 minigames chosen from MPs 1-10, not including handheld entries, but only had one board from what I remember which was generic.
I hope that helped.
@MS7000 it does, thank you!
I really want more than 5 boards from the N64 era. It'd be better to have all, or at least, many of the boards from the N64 era. Literally remaking a compilation of the first 3 games, with modern character options, and optional rule sets from later entries would be fine with me.
Also, I seem to recall enjoying the board mechanics/rules of MP to MP5. If Nintendo really wanted to go out of their way, they would remake a set number of MP titles, as one Switch game, allowing players to, where possible, use rule sets from the other MPs.
I'll be keeping my eyes on this, because I'll probably get it, though I will have to wait, and see.
I'll get this one on a sale. I got burned hard by Super Mario Party and would have been more than fine with this being a paid add-on to that one.
That having been said, making this Switch Lite and Pro Controller-compatible does make this somewhat more appealing.
@Joeynator3000 Is it actually confirmed to have only 5 maps?
Sounds to me like they plan on making more free downloadable content when the game launches like with their other Mario spin-off games.
I was interested in the original, but rarely had people to play with, so I never played it or any of the sequels. If this is good and the online is good, I might get it.
So many people on this comment section who can't understand the fact that this wouldn't work as DLC. Especially because SPM requires a single joycon whereas this one doesn't and people still throw a temper tantrum. What a disaster.
@Heavyarms55 This game wouldn't work as DLC because Super Mario Party requires a single joycon, and this doesn't. Not to mention the items cost differently in both games.
Why are people upset over that this is a new game rather than DLC? Back on the GameCube they had a new Mario Party pretty much every year.
I'd argue it only adds to that discussion in that it should have been dlc.
This reeks of pure money grabbing from Ninty, of all the first party games that have had a sequel being craved, they chose this.
Let's remember here we haven't actually had a Mario Kart yet that the Switch can truly call it's own.
Worst announcement of the otherwise pretty darn good direct and that's more from a business practice perspective.
@NorseGamerTommy See the above. That's possibly why, certainly is for me.
What? You're not making sense.
A Mario Party greatest hits collection? I can definitely get behind this. The fiancée and I both enjoy Super Mario Party on the Switch, so this will be a big hit for us, we'll be picking it up for sure. I also like that it's buttons only, instead of motion controls, that way people who only own a Switch Lite, can now play a Mario Party game.
@Rosona Haha, fair point! I think it speaks volumes that people couldn't tell during the direct whether this is standalone or DLC. Hell, I think it'd be better received even if it was $60 DLC. Standalone is indeed a bold move on Nintendo's part
I hope we don't have to fake high five after every single minigame. Keep the game moving, it's long enough already.
Mario Party Superstars has more content than Super Mario Party (even if that content was remade from older games). There was no chance Nintendo was going to sell Superstars as Super Mario Party DLC as that DLC would have offered more content than the main game.
Also, all minigames in Superstars support standard button controls, which is not at all the case for the minigames in Super Mario Party.
The only thing I find super weird is so far we don't know if Daisy is in the game, I'd be really surprised if she isn't when Waluigi is, so I'm sure they'll add her... and maybe some more other characters can be added.
@Donkey-Kong-Fan Golly it's not like DLC have ever changed the rules to a game or introduced new modes or anything...
Except that that's exactly what all the best DLC tend to do.
All they need to do has have a controller mode and a joycon mode. And the cost of items is nothing. It's literally just a single value in the code. I know almost nothing about programing. But even I could change something like that.
I know this makes no sense but I would should pay the same asking price if presented as DLC. A stand alone? Get out of here!!
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