For gamers of a certain vintage or anyone aware of its popularity, the recent release of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 on various platforms was a big deal. Switch players have had to wait a bit longer, albeit with the reassuring news that original developer Vicarious Visions is working on the port.
The good news is that the release date has finally dropped, with Nintendo of America confirming it arrives on 25th June.
That's not too far away, and this is definitely a game with the right vibe for summer gaming.
Are you planning to pick this up on Switch?
Comments 66
FIRST! Yes, I have it on PS4/5 and will be double dipping!
Finally. LETS GO.
Next up 1080 please, I'd even settle for Steep. PLEASE.
Gameplay looks really good on switch.
Hell yes. This is among the most exciting things coming to Switch, for me. So long as there’s a physical release..
Woohoo!! Pending performance reviews, I will be grabbing this and Skyward Sword this summer. Lots of good memories of playing THPS 2 back on the original PS.
@Diogmites It's def worth another look. I love playing this and just free skating with my bros. It can be equally a chill and knuckle grinding experience.
As many people as possible should grab this, one of the best remakes of all time. I still put some hours into it here and there.
If the Switch port is any good I'll definitely pick it up.
@Qwertyninty probably not switch gameplay 0
This comes out within a few days of the Blasphemous deluxe physical release and Ys IX😩. Might have to wait for this but I absolutely will be picking it up at some point.
They had the best soundtrack of any skateboard game, period.
Skating + Punk/Skatepunk/Ska punk = Bliss
Clearly watching too much Digital Foundry as I saw the gif and immediately thought that it looks like the character is floating across the screen due to the lack of shadow of the skateboard and motion from the puddle when riding over it xD
Loved the originals on PSone so might check this out.
@Friendly there is a video on YouTube you can watch of actual switch gameplay. Looks really good.
Man, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is one of the earliest memories of video games that I have lol. They had a PlayStation and N64 at this after-school program I used to be in when I was in Kindergarten. I remember playing it constantly, the thing is I don't remember which one it was in particular lol. Luckily both 1 and 2 are included here, so I can't wait to pick this up!
Maybe I'll remember which one I used to play once I hear the soundtrack lol.
Sweet, I have it preordered since I cant play it on xbone.
It’s Activision, so nope.
@Qwertyninty i’ll take a look, thanks!
Next must-purchase, I spent so many hours on the 2nd game back in the day on PS1. I have been holding out for this Switch port and resisted buying it for PS4.
My nostalgia meter runs high with this game. I was originally planning on getting this for my PS4, but when I found out it was coming to the Switch, it was a no brainer to wait for the Switch release.
@Friendly 👍🏾
If the port's good, I'll buy. I'm doing the same waiting game with Subnautica. I can play them on PC, but obviously they're more comfortable to have on the Switch.
@Aronin Yeah Tony Hawks 2 in particular has an absolutely cracking soundtrack.
@Qwertyninty you’re right, it does look really good! thanks!
I mean.. really stinks it's coming at that time tucked between mario golf and skyward sword. I was really looking forward to it but ill wait til August.
@Friendly yep it looks damn good.
Like many have said the 1st and 2nd game really played a big part in defining the PS1 era. Especially at my high school. Everyone was playing and going over to various houses after school to play in groups was normal. If it's a good port I may have to give it a look.
Given how things usually play out here in the Nintendo Life comments I'm not looking forward to it getting trashed by the usual many (especially if it turns out to be a great port). Why? Because the technical aspect of the port will never be enough to satisfy
This is going to be the final thing Vicarious Visions ever releases huh? After this they're full time Blizzard support.
I grew up playing THPS on N-Gage of all things and loved it. I had a suspicion from the start that they'd port the remake to Switch eventually so I held off buying the PC version. I want to play the game on a handheld again and this time with more than 2 songs. The N-Gage port was really good otherwise but the music selection was really small. Not sure if it was just 2 songs but it felt like it.
I'm glad it comes in June and not in May or July. I haven't been buying that many new games at release for a year or two but this spring/summer period for this year is stacked with games I want to play.
Does it have a GBA mode?
Yes, there's a physical release. With a standard distribution, too, not any kind of limited run thing. I already have mine pre-ordered.
How many of these remakes can they do? Had one on pc 20 years ago. Had one a few years ago. Released a new one.
Nice! I have this on my ps4 but I may pick this up on the switch as well so I can play it on the go.
Tony hawk 2 was by far the best skateboarding game ever. No need for anything but a remaster.
@nessisonett wouldn't want to support Activision after they're recent decision to make toys for Bob yet another developer doomed to work on cod
@Would_you_kindly Except the entire reason Toys For Bob are being drafted to work on COD is because Crash 4 under delivered. So by voting with your wallet with this game, they’re more likely to make another one.
Will double dip on this providing it's a physical release....
Nice, I already got this on my Xbox but I'm definitely going to get it on the Switch, need this on my Switch Lite.
Best day of the year
I was talking about this on Reddit just yesterday haha!
Nice for Switch enthusiasts. I'll stay with my PS4 copy, where I'm already not willing to pay 10 extra bucks for the PS5 upgrade 😁
@Darlinfan sorry didn't realise I was making decisions for people other than myself.
I’m actually much more excited for this than Skyward Sword!
Sweet. I got it on PC a few months back but I may double dip once it goes on sale for the portability and physical copy. For those who have yet to play it... it's a great remake and a ton of fun.
I'm really hoping we see more of Crash, Spyro, and Tony Hawk from Activision!
Will double dip if the game's on the cartridge. Otherwise, I'll skip this like I skipped the Spyro trilogy (which I would love to have picked up otherwise).
We like Activision now? Oh...wait! We ignore bad companies when they make a game we like only to complain when their bad practices block said games. Gotcha.
Hell yeah. Last year I restarted playing it on the 64 since I was wanting to play through it again. This’ll be a way easier way
@BanjoPickles I can understand that.
Skyward Sword is a Wii game in 1080p.
Tony Hawks a Remake.
But even though, I'll get Skyward Sword 😊
Can't wait! I already have it on PS4 and Xbox but I've wanted it on Switch since day one. June is my birthday month and it's packed full of games I'll be picking up.
Mario Golf
Ratchet & Clank
Tony Hawk 1 & 2
My two most played games at the time the originals came out. Especially Pro Skater 1! Rented over a weekend without knowing what to expect and played it probably for 48 hours straight mildly exaggerating . Definitely getting this.
I can't wait!!!! Amazing how this beat Skater XL to a Switch release though!
It's a great port but I wonder how much people who didn't experience the originals will enjoy it. The physics and gameplay are very accurate to the originals. Which IMHO means it won't make much sense to gamers who didn't grow up with the series. Could be wrong!
@Sparrowhawk There is indeed, Ged. Check Amazon.
Been waiting for this THPS 1+2 Remake to come to Switch. Hopefully nothing significant is compromised in the port.
Let's Goooo!!!
That, and SS is my second least favorite Zelda, behind Spirit Tracks.
I'll pick it up as long as there is no DRM attached to it.
@BanjoPickles Sadly, I never completed Skyward on Wii. I was on dungeon 3, I think and didn't know what to do and than I lost the hang and drifted off the game.
I regret that, but I heard a lot in the last time, that people didn't like Skyward Sword.
The DS Zelda games, I never played these.
@wuntyme8 120 fps on PS5 and 30 fps on Switch. That's a massive downgrade. I'm sure it will also drop off of 30 fps because the Switch is allergic to stable framerates.
The great thing about these remakes (on PS4 at least, I cannot speak for other versions) is that they bring you the games today as you remember them.
Everything looks and sounds good, and is fun as heck to play, just as it did and was back in the day.
Aging has been compensated by some outstanding plastic surgery.
I only wish you could change the looks of all skaters - not just your created one- with your purchases from the shop, because Chad Muska couldn't dress then, and he still can't now.
For those of you who have missed out on the orginal games, simply bear in mind that THPS 2 stands at number 2 on Metacritic's all time ranking, right behind a mediocre Peter Pan impersonator with a flute.
If its anything like Tony Hawks Proving Ground on DS, Ill buy it. Loved that game. I remember you could change the characters voice for when he falls etc, it was so much fun.
Lazy developers and bad prioritization at its finest.
Pass. I have zero faith this will be a quality port.
does it have the music?
I will always put any Tony Hawk game above any game I have ever played in my whole life!
It’d be hilarious(ly bad) if this ends up lacking 60fps locked.
At the very least have a performance mode and not have look like p**s
@Ambassador_Kong well damn. That being said 30FPS isn't so bad when you're used to it lol
@RogerFederer Savage burn lol. Gotta agree though, Tony shaped my childhood in a way that Peter Pan never could.
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